
Sticks and stones are technology.
What does Sup Forums think about this guy?


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For those who don't know, he just went to the woods and started building stuff by hand, no modern tools, all the tools he uses are crafted by hand and all the materials used are taken from the nature around him.

I would say he could have made a wooden trapper shack in much less time but he probably knows better than me, plus it being made of clay means he can have than heating system

An honest to god legend. I would do weird things to become his apprentice for a month.

Just go into the bush somewhere and be educated on history/survival/bush-craft.

Cant wait till he starts manufacturing iron or concrete structures.

This, I agree.

that heating system*

>Cant wait till he starts manufacturing iron or concrete structures.
How long do you think until he will start to fabricate his own IC's?

Guy is a fucking legend in my eyes, watched pretty much all of his videos twice


I wonder how long it took to make the camera.

The camera is not a building tool you pleb, he does usually eat normal food too

I want to see a woman do that.

Amazing stuff, love his channel, it's so calming. Whenever I watch his videos I get the weird feeling that this is what people are supposed to do.

Probably because humans used to live like that for most of the time modern humans have existed.

These videos inspire me to build my own stone age tools. A while back I had made a flint axe after an hour or so of working. Held up great until it eventually cracked.

Everytime I watch those videos I feel really pathetic...

Why? You can do it too, it just takes practice

It's weirdly meditative. I'm genuinely considering whether or not I should buy a rifle and a cheap $10/km2 lot so I can build a shitshack away from the big city brouhaha. They sometimes show up in middle-o-nowhere Canada and Central-West USA.

physically or technically speaking
the technical part of what he's doing is as easy as it looks, although he has the advantage of working in what looks to be like a relatively resource rich area. as in, the clay at my house is really not great and takes a lot of work to get it to clump up properly, he, on the other hand, seems to just throw water on it. quite annoying, that.

physical stuff, because he's in great shape, is also not tricky. if you're inactive/sedentary, set a timer to go off every 15 mins. when it goes off, do 1/2 or 1/3 the total number of some exercise you can do. Say you can do 20 pushups. So every 15 mins you do 10 pushups. When you get bored, choose a different exercise. You will literally be better off doing this than some insane gym exercise regime. although, the upper limit to this is that you won't turn into a muscleman, you'll just end up in good shape.
>notice you can also do really difficult exercises with this strategy, like weighted pullups. you can improve those too with this strategy.
>and don't do any exercises that require a spotter

Pretty much the technically speaking part.
>Be me
>South of Sweden
>Everywhere is farming flat land with no forrest or anything outside of the city/town
For me to even do that kind of stuff, I really need to move to somewhere else.

He spends a lot of time researching stuff before he builds it. The resources available to him are in tropical/sub tropical areas so they're vastly different than what you'd have available for you in Sweden.

Hes in the Australian bush

He has a purple yam garden, which if iirc is something you can sustain yourself off of without much adverse affects considering.

His videos is why I took up hiking
The whole being one with nature thing seemed really cool.
I don't think I could really get into bushcraft or anything of the sort.
But getting away from the city and people was so refreshing and calming.
Wish I had a doggo to bring with me. but oh well

Yes, and?

If nothing else that editing is on point.

>Tfw live in Bongistan and every square inch of this shit hole country is owned and I just can't afford to get out so I will probably die alone in a council estate

Not alot of people know that

The unabomber did the same thing, except he also made bomb triggers using sticks from the woods.

What does he classify as 'modern tools' since the stone-age hand axe was used from 1.5 million years ago. Also isn't fire technically modern, he should be warming himself with animal hides.

tfw I live in Canada and 80% of it is uninhabited forest/rain forest/mountains.

tfw the uninhabited land is all crown land so can't own it either

What? The point is not "modern tools" but hand crafted, he's probably going to have iron at some point.
Primitive Technology is about what you can make yourself not strictly tied to a period of history.

Wasn't he trying to make metal in his forge blower video?

This is also hand crafted, just in a garage with modern tools youtu.be/vyUkYJeZtW4

Also with modern materials.

He succeeded.
There was also a bloomery in the video, I suspect that will be his next video - maybe grinding out a crucible.

Yeah, neat

>He succeeded.

I'm not entirely sure about that. I mean yeah he totally made somethign that is metal, but if that metal isn't workable then he hasn't really achieved anything other than pretty rocks.

>biting into such a big piece of bait
fish-user, you're low on the food chain

It was a proof of concept.

He proved that he could create refine and smelt minerals, the bloomery will allow him to create a much larger amount of material, which he will be able to wrought into usable iron.

I thought he was making a joke?

new friend to Sup Forums i see


I really like these videos, oddly relaxing and interesting at the same time.

stop derailing a fine thread you faggots

He does his videos really well.

Just a man working with a camera recording and no talking.

It's perfect.

>Say you can do 20 pushups.
When you are sedentary you probably can't even do a single proper push-up though.

>I'm not entirely sure about that
> I mean yeah he totally made somethign that is metal

>Wasn't he trying to make metal in his forge blower video?

It's hypnotizing! Relaxing to watch.

Want to get ripped? Join the fucking army.

If he can't use the metal for anything because its inpure-as-fuck garbage, he hasn't really made achieved in making metal. Like if you build a car that but the car won't turn on, you haven't really made a car but rather a statue.

It was a proof-of-concept.
You probably don't know what that means though.

