Tech sins confession thread? Tech sins confession thread

Tech sins confession thread? Tech sins confession thread.

I burn anime into DVDs to watch them in the living room.
I never upgrade packages in my Linux install
My router is within 1 meter but I still use wifi
My main computer is a laptop

I was once build a computer and I dropped the cpu from about 5-7 inches straight onto the mobo's socket. tried bending the pins back to place and it didn't work. send request to Newegg.
"hey uh so I like to check in the pins before I put my cpu in and this one came with bend pins"
>2 days later
>ship mobo back pls we test if it's ok
>I give it back
>they actually sent me a replacement

>I burn anime into DVDs to watch them in the living room.

Why don't you just use a universal serial bus standard compatible data storage device? DVDs are like 9GB, you can barely burn like 4 episodes there.

>i could learn and use almost any version of linux, used it in the past for development crap
>I use cygwin in Windows 7 instead
>my only Linux partition is SteamOS
>I only installed it so I could say I have Linux installed at work because no one else really has Linux installed either and just knowing a little bit more makes me seem more important

Really all I need to do is mount one of my notes drives and do one of those system links to it for steamos to install stuff. The partition is to small to actually install any games.

>the only reason I have ever written a program at home was to practice for coding interviews.

>My router is within 1 meter but I still use wifi
>My main computer is a laptop
Me too.

Windows is not only my primary, but my only current OS.
It's a legitimate copy registered with a retail key.
I am constantly logged into a Google account which I use to access most of their services on my my PC and smartphone.
I don't seed torrents.
I use free as in freedom software and services only when it is convenient for me to do so.

I use the auto overclock setting on my motherboard.

You.... scumbag! You!!!!

jewing the Jews :^)

but why

>I save neat looking builds form/guts/ while having spaghetti cables in my case
>I failed to install a hyper t4 and using an stock heat sink
>I just started learning c# at Tafe
>I installed lubuntu on an old MacBook to finally say I know lunix, but only booted it twice since then
>Sup Forums made me a Weeb

I used to fix computer a few years back as extra money.
I would always look for naked pictures.
I found many that are still in some random HDD I can't find.

Some thief asked me to fix an Macbook.
Told him I would try, I was able to do erase and install brand new OS copy.
Told him I couldn't fix it and they were very easy to track so I could give me $100 bucks and I would sell it for parts.
Got a brand new Macbook for $100

>now that I think it about it I feel like shit for other person but I was not going to snitch on someone that could rape and kill my family.

Sup Forums in a post

>not telling on him and taking the opportunity to finally end your fucking existence
I would have done it in a heartbeat

but pass on the opportunity on a brand new Macbook (White)? It was like a month old, and I was like 18 at that time, there was no way I could afford one while attending college.

Anyway my sister placed a wet towel on top of it and fried the motherboard.

I also get autsimbux form the government.

is your sister retarded?

Just replace i-
oh right.

I didn't install gentoo

I actually installed gentoo, but I haven't used it once after finishing the install

I tried to install Gentoo twice and gave up when I was at the window manager installation stage due to boredom.

I bought the wrong motherboard and have a replacement, but I'm too lazy to sell off the wrong one on eBay since I'm going overseas. No, I can't return it. This is what you get when you make uninformed purchases at sweatshop-tier stores ran by underpaid immigrants.

I use a Razer mouse, but I don't play videogames.

I have LEDs in my case because the LED fans were on sale while the non-LED fans were not. I can't sleep so well because the LEDs are bright as fuck.

I'm going to TAFE too but I'd never take a course there for programming, the quality of education there is disgusting, at least at mine. I'd never trust them to teach me something like that. What TAFE facility do you go to?

>main computer is a laptop
>burn DVDs to watch in the living room
Why not just plug your laptop into the TV?
I dont understand.

>I have LEDs in my case because the LED fans were on sale while the non-LED fans were not. I can't sleep so well because the LEDs are bright as fuck.
You could just clip the wires going from the fan hub to the LEDs. Or, you know, shut your computer off when you go to sleep like a normal person, or keep it in different room than the one you sleep in like a successful person.

not him but I plug my laptop into ethernet. It used to be for gaymes but I don't know if I still have a valid reason

>shut your computer off when you go to sleep like a normal person
sure, if you want to kill it
quite sure Sup Forums keep their computer on 24/7

Yeah, but he already specified that he uses WiFi.

I shut my computer down when I'm not using it and sleep in a different room. Come at me, brah.

I ran my OpenVPN server for about half a year using the Blowfish cipher until I read in an Ars Technica article that it's outdated and the default.
I ran chmod -R 770 on the webroot of a busy website rendering it inoperable for a couple of minutes during peak hours because I thought only the www-data user needed access to it.
Most of the tech I buy I lose interest in or realize was a horrible deal when it arrives.


OP didn't even plug in the 1m ethernet to get rid of wifi. Plugging in a TV is much more burdersome. Plus DVD has remote.

Burning a DVD requires too much work. I just transcode everything to h.264/aac and stream it to my Chromecast.
>Main computer laptop

I use windows ten

same user. I hate myself

>I failed installing Gentoo and could never figure out why the errors I was getting.

>I use PopCorn Time for the ease of use and don't care about the generally poor quality of the the content.

>I bought an RX470.

A whole series from horriblesubs tends to be 3-6gb. Still, I'd recommend USB too.

He stated that his main computer was a laptop, wouldn't it just be easier to use a HDMI cable so he can watch animu on his main TV instead of dealing with DVDs?

That would be optimal, but considering he doesn't even use ethernet when less than a metre away, I'd say it's highly unlikely he'd heed any of our advices.


it's important

Love Guns.


Power cycles kill hardware faster than just running it non stop, that's true.

