Any rational reason not to use a MacBook Pro other than being poor?

So what's your excuse for not having a MacBook Pro?

Other urls found in this thread:

The most powerful MemeBook is not powerful enough for my needs and they are designed to be painfully difficult to upgrade.

It's powerful enough to be used by actual professionals though.

You don't need to upgrade because the default specs are already the most ideal.

It's not powerful enough for my needs and I am an actual professional. Different professions have different needs and my needs exceed the specifications of even the most powerful MemeBook.

I do need to upgrade because the default specs are insufficient, and not ideal as a result.

A dollar and fifty cents for a scooter seems like a good price

I want to spend my money on my hobbies instead of making a fashion statement.

>actual professionals

Like HuffPo staff?

What's your profession?

>overheats and performance isn't that good
>user upgrades or repairs are practically impossible

i would have thought this pic was mexico due to trump being anti-mexicans.

also, it's in Australia. I can tell from the telstra telephone box.

I have one an i think it makes for a decent 1200$ DVD player. Too bad it has a shitty glowy screen. Still prefer my 700$ laptop with a mate panel and that does pretty much everything my mac does but far better.

Professional shitposter

Could be any proffession that doesn't exclusively consist in typing text and sorting excel sheets.

The guy who painted this ended up painting a burqa over it after people complained about it. Australians really are natural shit posters.

So you don't own a PC from any year past 1998, then?


they complained about the burqa too, so he just has to take it down entirely

>I never actually used a MacBook in my life: The post.

>Any rational reason not to use a MacBook Pro other than being poor?
MacOSX, hardware hasn't been upgraded in 5 years, not part of the LGTB community, don't need an expensive paperweight right now.

but apparently you should be proud of being gay. This must mean being gay is a good thing?

Macbooks aren't expensive in the first place. It's just a bad laptop and you can get better for the same price or lower.


My cousin also has a 2013 macbook which is hot and loud even while idling. Still, that's nothing more than an anecdote.

No but if you're gay, owning a mac is a good thing. It lets you pick up guys at starbucks.

i dont want my lap to set on fire

>MacBook Pro running at 0.8ghz!
> I dusted out my MBP last week and most of the issues were solved..

Its literally nothing. I have a 2014 rMBP and its fine. If you dont clog up the fan with your chettoos dust, there is nothing to worry about.

SP3 has better screen

>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel themselves has admitted it's utter shit now and has trashed the design to go back to copying 90's era laptops with solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>ultra shit tier zero travel chiclet keyboard
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats at the slightest task because abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz because of chronic overheating problems
>retina meme supposedly for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating makes it impossible to use anywhere outside or with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air is even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade from overheating

Are there any laptops as shit as applel laptops?

Not very powerful.
Extremely difficult to repair or upgrade.
Poor connectivity.
Shit keyboard.
Mediocre battery life.
Not very sturdy.
I hate metal cases.

Quit shilling, oh wait you probably need money because you buy overpriced fashion technology.

>So what's your excuse for not having a MacBook Pro?
I don't want one.


>horrendous battery management

obvious bait senpai, heres your (You)

>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel themselves has admitted it's utter shit now and has trashed the design to go back to copying 90's era laptops with solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>ultra shit tier zero travel chiclet keyboard
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats at the slightest task because abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz because of chronic overheating problems
>retina meme supposedly for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating makes it impossible to use anywhere outside or with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air is even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade from overheating

Are there any laptops as shit as applel laptops?


>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel themselves has admitted it's utter shit now and has trashed the design to go back to copying 90's era laptops with solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>ultra shit tier zero travel chiclet keyboard
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats at the slightest task because abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz because of chronic overheating problems
>retina meme supposedly for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating makes it impossible to use anywhere outside or with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air is even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade from overheating

Are there any laptops as shit as applel laptops?

I'm confident it can handle your shitty anime

>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel themselves has admitted it's utter shit now and has trashed the design to go back to copying 90's era laptops with solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>ultra shit tier zero travel chiclet keyboard
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats at the slightest task because abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz because of chronic overheating problems
>retina meme supposedly for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating makes it impossible to use anywhere outside or with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air is even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade from overheating

Are there any laptops as shit as applel laptops?

desktop ricer

I own a SP3 and sorta regret it because you can't comfortably have it on your lap and I'm sure it takes up more desk space when you want to use the keyboard than a normal laptop of the size
I still like it though

Do any of you actually work in tech? I challenge anyone working at any remotely relevant company to check on what kind of laptops their software engineers use. It's all macbook pros.

I work in the Aeronautics industry
Everyone uses Thinkpads or Toughbooks

my home computer is no more than a browser and vlc platform.
I don't need a fucking mac for that.

I prefer my laptop to have a dock.

Okay sure, probably because the kind of software you'd require isn't on OSX. But take facebook, Google, airbnb, github, uber, etc.

Lol hipster = cancer
Linux > u

Daily reminder that using any personal laptop (i.e. not assigned by a company) other than a macbook reveals your crippling autism and complete inability to function socially.

Or the fact that you are too poor to be buying a laptop

Because their specs are horrendous for the price they make you pay.

Oops, I fell for the shill bait.

Well I doubt they compile on their laptops, they probably offload it to a Red Hat server or something like that

I had an apple computer. The glass surface panel got an iphone-style fissure within a couple weeks, which could have been avoided by simply protecting the screen with a plastic frame.

