Is GPL communism?

Is GPL communism?

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No, GPL is a kike trick that has nothing to do with freedom.

Pretty much

>GPL is a kike trick that has nothing to do with freedom.
that's literally what communism is

>half the people on this board fell for a jew trick

Goddamn I hate freetards

Not really...It's similar in that both are based on nearly utopian pipedream that never work in reality.

GPL differs in that it at least somewhat fucking works despite its idealism. Whereas communism/socialism ALWAYS fails...then gets tried over and over and over again because of its fucking idealism.

the fast that some people want to give you their code isn't irrealism
GPL is more like hippies

was Jesus a communist ?

what is irrealism

>was Jesus a communist ?

The kikes hated him, so no.

i meant idealism

the ideas behind free software are much more in line with anarchism

i will now leave this thread for fear of how depressed Sup Forums"s misinterpretation of what i just said will make me

>the "communism works on paper but not in real life" meme
if I had a penny for every time I heard this, I'd become a capitalist and invest in stocks and shares.

>Whereas communism/socialism ALWAYS fails
In order to reach the stage of socialism and go forward with it so that it "works" you first need to have capitalism, and further an already democratically-minded populace who aren't going to pick dictators.

>then gets tried over and over and over again

>because of its fucking idealism
Trying something multiple times, in different locations with different material conditions does not constitute idealism.

can you please explain how it's supposed to be interpreted, as someone who isn't well versed in the principles of anarchism?

>>the "communism works on paper but not in real life" meme
>if I had a penny for every time I heard this, I'd become a capitalist and invest in stocks and shares.

True, it doesn't even work on paper.

Out of curiosity, what have you read?

like proprietary software strangles out the possibility of the very real deeper benefits of free software from ever being actualized, so does capitalism to any other potential approach
these things simply cannot coexist
the most disturbing thing abtou your response and understanding of these things is that they are not uncommon

It is about decentralising how software is made, as rather than rigid structure of one company working with closed source it allows for multiple people to contribute. Taking away the concentration of power

>Out of curiosity, what have you read?

Excerpts from Das Kapital, in philosophy class.
I was like, is this nigga for real?

Given the constant monitoring of the users by the 2 main proprietary OSs I would think proprietary software is the real tools of oppressive police states and dictatorships. GPL is not only free as in freedom but as time passed and our rights are slowly eroded it becomes one of the most important refuges of freedom.

Royalty free software is always developed slow as hell, the desire for profit and ownership, and the one-entity push is what has allowed certain areas to grow so rapidly, altough it has admitelly hindered others.

Is socialism.

>I would think proprietary software is the real tools of oppressive police states and dictatorships.

Just use your computer offline, problem solved.

political system champion

>Or you could comply with whatever the powers that be choose for you.
I am not a slave like you.

>just don't use the most important innovation of these decades, better keep these offline games

The world of software is so new that any `is always' generalizations like this are meaningless.
And like said, the potentials free software offers will never be tapped while proprietary software is allowed to exist.

The rest of your statement implies that this was the only way would could have gotten here - Which is just dumb, but pointless to argue.
Self awareness grants us that the how we got here is irrelevant to where we can go.
It's also undermined by things like rent seekers and patent trolls - Progress has most often happened in spite of profitability and ownership, not because of it.

>mfw Sup Forums talks economics

The cost of using gpl'd software is your contribution. The rest is legal fluff.
- Linus Torvalds.
GPL is supported in the language of and has been enforced by US patent law.
Is US patent law communist?

It's not capitalist vs. communist,
It's cathedral vs. bazaar.

fuck off eric
you're the dumbest doofus nit yet to taint this field
your vocal existence has set humanity back by decades
kill yourself

>They think they still have privacy

Linux will not save you

>It's cathedral vs. bazaar.

The dumbest essay ever written

Thank god we have GNU then.

Jealous of my qt3.14 gf?


Does HURD work on bare metal yet?

You bring up an interesting point.
True computer freedom really can't happen until we can 3D print our own ICs and processors at home for cheap.
A worthy goal.
The computer revolution hasn't even happened yet.

>True computer freedom really can't happen until we can 3D print our own ICs and processors at home for cheap.

The technology is actually there. Just not very publicized. You can print 80's cpus relatively easily now.

If true, this is they first I've heard about it.

GPL is cuckoldry, BSD is a license for the white man.


I wish I had it. IIRC it was done in some lab (Lincoln Lab maybe?) in the US. Basically using a very fine pipette/syringe (1 um diameter) extruding semiconducting paste on a substrate. They wanted to embed printed microprocessor in a helmet or some shit like that. After a baking process, voilĂ  a working processor.

