So the iphone 7 series won't have a 3.5mm headphone jack. Surprisingly there are people who are defending this choice...

So the iphone 7 series won't have a 3.5mm headphone jack. Surprisingly there are people who are defending this choice. This reminds me of when I got a new case for my iphone 6:

>case is great
>but headphone port on case is too small so my some of my bulkier headphone jacks don't fit
>buy slim adapters
>adapters break or get lost
>try blue tooth headphones. battery and audio quality sucks
>End up buying new case with bigger headphone port cutout

How does Apple not see that this is what will start happening? Especially since Samsung and LG are making better phones that they ever have?

Other urls found in this thread:

Normies won't give a fuck as long as they bundle in some shitty wireless or lightning headphones

After this disaster, Apple will reintroduce the headphone jack with next years' model. Wait and see.

And when the even thinner phone breaks even easier they'll still just buy a new one

Actually in case with the lightning port it will have a better audio than some high end headphones

It will only take a few more versions till android fixes ram issues and improve their animations. Then it will be over for ios

There's nothing wrong with Android animations.

Android has good RAM management. OEMs kill it
Animations are fine thanks to material design

Why make phones thinner when you have to add some stupid fucking bump for the camera to stick out of? I guess the phone is going to go inside a case anyways but if it doesn't lay flat by itself it's a design flaw.

enjoy being a peasant poo droid user.

>Samsung and LG are making better phones that they ever have
i wish

Modern high quality headphones have bluetooth these days.

>have lg bluetooth headset
>17 hours of talk time
>6 days of standy time

nothing of value was lost.

Enjoy your 32kbps bitrate audio quality

>sour grape shill force is already at full force

Fuck off audiophool. Let me guess you own cable lifts and $5000 power cords? You're just a fucking joke.

Apple will create some marketing term for lighting-only audio. Something really enticing to make non-tech people instant converts. Anyone wanna give it a shot? I'm gonna go with True-Audio, Apple-HD-Audio, HiFi-Beats audio, HDSOUND

>US Army Special Operations ditches Android for iPhone

>The iPhone is “faster; smoother. Android freezes up” and has to be restarted too often, the source said. The problem with the Android is particularly noticeable when viewing live feed from an unmanned aerial system such as Instant Eye, the source said.

>When trying to run a split screen showing the route and UAS feed, the Android smart phone will freeze up and fail to refresh properly and often have to be restarted, a process that wastes valuable minutes, the source said.

>“It’s seamless on the iPhone,” according to the source. “The graphics are clear, unbelievable.”


They will have a apple branded audio jack that only accepts apple made headphones. Why do you think they don't have a micro USB charging port? Too convenient. Apple wants that money $$$. How dare you want to use third party headphones with your phone. Apple headphones only.

>>try blue tooth headphones. battery and audio quality sucks

So you bought shit headphones. How is this a protocol issue?

Also if this happens they're likely including bluetooth headphones. Why on earth do people care so much about phone quality? I have a real setup at my desktop. I'm not about to drop hundreds of dollars on headphones I take on a commute or out into public in general.

Micro USB is shit connector,

they're probably just as cynically retarded as the likes of and are betting on it

can't really see them succeeding, however, the current headphones that ship with iDevices are uncomfortable garbage and normalfags aren't really going to like the idea of having to buy a bulk-ass ugly adapter to use whatever shit they currently have despite what the projecting hipsters on Sup Forums like to say about them

normalfag iOS users could give a fuck about muh specs and a trivial shill talking points at this point, they use it because they always have used it, because they're used to and comfortable with its mannerisms and application base, and because the platform has performed consistently to their expectations and does what they want it to do, the polish and "nice animations" are just icing on the cake

one fuckup isn't going to kill iOS, but if Apple consistently shows that they don't know how to do anything interesting and new but make shit impractically thinner while samshit et al. keep catching up to their brand image, they might start to decline

not really a good comparison, headphones are an entirely different beast from chargers which rarely break or otherwise need to be changed out, not to mention the feature phone age pretty much conditioned the mainstream to expect to have to swap out their chargers with every new upgrade

it's not the same with headphones, which normalfags like to keep forever, or otherwise cheap out on them and break them every week, as well as use them with devices other than their phones

>Apple wants that money $$$
they're rolling in enough of it already, and while they may be cynical, they're not cynical enough to respond to angry customers with something that fucks them over even more

There are already lightning headphones.

>micro USB
Type-C is the only good alternative. And that also does audio out.

That would never happen.

>So the iphone 7 series won't have a 3.5mm headphone jack.
Says who?
Specultion swallowed whole.
Welcome to Sup Forums.

>Says who?
Says every leak of the iPhone 7 so far from every source including the sources that have been reliable in the past.

I've never used anything other than the apple headphones. Not everyone walks around looking like a nigger With Dr. J. Snoop Eminim headphones on pretending to be a DJ...

DGAF about the 3.5mm headphone jack DESU as long as the buds it comes with sound ok.

When the fuck are they showing off the iPhone 7?

This. I'm surprised more people don't realize it.

Apple making a proprietary connector that manufacturers must pay royalties to use, Apple buying Beats, headphones with huge profit margins, Apple being able to lock in people in their ecosystem... the writing is on the wall already.

