Lonux so better than Windows

>lonux so better than Windows

There are 2000000 distros and even linux autists can stop arguing about how every distro is shit.

Why do you do this.

Install Gentoo

most all linux users agree that fedora, arch, debian, and openSUSE are as good as each other.
the only people who argue about the distros are the ones using Debian's 6 million forks. The most hated of which is Ubuntu.

He is lonely and since he is an uninteresting person the most interaction he can get is by shitposting and baiting.

The reason that autists don't complain about their favorite distro being shit is because they can pin it on issues with their specific choice, and not because Loonix is shit as a whole. In Lincucks, rather than something being the fault of the software, it's possible to almost always pin the blame on the user being incompetent.

Why dont you go live in prison? There are your choiches limited to minimum; happiness guaranteed & we have less shit on Sup Forums

ive really never had any problems with gnu/linux that couldnt be solved with a simple google search. so please tell me, how is loonix shit as a whole?

Not a single one is a botnet shitfest like winPOO 10

Not a single one is popular neither :^}

Freetards are mad

if Windows is so good why do to they force you to update?

Sup Forums is neither the only nor the biggest linux community on the internet.

Stop strawmanning.

Is windows is so bad and lonix is so god why does lonix have 2% marketshare?

Among winbabbies? pls :^^)

Among computer users :^}

Its very popular among autists and machildren tho

linux is shitty neet meme tbhfam

its good because only have 2% of retarded people, and windows have 98% of them.

therefore only non-retards are os x and bsd users?

probably those are in the 2%

You cant really into maths, nothing more i would expect from a loonix users


he is right. Research first than saying non-sense.

>taking the bait...