Some user was talking about it in a thread some time ago.

>thinks that caring about other people and their freedom is kikery
>implying he's not a kikesucker himself

You got that ass-backwards, son.

>thinks that caring about other people and their freedom is kikery

No kike has ever cared for anyone that wasn't himself. Except for Jesus.

you're misguided at best, stupid leftist sheep. you're trying to force your way of life onto others. it's obviously not fair that some tiny little low-effort library is """"""""free"""""""" but if someone uses it they have to give away all their source code, it's entirely disproportionate, it's jewery. if freetardism was so good, then how come there isn't any free non-trivial software like image and video editing software that can rival proprietary software solutions?

>caring about other people and their freedom
it's the anti-thesis of freedom, how about you leave people the fuck alone, live and let live, instead of being a literal "big government" communist fucktard

That's not what your mom said last night when she forked my dongle.

Bullshit user. There is no system at all ready for individual use. If I am wrong links. But DIY photolithography is not a thing at thet level.

GPL is a statement of the individual right of the author to choose how they want to license their intellectual property. All the licensees have to agree or fuck off. Otherwise they'll get sued.

It's quite the same level of fuck you as Apple EULA but directed at those who want to distribute derivative copies of the licensed IP instead of the consumer who just wants to use the software.

I'd say that GPL requires high level of copyright enforcement to be viable and thus a byproduct of capitalistic system. In idealistic communist system you'd have no such license as authors would have no freedom to enforce the license they choose.

Fuck off. If you don't agree to the license terms and still want to use the software you can go back to China.

>Bullshit user. There is no system at all ready for individual use. If I am wrong links. But DIY photolithography is not a thing at thet level.

As I said, I wish I had the link. It's basically a very very fine extrusion technique with special semiconducting pastes. It's not home ready, but it's not science fiction either.

Most SQL implementations

please don't respond to obvious bait

kill yourself

I'm like a rabid dog, I have to bite


Go back to Cuba.
Also, not technology at all, what the fuck

Go expose your brain damage elsewhere

>bloatware will save us

Go back to the trisquel forums faggot

No my sun, BSD and MIT is the way to go
Only BSD and MIT can save us now my song

Are you even trying?

If I write code myself and throw it on my public shithub under gpl3, can I later use it in a proprietary program that I write myself? Or did I get jewed?

The BSD and MIT licenses have their place and we should be happy they exist.
But if you are an independent developer and choose anything but the GPL, you are absolutely retarded.
You are just fucking yourself over and don't even understand the situation enough to realize it.
Choosing the GPL has little to do with sharing or kindness, the user benefits are only a nice tertiary plus.
It's about protecting you the developer.
It's about not getting cut out of your own project.
It's about making people who want to use your code pay for it in a way that's more tangible and important than money.

There's literally nothing wrong with communism.

You as the copyright holder can license your intellectual property on terms you choose. This means that you can change the license on will if all the copyright holders (you) agree. However you have to take into account outside committers who haven't signed a CLA and you cannot withdraw the license from previous versions.

How about the execution of bourgeoisie as class enemies and "cultural revolution"?

lol k


except that most everything it has to say is work and product centered
which, being post scarcity as we are, makes little sense
employment is slavery and work is prostitution
anything else it offers is done better and more explicitly by anarchism or (prior to being hijacked by the retarded gun crazy right) libertarianism

communism is ffmpeg
anarchism is emacs

>being post scarcity as we are

u wot m8

it has been well within our capability to feed, house, clothe, clean, medicate, educate, and entertain every single person on this planet at the expense, detriment, or coercion of no one for more than a hundred years

>stallman being mentioned right next to marx
>b-but GPL isn't communism


>it has been well within our capability to feed, house, clothe, clean, medicate, educate, and entertain every single person on this planet at the expense, detriment, or coercion of no one for more than a hundred years

Yeah, on paper. Fucking marxists, they never change.

ok kid

>trying to prove communism is shit with a video about socialism
Yeah, no.

delusional as fuck

Has a better argument than you though.

ok kid

I see it as the opposite of communism. It highly emphasizes personal ownership, which communism seeks to do away with.

I can do what I want to my copy of software, with the exception of stopping others from doing what they want with their software.

if you could accomplish even half that, you'd be a rich man

>Has a better argument than you though.

What arguments?

>it's obviously not fair
Then don't use it you right-wing dumbass piece of shit. Isn't that what you old cucks are all about, having the choice the do whatever you want?

Nobody of any religion has cared for anyone that wasn't himself. At most, they act like they do to please their god, because they're promised eternal salvation or some other bullshit