Linux subsystem for Windows


> Get latest Windows10 Anniversary Update
> Enable Developer Mode in Windows Configuration
> Go to Add/Remove Programs
> Click on Add/Remove Windows Features
> Check the "Linux subsystem for Windows (Beta)
> Restart computer



Where was you when Mac was kill?

Other urls found in this thread:

How did you got screenfetch on it?

git clone


It's GNU/Linux, newfriend.

>tfw Windows and Ubuntu together
is this a botnet party?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

No, it's NT/Linux. :^)

I should try that again now, I first did it a few months ago and it came out screwy

What does this do exactly? Run a Linux distro on top of Windows? How does that even work?

I disagree. I think that just because Linux was compiler using GNU C Compiler doesn't mean it's GNU/Linux.

Uh no, it's GNU userland on NT kernel so GNU/NT.

Stop trying to get anons to use windows 10 on Sup Forums pajeet.

I'm no linux pro or something but would it be possible to have your own DE running ontop of windows?

It is possible if you run an external X server like VcXsrv under windows use it as display


GNU/Linux doesn't refer to the kernel (that's just Linux, even rms knows that), but to the whole operating system. You'll find that GNU's contributions are way greater than just the compiler.
On another note, it would be more appropriate to call this new abomination GNU/Windows.


$ uname -srv
Linux 3.4.0+ #1 PREEMPT Thu Aug 1 17:06:05 CST 2013

This is just for dicking around, if you're using Windows, you already have access to a superior suite of programs anyway.

>American Software Engineer

Isn't he from northern EU?


I installed guile the other day. It was painless.

Why do we need Linux anymore if we have GNU + Windows?

>S U M M E R

It's like Wine, but backwards and proprietary.

>OS within an OS


GNU/Windows > GNU/Linux

Glorious Finland.

WSL is not for me yet.

It gets ass kicked by VM for my workload of heavy disk IO (compiling,etc) because that translation is not so fast.

>16259 MiB

like this?
Run VcXsrv

>Uh no, it's GNU userland on NT kernel so GNU/NT.

So, legally speaking, how the fuck is Microsoft able to link their proprietary OS to the GPL'ed GNU coreutils and ship the two together as one proprietary product? Could the FSF get a sales ban on Windows for copyright infringement?

Half the commands in this garbage don't even work right. Just try typing "ip link" to see what I mean.

>Linux subsystem for Windows (Beta)
Is this stable or should I wait?

Exactly what is this ubuntu on windows shit, and how does it work I've seen people use it a lot, hell even saw a kid with mmpcc player or whatever you call it

They are not linking anything or shipping GPL code. They did a clean room (proprietary) implementation of Linux syscalls, GPL bash/Ubuntu is supplied by 3rd party Canonical with an external download.

It's not actually Linux at all as the Linux kernel isn't used. It's just GNU

Yeah, but he's a software engineer in America

Should be GNU/NT because Windows is not the kernel, NT is.


Same way Canonical gets away with shipping that legal time bomb known as ZFS.

It's fine

>install anniversary update
>optical drive starts spinning on boot
>but somehow windows doesnt recognize it
>also the photo app doesnt work anymore after uninstalling office 2016
>have to view gifs in IE

brb gonna kms

>mfw ms products exists on Android.
Linus has won.

for a price

funny, i got windows 10 pro, EDU, 7 pro, and office 16 proplus for free, and all legit

How do I get the Win 10 Anniversary Update?

I've updated my system and it doesn';t seem to have it. Do I need to be a insider?

Go to the update settings and wait.
After a minute or so, it should say
>install Gentoo
It'll then download the OS update and you'll have to reboot for it to finish updating.

C'mon, you're not even trying.

Can you be an inside with a local account rather than linking my windows to a Microsoft account?

you have to set your computer to developer mode (or something like that)
then reboot, and under add an applications you should find the linux sub system

So i installed the ubuntu for windows bash now, but what is my root password?

