/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread


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From the end of the previous thread:

Who decides and where is it decided that my private network will have IP address instead of

What happens if the network uses, but a 65537th device connects? It cannot get an address, but then what?

Is this a good phone? If anyone has it please tell me if you have any issues with it.


Not really gaming much, just some light 4K gaming. I will be doing video editing, and I just wanted to confirm that all the parts are good. The 1080 has already been ordered and now I'm just purchasing everything else. I want to know if that's a good mobo or not. There are not many in-depth mobo guides so things get a little confusing. Thanks

The router determines the lan address
If you run out of addresses you can't connect another device, you can get around this with another router and NAT

> light 4K gaming

Kids these days.

Watercooling is a waste and if you drop that PSU down to 650w you could probably get it for half that price. For mobo's just go with whatever toms reccomends


I was streaming on twitch and accidentally opened a tab I had open with my social security number and name/address/birthdate and other such info on it. There were around 250 people in stream, how likely is it one of them will do something bad with this? Can they? What can I do to protect myself?

Your DHCP server decides it if you run one (it is probably embedded in your router somewhere). Otherwise, you can manually add static assignments.

If you run out of addresses you can't connect any more devices.

How retarded are your followers? If the answer is not very retarded then go hire some identity theft company to be legally on the hook when they open 5 credit cards in your name.

Best usb capture card for use with a PS4 and XSplit?

i want to buy a gtx780
i have a 540W power supply.
the card eats up 250W.
but it's already overclocked. does my supply provide enough power?

I don't get this comic

Sounds like one helluva LAN party

"Is he ALSO wondering at what point our thoughts diverged, if they even have yet? 'dude, I think he just took your credit card' AM I THE ORIGINAL? HOW DO I TELL?"

Is installing openssh-server a bad idea on a home system? Does this mean Chinese botnets will bruteforce my root password? Ijust want to use ssh for local network.

>Windows 10
Is there any reason to use it over WIN7?

I got an SSD and tried 10 out just for remote desktop as compared to splashtop (There's no difference)

I don't have any hardware that takes advantage of DX12

Should I just install 7 on the SSD and use it as my main drive?

Not sure whether I should ask here or on /biz/, but here it goes anyways.

I'm a noobie bitcoin user, and I've opened a wallet at coinb.in. I've successfully made/received a payment with the associated address, and then went to make a new address. However, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to access the new address (I have all the keys associated with it).

What is your opinion on CCTV setups? Have you ever used them? Which one do you recommend?

this is technolo/g/y anyway, but it's rarely discussed here.


Followup question, duplicate MAC addresses only really cause problems if they're on the same network? How do these problems manifest? Is it possible to spoof a MAC address so it's a copy of someone else's on the network in order to render them unable to use the internet?

Most of the arguments for using windows 10 will get stronger in a few years. For the time being if you don't need it for anything in particular might as well roll with 7.

Why do some private trackers insist on having stuff like DHT and PEX disabled? If I understand correctly, individual torrents can just set a private flag.

DHT opens you up to seeding/leeching with peers outside of the trackers group, and obviously they don't want that

So a private flag in the torrent file doesn't override the DHT being enabled in the client?

fucking code tags

Hey Sup Forums, don't know if this me being a retard, or gcc being a retard


int main() { // tested with full declaration too
// int i = 0; // scanf returns a null pointer if this is commented
char **foo;
scanf("%ms", foo); // tried with input: "hi this is rob"
return 0;

When looking with gdb, I see scanf returns a null pointer for foo when the int i = 0 line is commented or removed, and allocates properly with it present. I thought this might be some weird alignment issue or something so I tried leaving just the int i; declaration in there without the assignment, and scanf still gives a null value, so I thought it might be optimising i out because I didn't do anything with it, so I tried declaring i, then calling scanf, then assigning i, and scanf still gives 0x0 for foo. So that's stumped me.

Use Dwight you fuck.

I was stupid enough to use Yahoo email to make most of my important online accounts, is there any possible way to transfer all of that to another email provider? Or am I fucked?

If you don't set port forwarding on your router you'll only be able to access other machines in your local network.
Disable password login and just use SSH keys.
If you still want passwords install fail2ban.

I get free internet through my company, but it goes through that companys internal VPN after the router, a VPN i have no access to. Is it still possible to SSH into my desktop from another network with such a VPN in place?


