He knows about BSD

>he knows about BSD
>he still uses linux

When mature to BSD, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


BSD users are getting too fucking annoying lately

>linux is too mainstream
>let's move to new hipster OS

Enjoy your shit tier hardware support and no drivers.



XNU's Not Unix

Why use *BSD on my laptop when Gentoo offers a similar environment with better hardware and software support?

t. falseflagger

but muh gayms

Goddammit, Theo...haven't we told you we don't appreciate these posts?

I used FreeBSD exclusively for 3 years, it was fun but lack of support killed it for me in the end.

The funny part is that even OSS software fails to support BSD -- guess most developers don't know/care about portability.

OS X is not FreeBSD

thank god

most progammers are retarded

that, and the GNU tools break compatibility left and right (perhaps intentionally)

Linux is in that sweet spot right now. There are enough people using it that people write drivers and it isn't hard to find people that have done what you want to do. Yet there aren't so many that there are enough idiots who will buy your next piece of botnet software to justify developing your botnet for it.

I'm grateful that we have BSDs to fall back on in case that happens.

>guess most developers don't know/care about portability

Usually they don't care. Some guy writes software to do what he wants to do on his system and opens it up for other people if they want to use it. Someone else comes along and makes the changes necessary to run it on his system. He passes it upstream and now that software has portability. As long that guy is interested in using that software he is going to keep running it and will know when a change breaks his system. So he can come back and report it and help fix it with the specialized knowledge he has from using that system.

So as long as you have a few guys pitching in like that the original programmer can offer compatibility easily. Those guys are consultants for that system, testers for that system, and programmers for that system.

If you don't have those guys then you assume nobody gives enough fucks about running your software on that system to justify the effort. If your shit happens to work on that system great. If not oh well it's not like you're getting paid for this.

But I do use BSD.

Regardless OS X is a direct BSD descendant.

Nobody ever claimed it was.

> no one claimed it was

The person I replied to cited apple in response to the claim that bsd has poor hardware support. Now, before anyone shits their pants realize that this is a discussion about open source bsd and not apple's bsd implementation.

But OS X has bad hardware support. It only works with Apple hardware (not talking about peripherals)

Linux has better performance as a desktop OS.

BSD is garbage.
But I guess it's a lot easier to shill as hard as you can, instead of fixing it.
Just use linux. It's way better.
Credit must go to that whole copyleft idea.
Thank you RMS.

RMS hates the majority of distros (Including Gentoo) with a passion. The nonpolitical BSD license is objectively better

>Windows on desktop
>MBP for portable
>BSD on all servers

Truly master race, Linux sucks and it's users are more annoying and stuck up than vegans, sjw and Jehovah Witnesses combined.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

not true as apple serves using linux

everythings fucked up


Been there, done that. Really didn't seem worth it, it felt even more dated than linux.

I'm terribly sorry for interjecting another moment, but what I just told you is GNU/Linux is, in fact, just Linux, or as I've just now taken to calling it, Just Linux. Linux apparently does happen to be a whole operating system unto itself and comprises a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Most computer users who run the entire Linux system every day already realize it. Through a peculiar turn of events, I was misled into calling the system "GNU/Linux", and until now, I was unaware that it is basically the Linux system, developed by the Linux project.

There really isn't a GNU/Linux, and I really wasn't using it; it is an extraneous misrepresentation of the system that's being used. Linux is the operating system: the entire system made useful by its included corelibs, shell utilities, and other vital system components. The kernel is already an integral part of the Linux operating system, never confined useless by itself; it functions coherently within the context of the complete Linux operating system. Linux is never used in combination with GNU accessories: the whole system is basically Linux without any GNU added, or Just Linux. All the so-called "GNU/Linux" distributions are really distributions of Linux.

Is this the new word for cuck?


>When mature to BSD, Sup Forums?
when they finally support iommu and pcie passthrough perfectly

When they actually support all the drivers Linux does.

