Install piratebox on rpi

>Install piratebox on rpi
>Remove the Piratebox homepage and display a Facebook phishing
>Rename the SSID "Facebook"
>Hide in a park

Already 2 logins

Congrats, you're comitting a felony

In an easy-to-trace way, I might add.

>easy to trace

It's not like pirate radio, nobody cares. Moreover, you're wrong.

nigga the moment someone realizes what's going on and finds the box, you're done.

You're right, but finding the box is the hardest part of the thing.

considering that so many people are playing the exact same game needed to find it with Pokemon these days, I wouldn't be very confident.

the premise of the pirate box is cool, offline swapping is a good source of privacy because it's extremely exclusive to who can connect to it and file swap.

..but you're using it like a retard. You could be doing something with much more malcontent than stealing normies facebook accounts yet you stick to being a faggy little script kiddy.
This is why we can't have nice things, because faggots like you.

>where could the signal be coming from in this empty park?
>*looks over and sees sweating overweight neckbeard dressed in black and wearing a fedora*

>Two antennas and triangulation
Gee that was hard


Found the retard.

two fixed antennas and the device you're using, jesus fuck, you are a moron.

Why the fuck would you need piratebox or rpi to do that???

Not sure if bait or over retard.

Two antennas result in 2 possible points.
Not to mention it's a park, it's easy as fuck to get the distance with that little interference.

MAC address is linked to your bill
MAC address is on your isp

You samefagged three times to damage control?

No better than you, huh fagtron?

I am sorry fellow user-kun.
Those fucktards have no idea about difference between Trilateration and Triangulation

>17 / 1 / 12 / 2
Don't say that so loosely, user.

*changes MAC address*

*teleports behind you*

They have logs, asshat.

fbi opens your device and the mac address that is physically printed on the device matches the original one in the signal.

*proceeds to open the device and erase the original MAC address*

He obviously would change the mac address BEFORE sending the signal, not after.

That's suspicious as fuck, user.
As is getting rid of the device.
You're fucked.

Shutup and post the (You)s

You dumb niggers are aware that OP the faggot didn't do jack shit, posted as if he did, and now you're doing tech support for his edgelord project, right?

Hi op
Hope the felony charge goes over well

Remember kids, Don't steal or hack. The government hates competition.

Nice one mate

But I'm not OP

I never get OP credit in threads I post

Well, I would have posted quotes to OP that didn't have (You), but I'm the first idiot that quoted him

but he has already deployed the device and didn't do either of those things

>MAC address is on your isp
Who the fuck connects their modem directly to their PC? Do you understand how layer 2/3 works?

You are retarded.
Mac Addresses are not routable. Furthermore, you rarely connect to an ISP with a direct connection betwixt computer and ISP. It is most likely going to be a situation of computer -> router -> ISP. So if you were *actually* connected to your ISP, if anything, they'd get the mac address of the router.

Except that they don't anyway because mac addresses aren't even routable. Furthermore, even if the authorities had your mac address, it would not tell them anything about the whereabouts of the device that it is assigned to BECAUSE nothing about the mac address states the network location of said device...

Now here's the issue with the scenario itself:

Setting up a WAP (Wireless Access Point) does not necessarily mean that you are setting up a router. Most of you kiddies have been conditioned to believe that routers and WAPs are the same thing. The reason for this is because sometimes there are multifunction devices that can act as both routers and WAPs.

Now: here's the reason why, in this scenario, the ISP is likely not even involved....
The WAP doesn't also have to route to the internet. When a user connects to it, they are connecting to the WAP which, in turn, connects to the raspberry pi computer. The raspberry pi is configured to connect the user to a locally hosted page that looks like a facebook page. For you fucking scriptkiddies, this is called phishing. From what it sounds like, DNS spoofing is involved.

For this entire scenario to work, internet access is not actually required at all.


want to get into some mesh networking with rpis, but no one nearby to make it work.

would be easy to get into scriptkiddie shit like this, but don't really see the point.

>install piratebox

What's so funny?

Why not mak e a wireless hotspot with a custom /etc/hosts which routes to your facebook phish page or inserts a javscript keylogger?

Luckily, I have a *PC*, not a MAC.

>changing MAC address AKA hardware address
fuck off
>ISP has logs of any changes to a nonroutable address
Fuck off

>Easy to trace
What, is someone simply going to have a pair of antenae on them whenever they feel something has gone amiss in the park?

Enjoy your V&

Is he? I mean, literally nobody fucking forces those fucking normies to steal his WiFi in the first place.

If it's unlocked, in many places it's the wifi owner's responsibility to prevent it from being used for criminal acts.

>someone breaks in your house
>he tumbles and cracks his head open and dies
>it's your responsibility

>put out a gun
>someone shoots someone with it

What are they stealing exactly? If the WAP is disguised as a free WiFi service with no password, what are the users stealing? You could venture to say that the users are stealing a service but it is a freely accesable wireless access point that only serves to steal the users' credentials.

What, on earth, are the users stealing? The fake internet connection service? Hello... dingbat! If there is no password on the wireless signal, they are essentially just waltzing right into an open doorway.

You're not allowed to just waltz into people's homes even if the door is open, you know.

You're opening a door to a public building if there isn't a lock on it.

In the United States of America, there are several notable cases where you would be responsible for the accidental injury of a burglar.

>" What is public WiFi ? "

Imagine that you are at a Starbucks
There's free WiFi available
No password
No fees to using it
Literally, you can just connect.
And it's not illegal.

It's like a technological revolution for retards.