Why are other operating systems so ugly compared to OS X?

Why are other operating systems so ugly compared to OS X?

>Why are other operating systems so heterosexual compared to OS X?

Fixed that for you.

Gay jokes XD

Suck a weanus peanus XD

idk a lot of icons before yosemite were much better. I got used to the translucency and traffic lights pretty quickly though

why are other operating systems so ugly compared to win95?

It's true. Most mactards are faggots. Even their CEO is a faggot.


I'm pretty sure with how large the windows community is, that there are more windows faggots out there.

Because people prefer things that work over pretty things

Gentoo > OSX

This. Every other OS seems so disjointed and wrong. Even windows somehow, even though there is only 1 (2 for metro apps now) official guideline like on OS X.

That could be a screenshot from Mint and half the people wouldn't even notice. OS X being the only good looking one is the master meme here.

pidorashque stay in cheburashque


Because other OS devs prefer spending resources on making the OS actually work.

The point is that it's not one program that looks good. It's that every program feels the same and looks unified. The settings menu on ubuntu-likes is one of rare things that linux community done right, but install a music player or a video/picture editor for example and it'll look barely like the rest of os.
Good thing OS X worked from the beginning.

OSX is best OS

There's literally nothing wrong with Mac OS(TM).
My boyfriend craves Mac OS(TM).


>App Store
>Time Machine
>the Apple logo on a Magic Mouse™

People would notice.

I unironically agree.
OS X seems to be the only one with a consistent UI throughout the entire OS.

Not even an Apple or iFag.

>that title bar
>those icons
>scrollbar for no reason
>preferences group in a preferences app

What doesn't work in OS X?

That is linux mint

Atrocious. Looks nothing like OP pic.

exe files :^)

(sorry for this bait post, i know wine fixes this)


That's the point he's making, it looks like it has way less quality.


There are currently 3777 Mac games on Steam, note: this does not include App Store games. second note: macOS ships with several gaming APIs that work close to the hardware just like DX12 and Vulkan.

Actually OS X has 7714 games and linux has 4891

wait nvm those are dlc and videos

still more than linux though

>scrollbar for no reason

The reason for scrollbars is to scroll things using a bar.

>preferences app
>app for preferences


>Actually OS X has ONLY 7714 games and linux has ONLY 4891
If you want tot play windows is the ONLY correct answer.

Well for starters the fact that it is BSD really limits the amount of devices that can connect to it no problem.

I have heard many tech channels saying el capitan can really fuck up the filesystem.And that sometimes people expect that with a new release and that is just unacceptable.

Even if you want it for video editing for the same money you could get a PC that renders videos much faster.

System tools like the partitioning tool on mac is horrible and has small support for filesystems.(linux user here btw)

Gaming is better on other platforms and even linux.

The default filesystem it uses is horrible(why can't OSes other than linux adopt ext4 , zfs and btrfs again?)

It's not a preference app, it's System settings. It has multiple categories and they all have a title.

Also scrollbars, icons and practically everything can be changed. Here's what mine looks like. It's so easy to change them that even an Apple user would be able to do that, even though they aren't used to the freedom of choise.

>tfw macOS allows for an easy to install Windows dualboot method that won't let Windows overwrite your bootsectors

There is a game filter , steam does not only sell games

The good Linux DEs have all their settings in one place too.
The hobbyist ones are worse than Windows and are a cobbled together mess.

OS X is actually not only ugly, but poorly designed from a UX perspective. I know because I'm using it right now.

I'm used to it, but I don't like it. You can never like it.

>dual boot
it's retarded, just install linux and gpu passthrough a windows vm for games. it's easy to set up.
OS X is an inconsistent GUI mess and it's worse every update.

No reasons given whatsoever

One of the reasons for making the window taller is that users could remember the exact position of a setting.

It's literally "System Preferences.app"
Also what else it is, not an app?
It's better to have 1 good theme than a million bad ones. The title bar still looks wrong, but now that's because of text size and color.
>windows icon is exact same as for tiling
>preferred applications is just 3 gears
>startup apps is just an "on" icon and screensaver displays a lock icon even though most users don't lock their screens like that (those are ok though)

Goes both ways. Mactards never give arguments as to why their os is good and not shit. Apart from the "it looks good", which it doesn't, and the "it just werks", which it does no more than competitors.

Not an argument

>I-I-I wouldn't want to change anything anyway! CuckOS is a-awesome!
Anything that bothers me, I can change. Nothing you have listed bothers me at all so I'll just keep these, at least for now. When I get bored looking at them I'll just change them at any point. Can you do that? Are you allowed to get bored or was that forbidden in your iTunes EULA?


see picrelated

and every single of these themes actually looks good, even though i prefer the classic.

You should try GNOME, a lot of people hate it because they removed features but they have a consistent design (At least for apps built for it like Corebird, Vaccine Sup Forums client and FeedReader)

OSX is an acquired taste. Like a flat chested girls, with short hair, a tight core, pretty good muscles all around really, a strong jawline, and a colossal penis.

It's fine if you like that. That's ok. It's really no business of mine. Just don't expect me to like it too.

Not him but for one it doesn't use the corners of the screen, which is retarded on a mouse driven interface. And all because they want to make it look superficially like the first iteration of Mac OS.
Speaking of mouse driven there's a ton of mouse acceleration making it awful to use with a mouse on a desktop.
Zero useful options in context menu because it tries to appear simple, in the end you have to do command + click and other bs just to change the audio output device from the volume icon.
Finder can at least be customized and functionality can be added to it, but by default it's less useful than an android file browser.
No real maximize option just a make bigger button, at least they added window tiling finally (they did, right?). Macfags always argue it's a windows thing and OS X doesn't need it but the same was said of all other features OS X borrowed.
Can't even change the colorspace from full to limited RGB to my TV connected via HDMI (which I can on Windows and Linux), so I can't really use the TV, (I've mentioned this before, Macfags think I'm talking about ICC profiles)
Last time I tried it the dock didn't have intelligent hiding like it does in linux, which is again one of those things that make you wonder why are they being such cunts and not giving users any options.