So how do I get Emacs GUI to work with this? Do I need to install x11?

where is the update at? i havent had it. anyone have kb link?


what's the point? what can you do with it?

If you want to run Linux, run Linux. The windows 10 "subsystem" is a half assed emulator.

good riddance

Windows 10 updates are staggered, meaning major updates are not made available to all PCs at the same time after the release.

Updates are available first for those configurations which would have no issues. If still issues are found, those are resolved and then they move to other configurations. This goes on till all machines have updates installed.

tl;dr: You will get it when Microsoft thinks there will be no issues during or after install of update.

But if you want the update NOW, then you have two options:

1) Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant
Click the blue Get the Anniversary Update now button and install the app.
This simple app will basically force Windows Update to to install anniversary update.
If this does not work. (usually have issues with machines with low disk space). Then try:

2) Windows Media Creation Tool
Yes it creates media (downloads iso and installs it on disc or usb), BUT it can also be used to do fresh install of latest Windows 10 over older version of Windows 10 while keeping your apps and files. Just download this app and select "Upgrade this pc now". It will download the original iso and install it on top of existing version of Windows (while keeping files and apps).

Both of those methods don't work for me. Anybody manage to get it working on Windows 10 education?


Pottering is a mole

What error did you get ?

oh man good idea!

fucking faggot

has anyone been able to get a working build environment for mpv using lachs0rs script

i compiled cmake 3.6.1 but ninja doesn't work at all

you know there is a windows binary for mpv?


i'm not using that mingw garbage

Here's an easier way to do it.
1) Create and Ubuntu bootable usb/dvd
2) Tell Windows it can go fuck itself
3) Erase disk and install Ubuntu


MinGW isn't garbage and it's amazing how they managed to squeeze in C11/C++14 support by hacking it in with the GCC source code and only relying on msvcrt.dll and kernel32.dll. That being said, it's very hard to get a working environment that isn't garbage.

Whatever password you put in it when it prompts you to create a UNIX user account. If you forgot, just rerun the installation.

>mingw garbage
You know that lachs0rs used the same shit right?

sorry i meant msys2 not mingw

ells me to check in with muh enterprise and server admins. using Enterprise here

MSYS2 is pretty crappy but considering its goals, it's a pretty okay piece of software although I think using pacman isn't the best of ideas.

There's not much you can do with "native" Windows and trying to provide as much POSIX compatibility that works without running into a ton of Windows specific behavior and hacks. Otherwise, you would just use Cygwin and it's just a big no considering how much cruft it has.

In any case, what is Ninja even doing when you are trying to build with it? It's working on my pet project using cmake.

Thanks, it's funnier the second time

actually the first problem i come across is cmake not being able to find cmakelists.txt even when it's in the right directory

Use the forked one which actively maintain. It also mention needed package for ubuntu wsl. I successully compile with it last night.

You need to upgrade to xenial and made ubuntu use bash instead of dash. Some package fail to compile in 32bit since wsl doesn't support compatibility ABI (yet) like -m32,-mx32. Compiling for 64bit should work

Do you even know how CMake works from the command line? If you are running a script that is trying to find cmake from a custom install, then you have to either modify or use update-alternatives to make it work. The cmake in the repository for 12.04 is like 2.7 or something.

it's 2.8 on 14.04 and i need at least 3.3 for this apparently

When you do a make install for your custom version and self-compiled the cmake binary, it lands in /usr/local/bin/. You need to either modify the script so it points to the right cmake at that location or you use update-alternatives to put an alias for your local cmake so the script works.

Also, CMake below 3.0 is pretty crap because it's missing a ton of features that make writing the CMakeLists.txt a lot easier.

Well... that is what is supposed to happen. IT department controls the deployment of new updates.


>tfw I can't install elixir or ghc on this "Ubuntu on Windows"
I'm excited for it in principle, but so many things aren't working.

Emacs can't even work on it.

Can it run in wine?