BSD has been there before Linux and yet no one takes it seriously
-Less drivers (Most bluetooth, printer, scanner and AMD drivers are not available)
-Linux compatibility layer dropped
-WINE dropped
-PC-BSD is horsecrap
-Open BSD has FBI backdoors and doesn't even have MAC
-No real vt-d virtualization for windows guests
-Third party softwares are geared towards Linux and not BSD (See Steam, VMWare, Foxit Reader, Dropbox, Skype and the list goes on)
-Garbage quality mirror speed
-pkg (FreeBSD) is a very mediocre package manager
-No Live ISO to actually try (apart from PC-BSD or some broken distro)
-Lack of vulkan support
-Most open source software are meant for Linux and systemd these days (pulseaudio, networkmanager, GNOME, etc, BSD doesn't have systemd. BSD and some other hipster garbage distro gets some skids to patch together so they can barely run without systemd. Expect no support when system breaks.
-FreeBSD hand book is pretty easy to follow, I'll give where the credit is due. But it lacks content severly. A well structured wiki has troubleshooting of known issues, which FreeBSD handbook lacks
Daily reminder that there is NO (ZERO) reason to use BSD over Linux. Gentoo has ports and Arch has Arch Build systems. Jails are available in Linux and mitigation as well. Linux can recognize ZFS partitions. Linux has KVM/QEMU and has a fully functioning Vt-D support with a known list of hardwares.

Again, BSD has been out there before Linux but it's Linux that offered usability so people started using it. And in the recent months the market share of Linux (NOT BSD) is actually rising, thanks to windows 10. Linux is becoming usable by the days while BSD stays as a DEAD project. BSD is meant for CLI environments only, Lumina is a cheap ripoff of KDE4

The ONLY reason we respect *BSD is that it promotes the philosophy of open-source and free softwares. We will have no reason to support you the very moment you even try to attack Linux.

>-Linux compatibility layer dropped
Oh look, it's one of those retards that thinks there's only one BSD

>Less drivers (Most bluetooth, printer, scanner and AMD drivers are not available)

People put all their eggs in one basket. Big surprise.

>Somehow OpenBSD is not BSD
FreeBSD is not secure

Yes because BSD FAILED to be relevant

>somehow OpenBSD is all of the BSDs

FreeBSD is not secure

To know why Linux ate BSDs breakfast, despite being first on the scene, one must know history.

That, however, is too much to ask from children.

>To know why BSD is garbage one must know history
How about take your history to your blog that no one cares about?

insecure ≠ nonexistent.

insecure ≠ usable

Sure it does. Regardless of what you thing about FreeBSD, don't go listing that one thing happened to one BSD variant like it's all of them. BSD hasn't lost the Linux compat layer, only specifically OpenBSD has.

>Conveniently jumping bandwagon to FreeBSD
Okay do I need to post the FreeBSD pasta?

I'm an OpenBSD user, you fucking moron.
>I don't like something about X, so I'll just pretend only Y exists
Fuck off

How's having less software than Linux treating you?

Wonderfully, the only issue I've encountered in my three years of using OpenBSD was needing to switch from Opera 12 to SeaMonkey when they dropped the Linux compat layer. Other than that, using OpenBSD, especially on my laptop, has worked out even better than it would on Linux.

I would use OpenBSD, but with zero mitigations to combat third party software vulnerabilities aka MAC, I rather stick with GNU/linux.

>I even had to ditch my fucking web browser
Great user experience I see.

>fell for the MAC meme

Why are you making it sound like I sacrificed everything for this OS? Changing browsers is literally the only con I've encountered.
>use OpenBSD
>have to use a different browser
>use Linux
>can't use the one thing I bought the laptop for (pen)
Yeah, Linux totally sounds like the better option amirite?

Fuck off, you goddamned moron.

>Doesn't have a security implementation
>"it's just a meme"
Sour grape syndrome is strong

He didn't ditch a web browser, he ditched a piece of closed-source software that didn't respect his freedoms.

Removing the Linux compat layer was a good move. People only used it for nonfree proprietary crap. All free software worth caring about runs on OpenBSD anyway.

>he ditched a piece of closed-source software that didn't respect his freedoms
I'm not a freetard so that's a rather moot point.

Keep yourself telling that and maybe people think you didn't have to ditch Opera

>he ditched a piece of closed-source software that didn't respect his freedoms.
No, he ditched a piece of software that could no longer be run under his OS

I'll consider using OpenBSD when MAC gets implemented. Until then it's insecure and cannot be used to run third party software.

have fun with your disabled selinux and your out-of-tree kernel patches

or come to openbsd land, where privsep and aslr and w^x are encouraged, and the broader community benefits from improvements they make to third-party software

if you don't appreciate that, well, talk about sour grapes

Keep telling myself what? Are you literally retarded?

None of that crap is going to stop a vulnerability with third party software. You need MAC to be secure.

>comparing GNU/Linux Users to Vegans
2/10 shitpost senpai here is your reply

>or come to openbsd land
where you even have less software than Linux and put your sour grape syndrom to a different level, amirite?

Are you?

If you have a linux desktop you spend at least 14 hours a day on alternativeto.net. I don't think there's enough hours in a day to make bsd usable.

Of course not, you clearly are though.

