Hi Sup Forums I usually don't browse here that often but If Hillary Clinton wins office, I'm going to get rid of Windows and install a linux distro.
>inb4 install gentoo
What distro should I get?
Hi Sup Forums I usually don't browse here that often but If Hillary Clinton wins office, I'm going to get rid of Windows and install a linux distro.
>inb4 install gentoo
What distro should I get?
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Install funtoo!
It is wednesday my dudes xD
No, nothing works out of the box.
I use Void Linux. It's a lot like Arch Linux, but it doesn't have the nsa-backdoored SystemD bloatware, and the package repository is GitHub based and automatically maintained by bots. The IRC channel is very friendly and helpful. Often I'll report an issue with the distro in IRC and it's fixed within 15 minutes.
This is a build-it-yourself sort of distro though, but not nearly as difficult to get into as Gentoo.
Most noob-friendly distros are using SystemD now, unfortunately. This is bad because SystemD seizes control of all of the core functions of your system and centralizes them in a single massive error-prone blob instead of leaving them as small separate processes. It's even worse because it's written by Red Hat, a long-time government contractor. I find it suspicious how quickly it was adopted by all major distros despite community backlash. It's a fair bet that it has some backdoors.
Check here for SystemD-free systems. without-systemd.org
yes, I'm looking for one that isn't backdoored by the NSA and will keep me private from them
Uh what. How do you know systemd is NSA back doored.
I don't know, I assume. If they approached Linus Torvalds about a backdoor, they have most likely approached Red Hat, who are more likely to comply seeing as much of their business is government contracting. Seeing as how bloated it is, it will take a very long time for a cleverly hidden backdoor to be discovered. I don't want to take that risk, and it's also not the only reason SystemD sucks.
They could have confronted the developer of OpenRC as well.
They could have, maybe. But at that point you may as well distrust every piece of software on your machine as a potential target of backdooring. There's only so much you can do, so at least keep the most likely candidates off your computer, the most likely candidates being corporate bloatware that suddenly appeared everywhere.
It's all one big conspiracy huh :)
Also, the fact that SystemD has absolute root-level control over all processes on your system is particularly distressing. The Init system is one of the most likely intrusion points, and the scope of SystemD makes it even more likely.
But.... muh debian =(
How is this possible?
I dunno man I didn't do it. There's the Devuan project which works to provide a version of Debian with all of the SystemD dependencies stripped out, which is no easy task.
I'm probably going to run my future desktops and laptops on Void Linux and my future servers on FreeBSD instead of Debian.
Is there any articles or anything about systemd concerns?
I'm reading about Void now. Thanks for the info.
fuckin good luck
Here's a very pointed short essay I enjoyed. lkml.org
can you check if xmonad, ghc, nodm, qutebrowser, mps-youtube, ranger, and rxvt-unicode are in the void repos?
Been thinking about installing Debian or Fedora anything in particular that makes one better than the other?
debian stable
debian testing
All of these except surprisingly xmonad are in the repos.
shit, well, I could always just use the already compiled binary
danm, nodm is in the repos?
evern arch doesn't have nodm
i might switch to void
also, how frequently are packages updated
is it rolling release?
Really, do a gentoo install, it's not that hard and you know what's on yer computer, which I guess is what you want to achieve.
I'm always a bit unsure about switching to lesser known distros
I mean, what's stopping the maintainer from backdooring the fuck out of everything
If only like 1000 people use it, who's going to audit it?
how is systemd backdoored if it's supposedly open source and people can read the code and know if it is?
Its huge. Takes much longer than openrc to compile.
The same way glibc is open source but that didn't stop someone from finding a vulnerability. (not a backdoor though)
why would he do that
someone can always fork the project
Yeah it's rolling release. Packages are updated constantly.
That would mean death for a small distro.