The dock is a hugh waste of space and why the fuck would anyone wants to separate the setting from the program?
a burger menu directly on the program's gui is by far a better idea.
I have always thought that docks are a bad idea, I prefer the gnome 2 style with a modern theme and good keyboard shortcuts.

I drank some kombucha earlier and feel like I'm teetering on the peripheries of some kind of migraine.

If you want explanation, indicate the mental investment will be worthwhile in your next post. I very likely have nothing to gain either way, but I will waste time on you.

I know about the gnome 3's design, I kinda like it, but GNOME doesn't have every app or a replacement app in their style. In OS X, every single app looks and behaves the same.
>Not him but for one it doesn't use the corners of the screen, which is retarded on a mouse driven interface. And all because they want to make it look superficially like the first iteration of Mac OS.
OS X does use corners? Apple menu and notification center are in corners.
>Speaking of mouse driven there's a ton of mouse acceleration making it awful to use with a mouse on a desktop.
Disable it.
>Zero useful options in context menu because it tries to appear simple, in the end you have to do command + click and other bs just to change the audio output device from the volume icon.
Keyboard shortcuts are faster anyways. I guess I agree
>No real maximize option just a make bigger button, at least they added window tiling finally (they did, right?). Macfags always argue it's a windows thing and OS X doesn't need it but the same was said of all other features OS X borrowed.
There's one since os x 10.9.5
>Can't even change the colorspace from full to limited RGB to my TV connected via HDMI (which I can on Windows and Linux), so I can't really use the TV, (I've mentioned this before, Macfags think I'm talking about ICC profiles)
You can, there are scripts for this

Fuck off Daniel

Windows uses all 4 corners, this is a basic concept in UI design. OS X only uses the top corners. As well as don't move buttons around, which happens on a dock that grows and shrinks.
Keyboard shortcuts are nice, but it doesn't have to be one or the other and OS X doesn't give you any options if you use it mainly with a mouse.
OS X is supposed to be easy, why should I have to use a script to change something for which there obviously should have been an option in the UI.

Nice photoshop. You can't change the theme on macOS


Functionality wise I have Exposé features on 8.1, best feature

Why do you post a pic of Gnome 3 ?

Holy shit that's ugly. why can't freetards into GUI?

Excellent meme, Mememaster3000. Keep it up.

Why use 4 corners if everything fits neatly at the top of the screen? Scattering shit all over the screen is not good interface design.

It's shit and so is your taste.

>in the end you have to do command + click and other bs just to change the audio output device from the volume icon.

Worst case it takes 4 left clicks to change the audio output on a Mac. Best case 3 left clicks.
It always takes 4 clicks (1 right, 3 left) on Windows.

Forgot: if you use the alt+click on the volume icon on a Mac it only takes 2 clicks.
Is there a method of changing output devices in 2 clicks on Windows?


It takes 2 clicks on Windows 10 AU, Cinnamon, Chrome OS and you don't also have to hold other buttons.

Anything is good when Apple does it and if they don't then it's also better, because they know best :^)

shutterstock os

what are you still talking about? you can use all 4 corners plus shitload of gestures and shortcuts on top of that

there is no native window snapping and all third party programs for snapping work like shit, won't even delve in other reasons as this alone makes os x feel like using xp all over again

Ah! So this is where on earth Linux distros like Ubuntu thought it was okay to have a settings application look like this.

>OS X is an inconsistent GUI mess

the only gui "mess" I don't like is apple moving spotlight from the top right to the middle of the screen

>to change the audio output device from the volume icon
this is fixed now since Sierra

>context menu has no options
it always has a huge list of things

>doesn't use corners
this gimmick from early mac os x versions has long been dropped, ever since OS X Leopard.

>why the fuck would anyone wants to separate the setting from the program?
Settings aren't separated from programs.

You are free to change that, though? Right?

You can drag it to the top right of the screen and it'll stay there.

>OS X is an inconsistent GUI mess
more like "inconsistent GAY mess", amirite?

>Settings aren't separated from programs.

>you mean this thing that only has been out since 9 days ago
then you also have to consider this which in the end is still 1 click less

Fuck off, it's macOS not OSX.

That's something entirely different from settings.
The Menus aren't attached to windows because it saves space, and they'll always be found in the same location. Downsides are that you'd have to move the mouse more if you don't know shortcuts and that you don't see the Menus for Apps/Programs that aren't focussed.

>added siri
when will os x botnet memes arrive to Sup Forums?


4 gb of ram

so people trust apple's disable buttons but not microsoft's, why?

Because unlike on Windows it actually disables parts of your OS. (which it clearly states that changing the values doesn't change anything on Windows)

Cuz ur a macfag that takes it in the ass from bubba Linux and Joe windows


Why are you such a fucking faggot?

>which it clearly states that changing the values doesn't change anything on Windows
where exactly?

here. i know it's not cortana but brought up
>so people trust apple's disable buttons but not microsoft's, why?

Faggot detected

Just on a percentage basis, fags love Mac. The design appeals to feminine sensibilities.

any proof that os x doesn't have telemetry? i have hard time believing that they don't collect data for their spell checking development

Fully editable once you open the lock.

Nah W10 settings panel new GOAT

yeah but the font kerning would be a dead giveaway lol

Because they give a shit.

Windows 10 has a long way to go but it's at least heading to the right direction