When do you think VR headsets will start to replace high end multi screen setups?

>StarVR headset has a FOV of 210 and a combine resolution of 5k, eye tracking OLED screen.
>Will only be released for VR businesses.
>Has a partnership with IMAX.

When do you think consumer VR headsets like the Vive will be superior to a multi screen setup?

It is not comfortable to wear a headset for extended periods of time. Playing my vive for an hour is fine, but I would never want to sit for a full work day with that thing on.

I actually like to move around freely, and monitors allow me to do just that. Also, I dont want to have a thing strapped to my head all day. Since my life basically evolves around PC with my job and study.

As soon as it's super light and wireless, aka too late.
VR is a meme for everything but geimus. AR soon.

>Fell for the VR meme

Im talking about gaming applications

Realistically, 12 years or so. 6 years if it manages to become mainstream and people pay attention to it. Not bloody likely to happen.

yeah I'd guess in the next 'wave' of VR when things are lighter and more perfected.
~10 years?

Well when we have them running at 120Hz or more, then they'll probably be ready for mass consumption, assuming the price comes down to acceptable levels. I would expect a VR setup to have the same price as a mid range monitor or GPU.

as soon as the navy finally releases that contact-lens-monitor-on-a-chip to the public

StarVR is a dead end. Their design has too much weight.

The answer is lighter light field displays that allow true focus depth.

>g-g-guys please VR is not dead we're replacing high end setups
>please buy our fancy new VR

i wonder if they'll make visual implants at some point. like something that can feed stuff right into the optic nerve.

i mean they're pretty much doing it with cochlear implants, though i guess vision is a little more complicated

lol never

>strap screens to your head
>call it virtual reality


1 Year. Exactly 1 year.

Who said VR is dead? It's just starting to take off.

>movie theaters start implementing VR headsets
>2 years later
>rampant spread of facial skin diseases
>poor hygienic standards
>display crackles and catches on fire leaving a viewer blind for life with 3rd degree burns

Anything you can possibly think of going wrong will go wrong. Why? because made in fucking china that's why.

Movie theaters will never implement them, because they are expensive and prone to vandalism.

The gaming and porn will be 100% VR tho.

>When do you think consumer VR headsets like the Vive will be superior to a multi screen setup?

Needs at least 8k. 4k isn't good enough and the garbage they have now is terrible.

Thats all Im waiting for is a very nice implementation of a virtual desktop

wasn't there a gay anime about cutting off your senses from your body and transmitting data to your nervous system through microwaves (or some gay shit)

let me know when that exists. full immersive virtual reality

Going to theaters is an inherently social experience. People go to the movies to hang out with friends, VR would only isolate you.

>VR would only isolate you
Everyone is glued to their smartphones these days using "social" media.

If marketers were able to pull that off then surely they will find a way for AR/VR.

VR is a stupid idea and is being poorly executed in our current times.

Should it be called VVR?
Visual Virtual Reality

VR without 5 sense immersion isn't VR

Naw, smell and taste are not needed at all, you need some sort of kinesthetic equivalences and it's all good, galvanic vestibular stimulation would be great but no company is going to risk it

There is a 5 sense immersion if you are rich enough.
The tech exists and is being sold for 20 years, for fuck's sake.
You underage retard are acting like it's something new, because some company finally managed to make it affordable.

And here's your VR, including the walking thing and the controller back in 1993.

The whole thing is ancient and is only taking off now because of the high density displays and powerful enough GPUs to make double picture calculation viable.


They'll start when we get 4kx4k per eye. That should give you the equivalent of a fucking VGA CRT.
Once they hit 8k per eye it'll get mass adoption.
Vive isn't fucking enough. When I first put one on, the first thing I noticed was the horrible res.
After about 10 seconds I stopped noticing, but if I was trying to read something I have no doubt it'd all come back.

2-3 years. Current ones are already better than 1080p larger screens, won't be long before 4k OLED panels are the norm in flagship phones/headsets.

Having one of each those per-eye would easily beat dual 4k displays (which I use now)


that fov is retarded. it has been proven that the very same effect can be achieved with a cheap array of leds around the lens.

>Current ones are already better than 1080p larger screens,
Unless you're talking about a 200" at fime meters, you ain't getting that.
I fucking want it, but that's not what you're getting.
With pic related I took a screenshot from virtual desktop, scaled it to 2160x1200, the res on the Vive and Rift, and then selected the monitor.

It ends up at 892x563. That's so close to 840x480 it's not funny, and that doesn't even factor for most of the image being squished.
At the shortest point, the screen is, well I'll be damned, 481 pixels tall.
I want this as much as anyone, but
>Current ones are already better than 1080p larger screens
is just bullshit.
Here, I'll actually do the maths.

4096x2276, that makes the screen 1708x1072, so a panel higher than 4k gets you nearly 90% of a single 1080p panel. Not gonna lie, better than I thought. But still using a panel with 4x the pixels as current headsets (2,592,000 vs 9,322,496 pixels)

8192x4552 gets us 3392x2176, so not quite 4k, but that's with 37,289,984 pixels, our current headsets give us 6% of that. so when our graphics cards, that current headsets are pushing, can give us a 14x performance boost, then sure, we'll have not quite 4k virtual monitors in vr.

And finally, 16384x9104, 57 fucking times the pixels of current headsets, we'll get displays slightly better than current iMacs.
6812x4372. All it needs is 57 RX 480's on one chip.

>2-3 years
Sure, let's hope the switch from silicone really goes well.

Not until it's something more than existing technology combined in one device. We need actual innovation.

That FOV is ridiculous. What is that, a VR headset for birds?

>two cheap displays gives you (1920*1080*2) pixels condensed in maybe 40-50 degrees of your vision (horizontally)
>right now consumer VR headsets are stretching (1920*1080) over ~3/4 of human field of view
not soon
try to imagine dpi difference

They're stretching 1080x1200, which at 90 degree FOV is still better than that 1080p in 45 degrees of FOV

This. A waste of pixels is what it is since they're badly needed in the middle.

>terrible resolutions inferior even to phones
>gpus can't even deal with higher res
> no good way to control shooters
>pointless for non-first person
>vive requires a dedicated room and walking around
>no games

Pc vr is doa

how is (1080*1200*2)/90 better than (1920*1080)/45?

i had rift on my head, font in menus in elite dangerous docks was sometimes unreadable. it's shit DPI-wise and won't be useful as everyday display anytime soon.

>no good way to control shooters
I played HL2 and it was pretty cool with a mouse. I'd love to play more games in this manner.

also, i forgot to add some correction on one display instead of two
two 22" displays would give you ~50 degree fov, but single one is no more than 20-30, which makes dpi difference even worse

So this Star VR is going to be like $10,000 each?

Going to movie theaters to put on a headset. What do you go to the arcade to play video games too?