/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

/pure/ edition

Old thread: New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

If you have a question check Google and if you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

What.CD interview info: whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>don't respond to anime posters, they are known to ruin threads and shitpost, report and ignore.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd
>Easy way to elite on What.cd = whatbetter+search 2016 flac albums on better.php

Other urls found in this thread:



>implying there are magnet links being posted in here
fuck off

>wcd, ahd, emp

I think I'm /set for life/ now.

>not using whatbetter
do you hate buffer or what

>Implying you are talking anything but /t/ requests
Fuck off, neo-Sup Forums

why does qbittorrent name everything like this

what the fuck

I have 50Kbps upload
Not too long ago I started from BitSoup, one of the worst trackers to have ever existed
Now I'm on the holy trinity and HDB. If I made it, anyone can.

>neo-Sup Forums
kek, you tried

for me
I don't watch tv. thinking of getting into gazellegames but I'm going back to uni in a week and won't have time to gayme.

wow hahahahahahaha

>using magnet links

>still going
madl8 detected :^)

>not too long ago


How's summer, literal newfag?

>and he's still trying
oh m8, give it a rest, you're outta your league here :^)

No matter how much you post your meme smiley, nothing is going to change, newbabby

>still going with the new meem
aww m8 :^)

So when does your school start newbabby?

still going m8? :^)

yeah ok, it was a few years ago. but it's still possible and ptg is a great place to start. I wish i had available all the info that's in the faq

How deep is your ass, I'll go the full way through

oh okay, you're gay. that explains your mental issues :^)

Your feminine ass is delicious. Bend over

can anyone explain to me what layer13 is?

Why not /u/znet Sup Forums ? Good eu provider is all you need. Nobratio cucking and invite begging.

>he has to beg for invites
that's your problem

Any chance of me joining a real private tracker?
This is torrent leech. They have open registrations now btw.

you have no chance unless you join a legit tracker

Actually I don't, ratiocucking and all torrent scene went to shit. I used to be one of mods on few what you call exckusive trackers and witnessed all the cuckery on fst. Trust me its silly kid, you spend your time hunting for all them accounts thinking you will reach some imaginary level or whatever. You're just wasting your time kid.

>used to be one of mods on few what you call exckusive trackers
oohoho aahaha sure you did m8

How can one be /setforlife/ without at least PTP and BTN (and preferable HDB and BIB)?

>implying anyone reads so much that MAM and #bookz wont satisfy them

Is GFXpeers kill?

well, we can't all be such minimalists such as yourself :^)

Not too fussed about trying to get in to hdb, libgen has the majority of content I want.

Might try and get in to ptp in the future though.

Well mate I'm shitting you not. It was scf and few other. Scf was special one because it was owned by same guy that owns linkomanina.lv . If you even remember that abreviation it means you've been long enough around to know trackers is just a scheme to lure money from people by producing fake exclusivity factor and leeching donation moneys. Just take look at biggest semi private tracker now ipt. Exclusivity its a biggest meme ever.


>no anime


BIB is just so beautiful, compared to any other tracker, but specifically compared to MAM. Plus the quality control, of course.

Do so now that it's so easy! PTP is really worth the effort.

>watching cartoons

I started at anime bytes got in rather easy but it's shit and all the content is shit. Should I go to what.CD?

I got banned from there ;_; I really suggest you go to What.CD

Do they still recruit from wcd elite?

Better start transcoding shit that'll never get downloaded again

Yup, they do.

If i get a magnet link from a friend who is on a PT, can i then just use that and leech?
Not that i am in any position to do that, i'm just curious.

hahahaha no

How does it work then?

if you're a member you can download

where should I start?

Yes i'm aware, but how do they keep non members from downloading? How does your torrent client discern who's a member and who is not?

