Potplayer thread/

Why Potplayer shit? Why do most people use VLC / MPC-HC to view anime and video? What are its advantages (Potplayer) over the other players? Help me to understand.

I use PotPlayer and after using every video player out there I can attest that it is my favorite.

How to enable hardware acceleration?

The video quality is better in the MPC or Potplayer ?

And to answer your question PotPlayer is seamless when playing both mp4 and wmv. Wmv is almost extinct nowadays but I still have a lot of them. VLC has serious issues when playing wmv files.

PotPlayer also has easy volume control with the mouse wheel just like VLC.

I would say it's slightly better in MPC but it's negligible.

Why is he so unpopular?

Dunno. I have both MPC HC and Pot and I'm happy with both

it works flawlessly, its fast, and it looks good

Bump question.

To view the anime are advised to use the MPC-HC or KCP. Why?


VLC, Potplayer, and MPC-HC are all depreciated.
Get with the time, gramps, MPV is the cool thing to use, and has been for a long time.

It just werks

amen brother

>using le 420blazeit player made for stoners

I do not understand, explain.

DUDE: The Video Player

jk never used it mpv serves all my needs.

This. Honestly it's perfect.
>plays everything with no problem
>lots of customization if you like ricing
>that fucking side panel where you can store your playlists and even browse folder WHILE IN FULL SCREEN
I love it.

PotPlayer + madVR.

There are several players available that are satisfactory. Once the user tries one of these, he doesn't keep looking.

>I too use PotPlayer
>if it gave me trouble, I would look into MPV