>no you
Ah nice to see you reduce to being this pathetic.

Last (you)

>starts posting nonsense
>gets upset when I have no legitimate reply
You started it, you fucking dumbass

>No you is a legit reply
Mental disability

>lol keep telling urself that xDDD is a legit reply
Literal retardation

That has nothing to do with this.

Get used to BSD, Sup Forums is starting to like it. You can always deal with more windows 10 shilling and Sup Forums shitposting if you don't want to see UNIX operating systems on Sup Forums.

More like personal freedom and anti marxism-stallmanism

>My OS can no longer run opera
>I don't need it
>My OS has no MAC
>I don't need it

lmao hahahaha poor BSD cuck

>Sup Forums is starting to like it
Sup Forums is allowing it thinking Open source softwares should get along. Don't even get the wrong idea see

>getting along with GNU, AKA shit
No. The GNU code style and GNU faux-Lisp philosophies are shit.

I'd love to keep using Opera, but sadly it's never supported OpenBSD in the first place. The Linux compat layer was nice while it existed but I agree that it needed to go. They need to focus on improving how native software runs, not work on making other operating systems' software run on it. Still better than not having a driver for the one piece of hardware I bought this laptop for.
>no MAC, I don't need it
I see you're pulling arguments out of your ass now. I never said such a thing.

You need MAC. Without MAC, you simply cannot install any third party software.

>You need MAC
I don't see why you keep spamming this, I never fucking said otherwise.
>Without MAC, you simply cannot install any third party software
Given I use third party software on an OS without MAC daily, that's blatantly false.

BSD is replaceable, unusable and hipster trash. Let that sink in.

BSD is a FAILED project and has NO HOPE of being adopted by users (for good reasons).

literally the point of the mitigations is to crash shitty third party software, shitposter

sure, mac would have been a big help against that "firefox transmits your ssh keys to russian adservers" bug last year

oh, wait, you can prevent it with plain old unix filesystem permissions. you know, privsep, privdrop, all that jazz

i run firefox as its own user (it's like 2 lines). do you enable selinux on your desktop? on your work server? yeah, i thought not

meanwhile openbsd's mitigations work just fine on third party software. wxallowed enforces strict w^x on all binaries. aslr happens for every memory allocation. stack smash protection is built into the compiler and every single program is compiled with it. every single daemon, including daemons from packages, is run under an independent user

meanwhile openbsd software is written with privsep and privdrop in mind

when third party software needs patches to fix memory corruption, w^x, 32-bit time_t assumptions, and so on, the openbsd people push them upstream so everybody benefits

the system as a whole is super easy to setup and configure (read: has great defaults so you don't need to configure). the culture promotes simple, secure software with good documentation. compare openbsd manpages with typical linux documentation sometime (if you can find any linux documentation). in general, linux doesn't prioritize clear, complete, comprehensive documentation, and openbsd does. how many times have you dealt with configuring linux stuff via outdated stack overflow posts and years-old blogs? in openbsd documentation is a priority precisely so you won't need them

Get a load of this hipster rebel

So what browser are you using? What file manager? What torrent client?

>wxallowed enforces strict w^x on all binaries
i thought it turned it off because most software is shit and violates W^X constantly

Firefox and Chromium for the lack of any actually good browsers, ls, and I'm not a consumerist so I don't torrent.

>Firefox and Chromium
Welcome to GNU gtk

Now fuck off

>-Open BSD has FBI backdoors ...

Where the fuck do you come up with this shit? Just fuck off you little child.

>for the lack of any actually good browsers
and you:
>implying gtk is part of FSF/GNU
>implying those browsers are good

>Uses gtk
>"Fuck GNU XDD"
>"gtk isn't GNU :-DDD"

Someone on the OpenBSD mailing list made a claim in 2010 that in the early 00s (around 2002) an ex-OpenBSD developer put a backdoor in their crypto software being paid by the FBI. It was independently reviewed by the entire development team and nothing was found other than some bugs. 6 years later, absolutely nothing has turned up, it's all FUD.

Exactly. Squashed.

And we still have fuckwits like

It's just some user shitposting with a copypasta, replying to him will only encourage him.

oh, showed me

yes user, just some bugs were found. Nothing remotely resembling a backdoor was found by any of the OpenBSD team.

I hate you so much that I'd sell your mother and father in to prostitution.

lmao I'll have some fries with that salt, ass blasted mingoloid

>implying anyone likes gtk
Dude, you're retarded.

I know about bsd,linux,unix and (HAIL)templeOS

I use superior windows.

that is like erasing something you just read.