>read the op
>read the wiki

>do the wcd interview
>get in
congratulations, you are now /pure/

mR541 is the latest version right?

not sure if i should use that or RatioMaster Plus 1.4.1

gay porn private trackers anyone?

google is your friend

Redpill me on IDE lads. Is it worth joining?


user is fucking with you

if you download the torrent, it works

yeah, but then his friend gets banned


Thank you user

Well i wasn't fucking asking that, as even i could figure out the connection would be obvious.

any chance to get an invite?

kek, sure m8, lemme rev up those HDbits invites

google "ghost leeching", it works on some trackers but it's quite risky

technically you could, but you might get your friend banned, then neither of you can dl

Cheers anons. But as i said, i'm not in a position to do this, i was just curious.

So nothing is holding someone back from getting the torrent/magnet for an entire sites worth of stuff, and then just storing them and leeching?

you'll be found out quick and your ip banned

why isnt memory reader working with qBittorrent 3.3.6 on mRatio

>nerd rages because he can't cheat right

I keep seeing all this BS about HDB and other trackers. I'm a member of BTN/WCD/GGN/PTP and this pretty much covers all my bases for games, music, film and TV. What's the appeal of HDB and other trackers for someone like me?

>someone like me
nothing, since you don't care much about encoding quality

>autist monitoring and replying to every post out of insecurity 24/7

But PTP has its own internal encoders, and all the films that are golden popcorn there are excellent. Why go HDB?

>mad cause he can't cheat
oooh jejejekekelel

>autist is mad he has to seed while others get it for free
oooh jejejekekelel

>implying i pay to pirate
lellllekeke :^)

Don't do it user. Basically when you register on a private tracker a personal key is generated. That key is then embedded in whatever torrents you download from the site. The tracker only allows torrents with a valid key to connect, and this combined with IP logging + other security measures ensures your friend will be caught and banned for ratio cheating if you try to use his torrents.

>there are people who aren't members of EXIGO, Trance Traffic, The G Forces Tracker, h*h, Sinderella, Art of Misdirection, To The Core, and other high-level file sharing websites
top lel

Enjoy getting your shit after pre you fucking plebs.

any cyberpunk trackers out there

at elite on wcd now. what are my incentives to get TM+?

Before i even attempt to join WCD can i survive there with a 2Mbps upload connection?

Do they have a bonus systeam for seeding long term? I dont even have stuff to upload.

I can't even connect to peers with 1 Mbps so I use mRatio lmao

trackers usually prioritize archival rather than speed, so you should have no problems. they do not have a bonus system but there are many ways to build ratio (they have a wiki page dedicated to it)

can you name an example from the wiki?

is it like you shitpost on the forums or idle on the IRC to get some upload credit or what?

use a seedbox

nah, shit like download the FLAC and transcode to V0/V2/320 (V0 is USUALLY autosnatched by ratiocucks, and depending on torrrent tags the others are snatched as well. if you're uploading some unknown shit though don't count on V2 or 320 ever getting dl'ed)

so torrentz is gone now

what do I use now?

shit man i dont think i will survive in WCD, i dont know how to transcode fucking FLACs, fuck i just want to download and listen to music

use rutracker

their wiki is super comprehensive. furthermore community members have a program that transcodes files directly to the correct format with every intact. that's on the wiki as well

note that i only mentioned 1 way of building ratio. the wiki has like 30

>the wiki has like 30

can you maybe pastebin the wiki pls?

Since I've started tagging my rips, I've enjoyed searching google for them and seeing where they have turned up. Found two recent uploads: one on HDClub and another on tehparadox.

Feels good man (well, the HDClub remux does...)


too lazy. try not to overthink things - but if you let every technical detail hold you back, then you're going to have a rough time with the interview. often times, seeding every freeleech torrent when they're popular is enough to get substantial ratio, especially with seedbox

k thanks

Who else here /scared/ of Whatcd interview and don't wanna wait in IRC all fucking day?

What's your ratio on those? Are you really /setforlife/?

get on gazelle

get a pro gamer

get into any calab tracker u want

>Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before

Nice try.

I wish you anons stopped being so paranoid and these threads go back to what we OG's remember.