If you just want to use it on your local network then just stop your router from forwarding ssh traffic into your network from outside (which is the default on mine at least), unless someone is actually part of your local network (ethernet into your router, or wifi) they won't be able to talk to your local/private IP, thus all any chinese botnets will see is just nothing, as your router simply drops their packets, or rejection packets if it rejects them. fail2ban is overkill at this point, unless you frequent wifi-cafes, but wouldn't hurt either.

It does. They're retarded and you can safely ignore them because your client won't use DHT or PEX for a private torrent.

I think the only answer is to start emailing people the new address you want to use, you can probably set yahoo to forward all your shit you still get automatically though as well, so you don't miss anything.

I have to decide between a GTX 960 2gb (120€ used) and a RX 470 for probably 180/200€

Is the directx 12 stuff worth the extra?

Respond quickly or very honorabu birdo sama will cut you with his 1000+times folded glorious japanese steel katana

An nmap of my brother's win10 machine reveals one of the ports with zephyr, how botnetted is he?

That's what I suspected, especially since torrents from private trackers show your pic related exactly. Good to know I can keep DHT enabled on a client level, since my other torrens were suffering quite a bit.

If I just take a http pubic proxy server ip and port and put it in deluge, I wont get a letter from my ISP right?

I just need it for one file, I dont torrent much to justify getting a VPN right now

The DHCP server will assign the IPs based on the MAC address, if there are duplicate MAC addresses it generally ends up screwing up both machine's connections in my experience.

also disable x11 forwarding and root login just in case (these might be defaults, it's been a while!)

you are so fucking stupid senpai

What games wanting to play?

Becuase the 470 outpreforms the 2gb 960- like everywhere.

Shit get an 380X 4gb for less and will out preform the 960 2 and 4gb.

does anyone here know how to open a samsung S22E390H monitor, I want to try to jerry rig a vesa mount?

Except for a handfull of new games (gta5, fallout 4 dark souls 3) I will mostly play old games, 380x on the other hand are priced retardly in my country

DESU Senpai, this probably the worst question I've ever asked. Fuck, reading this back to myself.... I feel like a dickhead

GTA V runs shit on 960, same with FO4.
Grab a 470, if you can find them in stock.

As always, stay away from a reference model.
Fuckers heat up like a bitch.

i want to buy a functional slide projector (preferebly something old)
is it possible to combine the following features:
-2m x 2m picture that isn't too blurry

What's IRC? Why would I use it? How do I use it on Windows?

Internet Relay Chat
To chat with people
An IRC client

What's Sup Forums opinion on this?
Is it a jew botnet?
And what would be safer? running it under wine or use linux application?

What is its advantage against other chatting services stuff? Best client for Windows?

A good book/something else for android development? Didn't find anything of sort on the wiki.

I'm not a complete retard with linux, OOP, and development in general, but how do I develop for android?

'other chatting services' are the same shit but just new/more ways to serve adverts to you

irc has been around years and is pure chat and always will be

probably hexchat for windows as it's free (i prefer mirc but whatever nigs)

Thanks familia

When will we have Micro-LED displays? OLED a shit.

how compromised is piratebay?
i've been hearing "piratebay honeypot piratebay honeypot" for years now, but

kept using it regardless with hardly a warning
that being said i did use kat majority of the time until recently, so now that

im more heavily using tpb im wondering what's going on here again
is it really honeypot?
is it just certain types of files?
is it certain types of timeframes?
and if tpb no good where go?

I recently switched to Fedora, and I'm trying to download and use the Minecraft launcher
>inb4 autism
I have the .jar file, and I downloaded java, but I still can't seem to make it work. I joined java with the jar file, and made it into an executable file, but everytime I click on it nothing happens.

This may sound stupid but sometimes i feel like i use computers like they were an extension of my body, like i masturbate and mindleslly browse with them, and sooner or later my file directories end up convulted and i lose track of what the fuck is inside them, what programs i have installed, where my files are, what files i have, etc

I also feel like i proceed in a very fast trial-and-error way that ends up leaving a lot of "crumbs" everywhere

Its like they end up full of snots if it makes any sense, they feel sticky and disgusting.

But sometimes i see videos or read things other people write about computer usage and i see that they use computers in a very orderly fashion, like very carefuly, clearly, and focused

I just like lose myself in them and the bareer between masturbatory machine and work environment gets very fuzzy

How can i fix this?

Where can you find MD5 checksums for Windows 10 ISOs? I've looked around and can't find ones that are up-to-date.

try to open it through command line so you can see the errors, then copy paste to google

I can't seem to install Steam on Fedora 24. I put the command into terminal, but it tells me that package doesn't exist.
I know it does, so what gives?

