Women in Tech

Do you agree that we need more women in technology fields and programming?

How would you encourage them sensibly without the use of affirmative action and quotas?

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People should be hired based on qualifications, period. I don't care if you're E.T. the fucking alien, if you can do your job, just do it and shut the fuck up.

Women can go into tech if they want, literally who cares?

Idk lol

I completely agree. The problem for the male STEM students is that their female counterparts mostly act entitled as fuck:

Due to the extremely high male to female ratio the females can look like shit and act like assholes and still get decent looking guys because the males have to pick from a very limited "supply".

--> Male STEM students (and also the few female STEM students who don't want do prostitute themselves) get constantly screwed by entitled STEM bitches due to the fucked up male/female ratio that attracts the described STEM bitches.

The word "stem" scares the wimmins away

thanks for reminding me that i gotta cook asparagus tonight

We don't "NEED" more women in tech. We need good programmers. Wether they are men or women is irrelevant.


This. Vid related: youtu.be/vzmbW4ueGdg?t=12s

We don't need women in technology fields, we need more better educated people in technology fields regardless of their gender. Pure webshits do not qualify as "better educated".

I think we need less women in technology fields and programming. Less men too. Less normies really.

Everyone who has ever had sex should fuck off.

>Everyone who has ever had sex should fuck off.

w-what if you've been a half-virgin for over 10 years now?

>Do you agree that we need more women in technology fields and programming
no git good white woman indian and chinese women can into tech but you can't

I agree but it needs to be the women that are like us. Lonely and friendless

>women in anything

How do you do this?

Sauce for image?

based on the character design, I don't imagine she'll be lonely and friendless later in the story.

>How would you encourage them sensibly without the use of affirmative action and quotas
Why does no other field need encouraging?
I like qts in my CS classes, but the girls who like it and/or are good at it already do it.

This push for women in tech looks nice on the surface, but tech companies are doing it to lower wages.
They do it to pay men and women less and look like saviors doing it.

We can encourage women to succeed by shutting down all gender studies classes.

Then they will study something fucking useful.

When will we be encouraging women into crab fishing, mining and other dangerous difficult jobs?

>Lonely and friendless
That's virtually impossible within any fucking STEM field. Have you ever been in a STEM department on a college campus, for instance? The 5 females that are actually there tend to have huge groups of beta orbiters around them at any one time.

I kinda sucked my cousin's dick. In my defense I was 16 at the time and extremely horny.

Also i'm adopted so it doesn't really count as incest.

It also made family gatherings extremely odd. The fact that his father likes to muse aloud during dinners how none of us have girlfriends makes it even more awkward.


Probably some form of sex that didn't involve penetration.

As a lizardfolk, I face substantially greater barriers to entry in the technology sector than any human. It only due to my skills, pluck, and many razor-sharp teeth that I was able to break into the industry.

Women need to gather in groups to find support, harassment is a thing.

To the women reading, watch these

Is it really like that. Are teh girls at least pretty.


>tfw married second cousin and i'm not even a pajeet or achmed

give her the full pipe with no remorse.

could he still stay that now that he works for Facebook?

Does she need my email address?

I think we need as many as the market will allow. If their skills are better than a man applying for a job, the woman should be hired. If the man's skills are better, he should be hired.

When you start hiring for social reengineering rather than the value a person can bring to the organization, you become less efficient as an organization.

These hiring practices are why the federal government emulates a retarded sloth.


Also, if she's hot titties are always good.


>that image
Wasn't there also a similar story posted on leddit about a guy asking if he should divorce his wife over this? He went into detail about what they'd do (more like what they wouldn't do actually) and a conversation they had.

Anyone have that story?


Guy here. Won't lie, I like hot girls, but if she wants to improve herself that's something awesome that looks can't give.

No. I don't think women are needed.

The one in the middle is the only one who's going to make it. The one biting her lip is about ready to fuck outta here and the mouth breather has had no idea what's been going on her entire life, much less this class.

Are you paid to troll against women's confidence or something?

Fucking trolls.

hurrrr you can code, do you want a cookie?

t. nostradamus

Sauce on .gif?

Looks like some mad max shit or something?

>not cuckold, "feminist"

Yes. We shouldn't patronise them by reducing entry criteria or have quotas or anything like that. But rather find ways to make technology jobs more appealing to women. Eg presentations on University campuses, aimed at female students to show them the kinds of careers that are available.

Most importantly, we have to introduce girls to technology at a much younger age to demystify it.

they should be able to do what they want, it shouldn't really matter, people pushing for girls/women in tech is wasting their time because at any time no one is holding them back like some extremeists think their imaginary patriarchy is, anyone can join techology, in the end all we care about is getting quality tech and getting the job done for any task needed for it.

Here you go, updated version.

There's already tonnes of women in technology. Just not very many of them.

>should women be interested in it and join if they choose too

why does everyone have masculinity issues

this is def two dudes

That eye scan after he talks. Did I communicate properly with the hu-mans? *applause* Excellent Carmack, assimilation complete.


Look at how the guy behind the tumblrina starts clapping right after her troll question. Absolutely brainwashed.

your really funny guy

Yes. God yes.
I need to find a scrawny pale above average intelligence virgin socially award nerd wife for my throbbing yellow cock.

I'm tired of being in a sausagefest.

There's some rounding error going on here somewhere

This made me chuckle.