They. Already. Have. Lightning. Why is their post even worth responding to?

Manufacturers that make lighting headphones must pay royalties to Apple, thus Apple makes money of headphones that can be used on an iPhone. Not a hard concept to understand.

Apple made mistakes and they quietly made em disappear. See the iPod nano stick with only one for charging, data and audio.

Yes, I understand that, the idiot who made the post is making claims about an "apple branded audio jack that only accepts apple made headphones" when we already have lightning headphones made by other companies. They're not going to do anything besides lightning just like on Android they're just doing USB type C on the phones that don't have headphone jacks.

No thanks apple. I'll wait with my iPhone 5 for next year's iPhone. Even if half the rumors are true it will be worth it.

The Apple Earpods or whatever are actually pretty damn good as far as headphones go (especially free).

If they bundle wireless or lighting ones that are like that, I'm sure they'll be fine.

Car audio you fucking sped

they've ran out of meme pseudo features to add so now they're removing what actual features are left

Truly, this is innovation

Calling it now,
2020's iphone will be literally a thinly sliced piece of shit in an apple box

Screencap this post

Technology evolves rather you like it or not. Remember when printers weren't USB? Remember VCRs? I'm not saying this is a massive evolution, but you get the point.

Sometimes less is more. I used to buy albums and just keep them on my computer, but then I found Spotify and with premium, I don't need to do it anymore. Streaming is just better.

I try to keep an open mind about things. I use headphones a lot on my phone and the wire is extremely uncomfortable, especially when walking. I think there are specific sport ones that are better, but ehh.

With this, it'll help Bluetooth headphones be more standard and reduce the price to the wired headphones. And with wired headphones being much cheaper.

They'll also improve too because they'll have a reason. And I think Bluetooth is a better method of using headphones. Lots of things are Bluetooth now anyways, especially in cars.

Same with the microSD slot. I have an S7 and I've never used that feature. I don't see a point and while they're cheap, I don't even use much of the space now. Mostly just apps take up storage and any media I off load to my computer anyways.

Does Apple profit from less parts and not being able to add expandable memory? Sure, but what's the difference if you won't use it anyways. They're not just going to include it for fun.

Only reason Samsung did it was because they're competing with Apple and need something. When the iPhone comes out, you know it'll beat Samsung just for the brand alone. Samsung will follow suit once the road is clear and you bought into them unless they need something to compete with.

Say whatever you want, but I try to keep an open mind instead of being stubborn. Some stuff I agree with, some I don't, but Apple is right on this. Good thing it's them because this has to be done regardless and it'll make it easier for others to follow.

Which they will.

>iToddler defending Apple copying and playing catch up to the chinese again like always


I just want this thing to come out already just so we can stop fucking talking about it.

I have no problem with USB-C replacing 3.5mm if the quality remains the same. Thank fuck I always buy headphones with removable cable and a 3.5mm female jack.

So it is an easy fix for me, I'd just have to buy a 3.5mm male to USB-C cable. No adapter required. Only major qualm with USB-C is simultaneously charging and listening to music on the phone.

Mini SD card is not something I am willing to give up as it allows me to expand my storage when needed even if it is rarely the case, it also allows me to easily transfer data to a new phone or device.

Call me old fashioned but I would much rather have a reasonably thick phone with more battery life and removable battery than all this thin and stylish sealed in battery bullshit.

>Just planned obsolescence my shit up famalam

Let us go were no apple has gone before

>No speakers
>Same footprint as a credit card, can fit inside wallet
>Not a single port in sight
>Wireless charging
>Bluetooth for data transfer and peripherals
>NFC replacing all your cards.
>No SD card nor user accessible internal storage, whatever internal storage exists is the bare minimum reserved for the OS.
>All storage is offloaded to the cloud/NSA.

> I
> N
> N
> O
> V
> A
> T
> I
> O
> N

That sounds great though, I don't think you understand aesthetics

Autistics on Sup Forums want their phone to have an RJ45 jack and a can opener

Noone can deny except rabid fanfags that android gets slower and slower as its being used and need factory reset, even the flagship ones

>US Army discovers that the 6S is faster than the Note 2 with their rubbish software

I my not understand the aesthetics but it will definitely understand me.

>buying from apple after steve jobs is dead
superior iPhone was 4S, only idiots will buy iPhone 7

Even your military is filled with retards good job.

There are custom IEMs made for people whose monthly salary isn't measured in Big Macs, and no one will pair them with iPhones anymore because why would I pay 700$ for headphones and 600$ for a phone to have worse sound quality than a Moto G with Xiaomi Pistons.

>US Army congratulates itself for gutsy decision making.

Is everyone forgetting that in the 4/s series phones the headphone jack was on the top of the phone? Whose to say they didn't change it and put it on top again?

Also why the fuck are all of my captchas in what I think is Italian?

>still falling for bluetooth audio quality meme
audiophiles are hilarious

most useless port on my phone
so i don't care
my next phone won't be iphone
because homo emojis

this reminds me of when "mp3 phones" were becoming a thing and you had to use an adapter to plug in your headphones

but it's da fudure, am i rite?
# cand stob brogedss :DDDDDDD