ITT: Times you acted like Elliot


when I replied to this thread


right now


I have a morphine habit and tried to fuck my sister once.

When I hacked the FBI

I installed Debian
that's about it since Elliot uses Debian
I also did an edgy fuck society phase for 2 days til I realised how much of a fag I sounded like

When I, too, hated Dell.

I use drugs to deal with the loneliness.

>he watches TV shows
I hope you at least torrent them...

>I hope you at least torrent them...

USA literally forces it.
their website streams freezes even after you disable adblock.

I furiously masturbated to furry porn once

I once sat in the corner of my room and cried for a long time, does that count?

I hacked the interwebz


>tfw haven't been able to cry since I was 16
>tfw even through deep depression I cannot shed a tear
>literally all I want to do is let it out but I simply cannot
>tfw dad got cancer and I couldn't express any emotion, maybe didn't even feel anything
>tfw now experiencing other disassociative symptoms, sometimes don't feel like I am me
>pills only make me more of a zombie

>tfw no feelings about any of the above

Time to upgrade your old Pentium III shittop to something new. Macbook perhaps?

kill yourself

that one time I fucked the chick that brought the drugs home. Bad move, she was awesome in bed, liked to be chocked and loved to suck my dick but she got clingy after a couple of nights.

But I don't have a BMW.

> vim
> Ruby

Elliot has good taste. Emacs and Python fags BTFO.

right before i took a fat dab you punk bitch

There was a point where I was taking 3 36mg concerta caps a day + caffeine pills + triple espresso black coffee

I once got paranoid when thought i saw a lot of men in black suits standing around outside my apartment.
But then i remembered there is a funeral home next door.

That scene in episode 1 when he is crying in the corner and the commentary is something along the lines of "i hate it when i can't keep in my loneliness"

sister pic?


you mean evil corp?