>actual apt-get support
>don't have to find and run the installer .exe everytime you want to install a package
Is this finally the end of Cygwin?
>actual apt-get support
>don't have to find and run the installer .exe everytime you want to install a package
Is this finally the end of Cygwin?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not yet. Last time I checked you couldn't sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda with it.
It's shit. Can't even run mpd.
AFAIK this runs binaries compiled for Linux using a kernel translation similar to virtualization.
Cygwin runs binaries actually compiled for Windows.
They serve a similar purpose, but LFWSS can't manipulate files in the windows file tree (?)
Is it actually integrated into the OS, or is it essentially just an overglorified virtual machine?
Then how did this Redditor get ncmpcpp + mpd running on it?
the only reason to use loonix in first place is privacy concerns.
why the fuck would you run loonix inside windows 10 then?
native gcc
If you don't feel like learning powershell.
It's easier to manage a *nix server when you're using a *nix system.
Powershell feels like an absolute trainwreck; I'll go insane trying to learn it and since it only works on one OS, it's not worth the time. Bash is easy and breathable and it's cross-platform.
With this, I can now have muh games, professional apps and a comprehensible and powerful terminal with apt-get all in one.
It's a fully linux usermode subsystem, like Win32. Some calls get translated to Win32 while others are implemented on top of the NT API.
>don't have to find and run the installer .exe everytime you want to install a package
what does that even mean? you dont have to double click on a program icon? why do you need ba$h on windows?
but privacy pham?? If I didnt use OS X (which ships with bash), I d probably go linux + virtual windows
That's neat, thanks.
Has MS finally implemented Lock() yet?
I'm surprised by your powershell comment; my friends and I wish bash was object oriented.
you can type sudo apt-get install "program name" to install the program i think. i've never used linux before, but it sounds pretty convenient.
Cygwin for the most part requires you to rerun the installer program every time you need to install or uninstall a package.
75% of what I want to do with it doesn't work yet :(
Canonical retards are falling right into microsoft EEE trap
this shit infuriates me
I don't know. I would personally say that Linux is more fidgety about hardware today than it was 5 years ago. Fragmentation is worse, politics are worse, even the hardware vendors can be blamed.
For an actual serious work-related application, a Linux desktop isn't normally feasible. It has to be Linux.
I just wish Apple would open OSX to be retailable and installable anywhere like Windows.
You really don't have to worry about Privacy when you're working. You just want to get the work done in the easiest and most efficient way possible.
Can it run i3 nativly
It would be a dream come true, but would probably be a terrible financial decision on Apple's part.
How exactly do you propose that MS can kill Canonical via a usermode system that doesn't even fully implement the original?
Any proprietary extensions MS could add would only conflict with the far larger Linux market share.
MS is making this move because they pussied out on their android app comparability on Windows phone and pushed the results here as part of their "make up" strategy with devs by open sourcing and adopting environments devs care about.
No, only CLI programs.
they should've just improved jscript, powershell was a mistake
Don't think so. They don't make much on their home computing hardware these days anyway, and OS X being ubiquitous would be a coup for their app store revenues. Of course, their reputation would take a hit as all the esoteric PC configurations would surely make OS X shit a brick and hardware vendors would drag their heels over support (like with Linux)
For what reason would you WANT a javascript CLI implementation over a C# one?
>now windows is infected with botnets and linux
It's ogre. Windows is finnish.
Actually, someone was able to get Unity running on Windows through it. Who knows what's fully possible.
The original post on GitHub:
So it's essentially reverse-WINE?
Different people may like different things buddy, microsoft's monopoly hardly benefits anyone except microsoft.
i can't connect to any servers with weechat through the bash for windows subsystem, however irssi works fine
guess it's time to get rid of the dual boot crap on my laptop. god grub is awful
Why would you dual boot?
If you need/want both Linux and Windows the best solution is to run Windows and virtualize Linux. Then run Linux in exclusive mode until you need Windows stuff.
The console's still 16-colors (due to a design fault, they need to make a completely new console API to support any better), the font rendering is off, and there's a bug with ANSI special character entry (arrow keys, function keys, etc) which means when the mode switches it's not handled correctly. This is a particular problem when you SSH to something else.
They also need to improve the way it handles filesystem virtualisation.
Not quite there yet for my desktop use. But it's interesting. A later iteration will probably do the trick for me.
75% of what I want to do is illegal
Don't you mean Water?
what's the point of this? wouldn't microsoft and the NSA still be watching your every move?