No i don't agree.
If more women wanted to be in tech they simply would be.
We don't need to promote a gender ratio because of some SJW mandated concepts. Trying to do so usually ends up alienating both sides.

ayy lmao, the left is seriously fucked in the head, hahahahah

i am c:

Gender doesn't matter. What matters is professionalism, ability, insight, and skill.

Go girls.

Number of Female Engineers reached a record high in 2016

Why is that picture named "linux on beach" when the picture has a book about Unix?

>dat soulless gaze

>dat waistline
>dat scowlbrow
confirmed lowbrow

But this is the real world. People get hired for a myriad of reasons that frequently have little or nothing to do with their actual talent level. You can either A) fight that fact and lose for the next 60+ years of what will be a most definitely miserable life or B) accept it and focus on some of the easier things that don't cost you your soul and will help you land high paying jobs in the future.

Also, I've said this here before, I was a hiring IT professional for almost a decade. 9 times out of 10 I'd choose the female when things were either equal or less then equal for her assuming I felt she could be taught. Why? 99% of the time she A) made the department better B) fit with the team(s) better and C) was better to look at. I probably hired close to 50 women for different IT positions. 1 failed.

>I kinda sucked my cousin's dick.
How does one "kinda" suck a dick?

>Affirmative action

What we NEED is a QUOTA on good programmers. Not to fill a position to look like we're pandering to the few. Men or women, if your not good at the job then you don't belong.

>Interaction engineer

What the fuck?

i'm japanese, is it some type of joke?

"Engineer" is not a legally protected title in the United States.

Subway could promote all their Sandwich Artists to Sandwich Engineers when $15/hour minimum wage passes.

>i'm japanese, is it some type of joke?
The life of the person they hired is some type of joke.

no it's that they needed more grills in engineering so they made up a dumb engineer title for a pr person

>friendless and lonely

Pick one. Only friendless and lonely women are trannies. Which I don't really mind - it's a way of getting more women in tech without needing to hire total retards to fill quotas but you have very high chance of losing workers to suicide then.

Because women are overwhelmingly disinterested in purely technical fields. That doesn't mean all of them are - there are always hyper technically minded women - but they're a very very very small minority.

Human beings can code the female subset of human beings is just inclined against it.

No, we need less women in tech.
They've already ruined NASA and Google.

need more women in bricklaying and garbage processing desu

I disagree. The coal mining and oil drilling industries are sausagefests.

the cut needs to be shopped to "the cuck"

>muh affirmative action

No one in this country is barred from getting a certain job because of their race or gender, the people who whine about this shit are just too stupid to get those jobs without being forced in to fit some diversity quota.

I never wanted to punch someone so bad. That cold fish eyed stare and those glasses.

Shut up bitch.

Obama is the first trap president


saved this

Hold the fucking phone. Fuck everything in the photo other than the razer orbweaver. I can get fucking custom key caps for it!?

Doesn't it use standard Cherry MX switches? If so, I don't see why not...


Yeah, it uses MX Blues but they're all specially shaped so they have this subtle curve in it. Cant find anything on custome keycaps for it.

Women just don't have the temperament for it. It's biological.

Men disappear into basements and obsess about Linux OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL for months. Think about that.

Women meme about it for social status, but males actually do it.

There's nothing that can be done. Wimmin have computers and basements, but they don't become neckbeards.

>muh egalitarianism
Unfortunately, men are superior and there is no reason to hire a woman for many positions.

That's when the academic shitheads muscle in with affirmative action and equality of outcome.

"We're all equal, right, so the stats must reflect that come hell or high water!"

Well, no, we're fucking not. It's a polite fiction that allows our society to function.

This programme gave me cancer.
>lines of code actually written during the program
>lines of code written by a female
All round terrible representation, I know there are female coders I work with them. Why glorify your bullshit project manager startup program by labeling it something that isn't. FUCK!

I don't know if we "need" more women.
If they want to come, then they will come.
I know that it sucks to be undesired in a field because of things you cannot change, but I don't see that women are mistreated or kept out of programming.

Quotas is more an insult than anything.
If a very qualified man gets removed from the selection because the company would prefer a woman, that sucks for that guy.
The women would then be judged based on this as the colleagues assume they hired her for her vagina instead of her qualifications.

I don't think anyone is better off in that scenario.

That's not what my post implied. Even if only 1/10th the amount of women are as likely to be truly suitable for this kind of work, through whatever walk of life would lead them there, I'm perfectly fine with that. I don't give two flips about equality. The few who are genuinely skilled and are willing to give themselves up to perfecting a craft are worth giving a job to.

I, for instance, have absolutely no aptitude for programming; I look at code and see abstract scrambles of symbols that mean nothing to me, and any effort to try to get into it has failed. I can hardly call myself superior to anyone who can code, regardless of race or gender, but I have other skills that those people may well lack. That's why I would hire someone more able than me to do the job in the first place.

I think we need more women garbage collectors



we need more women in tech fields, only because people in STEM are virtually unable to talk to people outside their campus.

>manager who can't code at IT company hiring women because white knighthood

How does it feel like to be the devil? I'm not memeing or being sarcastic or anything like that, how does it feel like to be the devil? Are the bonuses good at least?

Why do we _need_ more women in technology fields and programming?

Is there something that females can bring to the field males cannot?

If the answer is no, you are suggesting affirmative action and thus are a faggot.

Women have the same opportunities to enter these fields. It's entirely up to them. Quotas are bullshit. The only thing we need more of in these fields are competent people.