I'm pretty new to Linux, could you tell me how to do that?

msdn of course

not really, if you don't know how to do that maybe you should use windows

i would say "learn 2 linux" but i don't think its worth your time, you just want to play some minecraft, don't you?

you could also look at minecrafts site for a faq

>I can't seem to install Steam on Fedora 24.
You have to setup the free and nonfree rpmfusion repos, then you can go dnf check-update && dnf install steam

this is what it feels like, pls help, i need to have control over it

Ah, found them. Thanks.

Can Malwarebytes detect malware if it's within a .rar file?

Is there someone that could help me with my iPod Touch? I think it's bricked but not sure.
>inb4 Apple fag

Not that guy
If you're determined to use linux, then open a terminal emulator, like xterm, roxterm, urxvt, or whatever people use these days, it should look like the "command prompt" in windows, then type: "java -jar minecraft.jar" or whatever the jar is called

Okay, looks like it can.

Is there anyway I can "hide" malware from antivirus programs? The program isn't really a virus and I need to archive it for occasional use.

I need the program now but it looks like I accidentally deleted it when it got detected and I have to find a copy again.

ARP question.
If I want to get the packets that are meant for someone else in the same network as me, I could "spoof" an ARP response for every ARP request regardless of what my ip actually is. Right?
If I do that, will the original recipient still get the packet? In other words, will the packet be duplicated or will I steal it from him?

when I go on this site to check my internet speed it say that I've 5 MB/s download but whenever I download it dowloands with speed of ~500 kb/s
why it doesn't download with speed 5 MB/s?

Hello! My internet's NAT type is strict, and I need it opened. The problem is, I use my phone's mobile data as a WiFi Hotspot, since it's way faster than home WLAN and with unlimited data. How could I change mobile hotspot's NAT type? Thanks in advance!

>light 4k gaming

second this, also wondering

also anyone who plays on 4k is legitimately stupid

should be an option within your antivirus menu to "exclude" specific files or locations, or something of the sort. Dig around in the malwarebytes options

lol, what do you need help with? Have you tried resetting (holding power and home buttons) What did you do to it? Need more info

Yeah already tried that and also tried to restore with iTunes, however my pc doesn't recognize it even though it's charging. Do you have Steam or something?

Yo I'm retarded.

Why does twitch keep asking me to activate flash? I thought it used HTML5? Is there a way to force it?

How do I activate service that require phone number without supplying a phone number?

When I install Gnome 3, Lubuntu hangs on boot up after dpkg-reconfigure lightdm

>want to install gnome3 on Lubuntu

Basically I want to be able to theme and most themes are Unity or Gnome

Use twitchls.com/channel (note the "ls") instead of twitch.com/channel

Good shit.

best current video player on Windows?

How safe is it to share my dotfiles on github?


Can putting a CD upside down in the drive cause it to catch fire and explode?

I see, thanks

What's a best way to send legal documents to notify individuals?
Fax? E-mail? kik/viber/whatsapp/FB?

What was that metal song where a manly sounding dude goes "MASTER! MASTER!" in a pause and then the melody continues?

Master of Puppets

Half webpages open like this and videos wont play
Ive tried most of the things on the support page

How do I change the date in a MANIFEST file in a visual studio project?

What equipment would one need to create their own cable station to stream media over their home coaxial cable?

Why doesn't Sup Forums have more of an interest in electronics?

Why don't we have oscilloscope threads and labstation threads?

Sup Forums could be so cool

using bspwm how do i set a window to be opened with specific dimensions?

So I ordered a $800 monitor and Amazon forgot to charge me. I recieved it 4 days ago and I have no mention of it in my bank account whereas orders that havent even arrived yet are charged in my bank statement.

Will they charge later in the month? Can they charge me like a few months down the line? What do

Hi, my PC only turns on if I wait for 15 seconds after I power it off. It seems to be called coldboot.

Otherwise works fine but anyone had it? I would prefer it to be the PSU than the Motherboard.

Maybe they will, isn't common practice to charge when they ship the item? Just pray and you might get it for free.

MPV works wonders, pretty intuitive GUI if you just want something that works out of the box.

If I just uninstall daz loader am I alright to upgrade or will it still fail?

Yeah I know I should do a clean install, but it'd take too long putting shit back the way it was.

You have 5 Megabits, not megabytes.