I'm not ever touching apple again, their build quality is utterly horrible.

>I dropped my laptop because I'm a mentally disabled mess

It wasn't a laptop.

WHy do shills have to exist. There are so many other places you could be an annoying shit yet you chose Sup Forums.

Follow the herd, die with the herd.

Mediocrity never got anyone anywhere.

while (shill.locale == hi) {
shill.BodyFunctions.defecate(new Loo());

Dont worry it wont overheat since you wont use it for anything that taxing. Unless you want to be on facebook all day and rest it on your bed then it will overheat

They still haven't made a keyboard that works like the surface book (more like a normal laptop) that works with the sp3 or sp4????

Because when I compared them at the time, a $1500 xps13 was better value than a macbook and also had better GNU/Linux support.


>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel themselves has admitted it's utter shit now and has trashed the design to go back to copying 90's era laptops with solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>ultra shit tier zero travel chiclet keyboard
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats at the slightest task because abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz because of chronic overheating problems
>retina meme supposedly for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating makes it impossible to use anywhere outside or with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air is even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade from overheating

How do you like dem apples?

But I do

Does anybody know of a laptop that if linux friendly, but feels like a macbook?

My work gave me a macbook, and it is nice to use, but I don't really need something this powerful or expensive for shitposting on Sup Forums, and any real work I do on personal projects is offloaded onto my server.

I looked at MacBook Pro when I was in the market for a laptop but even the most powerful one available wasn't enough for me. In the end I got a faster laptop with a nicer screen for less money

Wait just realized I'm a fucking faggot.

Bad eletricity can fuck your fragile hardware easily.

Because my last Macbook Pro broke down in a number of ways and I can no longer trust Apple with build quality.

>needing a powerful laptop
>not just offloading any real work to a home server

wew lad

I'm not even a mac advocate, but you're fucking retarded

If you enjoy being a freak, by all means go for it

I wanted a comfy machine to post in bed from, and I already do any ``real'' computing on my home server
Looks fairly linux-friendly.

lol google has their own flavour of ubuntu called goobuntu. you dont need a mac to work at google.

The software our drone uses doesn't have a mac version.

I did the same. I was looking for a powerful laptop for art and considered Macs first.
Their hardware seemed to be in the mid region, where as a gayming laptop which cost about 800 less had top of the line hardware.
Would have gone for a MacBook despite some extra cost, if they only had the top of the line GPU and CPU available.
After all, OSX does seem to have a better compatibility with Wacom tablet drivers, than Windows.

I'm not poor and I jumped ship at Mavericks. Was a loyal Applefag until Jobs died and watched my beloved overlords perish in the seas of idiocy and mediocrity. If you're hot shit now, you run a pc with loonix.

>even the most powerful one available wasn't enough for me
>I wanted a comfy machine to post in bed from

>tfw even the most powerful mac can't keep up with your shitposting

You're an idiot if you think you need a powerful laptop to do art that isn't video editing and maybe dealing with very large (50MP+) photos.

You're an idiot if you buy a mac


Sorry but I'm not gonna drop a thousand dollars on a laptop that's only good for going on the Internet and writing basic documents, and will become obsolete if I look at it for too long.

1500 burger tickets for the newest one, you could buy a top of the line 2014 gaming PC with that same money and get something that is at least 20 times better than your fashion accessory, no one uses applel shit anyway sans homos and dumb girls.

> a comfy machine to post in bed
Windows 10 gtfo
> I already do any ``real'' computing
What are you computing? Hello world in visual Basic?
Stop shitposting pajeet

Damage control

I have a 15" rMBP that I got free from work (the flagship model, i7-4980HQ, Radeon M370X).

It's just "okay". The lack of USB ports is annoying sometimes. OSX's numerous little usability flaws often get to me. The font rendering is sometimes weird and blurry-looking. The trackpad and screen are its strongest suits, but I prefer the TrackPoint anyway. The charger is nice, I guess. It gets extremely loud and hot when doing anything intensive (which is unsurprising I suppose, given the caliber of CPU they fit in such a slim machine).

I don't hate it, like it's fine, but I wouldn't pay $4200 AUD for one with my own money.

>What are you computing?
cuda tripcode cracker, m8

Sure, you can scribble any kinds of lines even with your phone or Nintendo DS without any real strain on the machine, but you're an idiot if you think that art is solely composed of light linework.

Also if you enjoy having massive brush lag when using +100px brushes in Photoshop, then more power to you, but I prefer to work without that.
Even something like previewing a short 2D animation is going to make your computer think a bit.
Sure lesser hardware gets the job done, but I don't want to wait a minute for it to load up on an undervolted dual core CPU.

Not to mention at the moment I'm working on a comic page, which is bigger than that 50MP photo file.

i work with revit and 3dsmax

pretty much a no-no for me at least

i guess if you are an artist/video editor it's ok, if you need it for architecture or engineering you are pretty much fucked up

Didn't believe this at first. Makes perfect sense.

>not using mac = being a freak

Why are you trying so hard to fit in? Are you a lemming?

see how easy it is

I can get a thinkpad with wacom support, Skylake i5, and dedicated GPU for 900 at best buy. I don't need any shit exclusive to apple