Is CodeAcademy a good way to learn JavaScript or is it a meme?

Is CodeAcademy a good way to learn JavaScript or is it a meme?

Nah just don't give up after 45 minutes

kill yourself pathetic feetfag

I'd lick and suck those feet until they bleed


Get this off my board

Fuck off
I'm 1 hour in so far, but it's all so basic I wonder if it gets more useful later on.


nice piglet


It's a good way to get started. You'll learn syntax. I'd recommend getting through their course and then jumping over to FreeCodeCamp and doing their JS sections as well, then working on your own projects.


Is that a fucking Penis?


is that semen in that brandy snifter?




I have the weirdest boner.

Why is it footfags that seem the worst offenders of "lol ima post my fetish for replies about my fetish while pretending to be asking about something else?"

They are horse fucker level cancer, really need their own containment board like /mlp/ has, foot discussion elsewhere being a bannable offense.

fuck off with your bullshit. take it elsewhere and dont come back

kill yourself.

you first, horsefucking scum

WOW SON, U BUT ANGREY I hav neer seen sum1 so pooper peeved u ned to tak chilpil and stop raping your ownasswit with husband you are the gayest fgt in fgtopia, no u r the mayor lol u troled so fukin hard u wan sum ice for the ASSBURN? U cry tears of blud and cum ur mom's penis out your angry butthole gb2 pussybaby land where u git own3d by dick "omg i love sukin dicks and crying to link park"-You ur butt is evaporating cum bcuz it is steaming wit angr SUMBUDY IS ANALLY ANGUISHED its lik u r seeding wit raeg

>not liking feet

First one is a mediocre shop.

You must be one of those faggots that is disgusted by the sight of a human foot, even their own, and comes from a degenerate family that wears their filthy shoes all around the house.

Now before you say anything... I'm not even a footfag.

OP's image is inoffensive as fuck... it's some girls foot, so what? It's not even porn. Do you never see people barefoot anywhere?

What bothers you so much about a picture showing human feet?

>What bothers you so much about a picture showing human feet?

Nothing, I'm a footfag myself, by my own knowledge I know OP meant it as a sexualized image, has no place on a blue board, its not meant as in innocent picture of a foot, its to bait footfags to post their own images.

It's cancer, OP does not care about their knowledge of java.

I'm really just suprised that a foot pic in the OP rustles so many jimmies... like what the fuck is the big deal?

It may be me slightly "sexualized" but it still doesn't look like porn to me.

If it was this image in the OP: then I would understand...

Is this Michael Jackson?

codecademy is slow as fuck

Kill yourself degenerate