>If he can't use the metal for anything because its inpure-as-fuck garbage, he hasn't really made achieved in making metal
What in the fuck are you smoking? Have you ever heard of pig iron?


Sup Forums likes something? impressive

Yeah it would be much more appealing to see a naked tribal woman building shit

This thread and the /retro/ threads are the only threads what ain't full of shitposts and hate.

so maybe Sup Forums isnt as dead as i thought
thats cool

I am completely sedentary, but you can generally get out 10 proper pushups if you're willing to have your arms ache the next day or two. I can't even imagine someone more out of shape than me, so there's really no excuse for not being able to force yourself to do at least 10.

Either you're less shit than you think, or you aren't doing proper pushups.

He just started getting iron chunks from a forge in the past week! It's honestly beyond fascinating to watch him make his way through aeons of human technical evolution right in front of us. Iron tools will come soon, I bet. I wonder how far he's gonna take it. At the rate he's going I bet he'll beat poor underfunded NASA to Mars.

Doing everything yourself is stupid.
You can learn how things work without doing everything yourself.
In order to cut down a tree, starting with making iron so you can make a hammer, to make an axe is beyond a waste of time.
Back then, people had the concept of jobs, and they knew that you couldn't get good or efficient at anything if you never focused on something.

He could use the metal as jewelry to attract women.
Primitive women love jewelry.

yeah man seriously I can't do a single pushup i'm 6'4 260 pounds I can lift heavy things sure but thats just because my muscles scaled up with height I can't do a pushup without arcing my back and bouncing myself up that way.

You mean, swine ferrum?

You know why? Because it's honest. It just fucking is what it is without any subliminal bullshit that comes attached to it. He just does what he likes to do, he shuts up, he is no one but the guy who does things from scratch, nothing more, nothing less. He doesn't use his fame to propagate some political shit or his personality or whatever. I honestly don't see how anyone could not respect that.

I love how at the end of his videos he shows one last shot of the stuff he made in the video nicely arranged. It's like the antithesis of those cancerous unwrapping videos. On the one hand you have some sweaty consume whore who is out of breath after opening a box that is designed to be opened by retarded children and is so proud of what he got himself with minimal effort and on the other hand you have these videos. It really is inspiring to me. Let your work speak for itself, not your shitty personality, what clothes you wear or shit you buy or the opinions you have. Nobody gives a shit.

They're definitely proper pushups; feet together, back straight, lower yourself down to the ground and push yourself up with only your arms.

Maybe it's easier for me because I'm not a fatass and only weight 145lbs.

He could also sit at home and play with his smartphone.

>Doing everything yourself is stupid.
Well, you go create a channel called "Lazy Shitcunt Technology" and see how well it does.

Glad you guys like my videos! :)
Also those metallic chunks you saw I'm still figuring out. I suspect I accidentally mixed an alloy, from what I can tell probably Bishiralloy.

>last video when he recovered iron out of iron rich soil
i was fully erect

Hes doing a lot of damage to the environment, His permanent structure takes up space.

The indians used teepees and built small fires in the center to keep warm. They could destroy them or move them with little effort at anytime.

I don't think he's working towards a more advanced stage, just using/creating various primitive technologies.

Isn't it like 5AM in Australia right now? What the hell are you doing in Sup Forums at this time?


Do you go down until your nose or dick touches the ground? I know many people who say they can do so-and-so many push-ups but they barely go down.

Proper pushups are if someone else puts their hand in a fist and under your chest and your chest touches their fist.

>The indians used teepees

What you call "the Indians" were in fact a whore range of different cultures spreading two continents.
Only SOME used teepees and from what I understand they usually didn't even use them the entire year.

>Sticks and stones are technology.
>not stones and ropes
Stay pleb

Yeah, I use the nose touches the floor method.

I use the air kiss method.
Turn your head to the side and graze your cheek on the ground.

Australia? I don't live there.


literally who cares

Then you honestly are just not as out of shape as you think you are. By far most people can't do that.

You only go there to bushcraft?

I have no desire to make videos.
And building things on top of other things does not make you lazy, it just means that you can prioritize.

Do you think nvidia have their engineers make their tools so they can do their job?

He's made a few different huts.


Here it goes, way to ruin a nice thread.
You faggots really are pathetic and can't even enjoy a nice, intellectual thread without going apeshit.

I'm signing off.

>And building things on top of other things does not make you lazy, it just means that you can prioritize.
So, if I were to take a pre filled exam sheet and add my name to the top, I wouldn't be lazy?

>Do you think nvidia have their engineers make their tools so they can do their job?
A man is producing videos about primitive technology, he is not interested in housefires or woodscrews.

I've never really left US. I have been to Canada to see family though. I haven't really done bushcraft anywhere else besides my property. Those videos do take weeks to months to even produce. I recently got a new GoPro but I'm starting to find the wide angle view annoying.

You're the laziest troll imaginable.

So all those Australian plants and trees, aboriginal stone artifacts are just imported?

No. I live near FL Arizona.


Well-to-do person trying to cure his affluenza.

was for

>Well-to-do person trying to cure his affluenza.
Not really, from what I understand he just has a passion for anthropology and early technology.
People can have hobbies.

Plus, this one makes him a shitload of money.

I bet he doesn't laugh when he farts

I like it.

Glad to hear, same.