Post you're desk


Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know what website that is on the left, but I'm sure that it's fucking shit and you're a faggot.

That is the most autistic desk I have ever seen.

Hello, shinobicl.

>post you are desk

Good taste in vidya

I am desk

>ITT people clean their desks before posting pics

How do I become desk?

plp wena wn xd

Get on all fours, fooshi.


>you're desk
>you're desk

But friend, you have always been desk.

You deskust me.

Now this is cool.



stupid ass chilean gook, go away

what's wrong, user? looks correct to me

you have deskicrated our sacred lands.

>That keyboard

Why though?

r8 my're desk

I am desk


No, I am desk.

Also I know the shit speakers are positioned wrong. I just don't care.


>speakers positioned wrong

I am desk

You don't really understand contractions, do you?

your'e nice desk

Its a pretty good desk. Semester just ended so kind of messy.


Your lungs need it.

feels like bait.

Seems the summer heat has finally passed.


>1 year anniversary

single Sup Forums anons is just a meme, most of us have women. or boys.

can I be desk, too

>fanned fret 8 string
I bet you like djent faggot




Jfc, why does everyone here have fucking shitty desks? This is depressing. Clean up after yourselves, you fucking hobos.

you're = you are.

Why people dont know this already? Im not even a native of a country that speaks english!

Please fucking kill yourself already OP.

That's a nice airy cuckshed you have there, Sven.


no you're a desk!

some animals as leaders, maybe
but actually I just like trying new things, unlike your typical guitarist
also she's a beauty

What did he mean by this?