I use arch


I use Linux and windows but shitpost daily on Sup Forums about how shit Linux is and how it will never be good

I am a British Indian.

This happens to people too.
If you turn them off, they die instantly.

Poo in the loo, pajeet

I'm trying to burn a spiderman dvd so I can replace , but it keeps coming up with this error message. What software do you use to remove the copyright protection on yours? Or do you buy blanks?

*so I can replace Andrew Garfield's face with upotte
Thanks in advance, pls no virus

I copy animes on VHS and I watch them on a CRT TV

gaming laptop
gaming mouse
gaming headset (that i got for free)
"gaming" glasses (girlfriend bought them for me)
gaming girlfriend
gaming games
ubuntu on non-gaming laptop (i even run wine so i can play games on it)
millennial (22)

3 4

pisses me off everytime



Blowfish is still secure though.

I include this code at work far more often than I should
#define if while

>My main computer is a laptop
Dual boot linux and windows, but I use windows most of the time

I bought into the tablet hype and got a TF300 when they first came out. I kept it on my bedside table and knocked over my Mag-Lite one night, it slammed down and broke the screen. I then bought a replacement screen and did the work myself; the light bleed was terrible because I mangled the shit out of the metal frame.

In the end, the device was completely pointless, and all it was used for was browsing hentai in bed or looking up gamefaqs shit because I didn't want to get up.

I forgot to put thermal paste on a first gen XP. Returned it as a DOA cpu

it will depreciate long before it can be affected by power cycles

You sound like me when I was 12.

I know there already is a 18+ rule, but a 60- one would be really helpful to get rid of people like you

I installed gentoo but I had no idea why I did so and didn't know how to use the distro to its full advantage.

I go everywhere with my phone.
I have a smartphone.

I use xmonad but I haven't tailored it to be as useful as possible.

I like chiclet.
I don't seed.

I don't know C.
I use cli for everything (except browsers) , even when it's clearly better to use gui.

that nose, holy fuck

>My main computer is a laptop
>Windows 10 is my main OS
>I use Linux VMs for work

>My router is within 1 meter but I still use wifi
I used Ethernet until June 2015

>My main computer is a laptop
Since 2007

>I use Windows 10 and I'm too lazy to turn off the """"telemetry""""
>Logikek gaymen mouse and headset
>My laptop is an HP Stream 11. Yes the faggy blue one. But I am going to sell and replace with an X220.
>I tried to install Arch on a VM for the first time yesterday, three times in a row and every time something would go wrong when I started the DE. So I gave up and used the Architect installer and it just werked.


Found the pleb.

HS is fine for a week-to-week release if you don't want to support shit like Crunchyroll. Don't download their batches though, find another group that used a Blu-Ray source.

I have a smartphone because I'm an walking NEET who needs a job. And I'm not trusting my grandma's landline to handle my important calls.

I have used Code academy to try to learn ruby for RPG maker. I didn't get far.

I was about to go to community college for an art degree. Then my college cut the program because of funding issues. I don't know what the fuck I want anymore since I'm a passive person.

I couldn't find a document writer program I liked. Then I tried Google drive and now I'm comfortable.
I'm this close to throwing in the towel again.

It's one of the top 5 best distros, though

>So I gave up and used the Architect installer and it just werked.
Nothing wrong with this, pal. Architect is based.

Have you had any success with other codecademy stuff? or have you found a similar but better site? I would like to learn to program but I never get more than a chapter or two into books.

This maybe belongs in the dumb questions post buuut here we go

>to this day I've always used windows (main computer)
>I've been always fond of macbooks software/hardware quality (Netflix machine)

>never ever have I done anything with Linux nor do I even know what it is and what it's good for.
>god help me


>doing cs degree
>don't like cs, not interested in it at all

I stay on my root account 100% of the time.

I've never even attempted to use Vim or eMacs. I'm not autistic.

I use GitHub and consider it a social media site than anything. Get easy nudes from women who pretend they can program simply for the attention.

Besides uBlock to block annoying ads, I can honestly care less about my tracked "browsing habits".

On a lingering thought, I've used linux for work since 2005, and didn't use it as a general OS until a year ago when every program I use was compatible without some 50% broken Wine or other trick. I'm not one of the underage kids that put anime wallpapers on their screen and talk about how "free" they are.

It also makes me cringe that people think they are no longer being tracked because they switched to linux, even though they still have the same browsing habits.

Anime in general makes me cringe.

I burned all my PSP isos on DVDs when I finally decided to format my PC and start fresh after 8 years of a shitty XPerience.

Mind you, this was in 2012, and I could have easily bought a 500 GB HDD with the money I spent on DVDs and 2 fancy cases for them.

i can't be bothered to screw in the hard drive, ssd, gpu and soundcard in my computer case so it just sits sideways on the floor

>nudes from GitHub
Please teach me

I rip the tabs off of my clients'/family/friends' RJ45 connectors for no reason other than to amuse myself.

Pajeet is not an Indian name fyi.

It is however, a traditional surname in Bali.
You literally may as well be saying poo In loo shinji. Or some shit.

never again

Completely reasonable.

I ran a minecraft server once for my friends but shut it down about 3 weeks later

> I use the Ballmer peak to do actually get work done
> Spend most of my time fucking around in personal projects
> I assume most people are incompetent, but have found women in operations to be a little less so, but the attitude isn't usually worth the trade-off
> I use Windows 10 / Server 2016 in production
> I can get by with LFS / Mint / Gentoo stage 1 emerge / whatever *nix
> The only time I get "creative" type projects done is on a mac, on Apple hardware (no idea why, something psychosomatic)
> I hate computers, but am too impatient to get a law degree



please don't do that

some of us aren't autistic