>using Linux
have fun opening another tab for your song lyrics
Literally to get the non-paranoid dev crowd.
So, how is this any different from Interix?
Yet Emacs can't even run via it because all the windows x servers suck ass forcing you to use windows emacs.
I've found ConEmu works pretty well. Especially for rendering non-Latin glyphs properly and enabling input from IMEs. I don't think its compatibility is as good as PuTTY though.
Interix/SUA was closer to Cygwin. You had to compile everything from source to PE format. WSL actually runs ELF format binaries, so you can use packages straight from the Canonical repositories.
>windows 10
>death grips
>being this much of a normie faggot
this shit should be a crime
that show was probably worst anime ive ever seen
A million times this
He actually means wsh (windows scripting host) which allows you to use native windows (com) apis with multiple languages
Microsoft provides vbscript and javascript but there it nothing stopping you to create other languages that use the native window apis
It's actually rather comfy and works really well in automating Windows. Too bad Microsoft went full retard and created the trainwreck known as powershell based on the stinking shit bomb known as .net
Don't believe the shills, powershell is complete dog shit and makes bash and even wsh look like alien technology
What can you do with this?
>Is this finally the end of Cygwin
Cygwin works on all Windows versions
Cygwin is proven technology
You can add cygwin in the %PATH% and use unix tools in cmd or inside native windows program like gvim
BashOnUbuntuOnWindows10 is beta
Windows 10 is supposed to be stable and it's still shit, image how shit this beta is
BashOnUbuntuOnWindows10 is Windows 10 only
Can you use BashOnUbuntuOnWindows10 on a standard cmd prompt? I don't think so
Therefore it's shit
and i am sitting here still using the KSH and Interix+pkgsrc
There's no hypervisor so it opens up a lot of potential security holes
so, can you at least install apps with it or that doesn't work too?
Oh yes, it's a glorious hack-job. I'm tracking ConEmu's bugs. Something in the new conhost keyboard handling broke it, although it's been partially unbroken in the dev builds. ANSI handling is done by conhost directly now however, and ConEmu won't get you any more colours or fix the underlying keyboard ANSI mode handling bug, which will rear its ugly head upon sshing to another host.
Windows conhost dev team are aware of the ANSI mode bug (which is in base Windows) and they are working on it. 256 colours is an API redesign, but they already optionally broke the old API with the new conhost, so it's fine if it only supports newer apps in 256-color mode. They're also aware of ConEmu and are testing with it.
It's almost like they want developers to be able to use Windows.
Ubuntu 16.04 is coming too, but I think they'll have to wrap some systemd APIs as the init obviously won't work as-is (I'd be surprised if they get enough kernel functions working for cgroup support sufficient to get systemd working natively).
It's a valiant effort, pivoted over from their wildly successful (too-successful for On High) project to run Android apps on Windows phones.
>He actually wants jscript back
This, but with dual monitors. Linux on one, Windows on the other. Best of both worlds.
And use VMWare. Virtualbox sucks balls compared to VMWare.
Who's this semen demon? :D
>don't have to find and run the installer .exe everytime you want to install a package
There was already apt-cyg (or sage) for cygwin ...
You're still stuck in the Cygwin package ghetto.
>Can you use BashOnUbuntuOnWindows10 on a standard cmd prompt? I don't think so
you actually can
Has anyone got WINE running in it? It'd be neat to run old Windows shit on Windows 10.
yep, i get the same thing on weechat
shut the fuck up faggot hibike euphonium was great
what is this shit?
Seriously this, it was the only reason I was dual booting.
>muh games
>muh visual studio
>muh tools
>muh apt-get
>all in one
>>muh visual studio
just use vscode.
you are never ever using all the features visual studio offers.
and vscode has the best features you want from visual studio anyways.
its a great middleground between text editor and ide.
Filesystem compatibility isnt finished yet, so files written by Bash may not work/be visible outside and vice versa. It's being worked on.
haha yeah let me just install my nuget packa- oh wait!
well shit, nevermind, let me just compi- oh no!
well, guess I can use this time to debu- shit!
fuck you so much
I have a feeling you are the guy who posted this shit there and here, fuck off.
nuget is a command line utility in the first place theres a vscode plugin for that too.
compiling and building vscode can do also
vscode also has a universal built in debugger api from cpp to pyhton over go you can debug everything you wish. even choose to launch a process or attatch to one.
i really dont see your point here.
its like you never used vscode
the point of an IDE is that the compiler, package manager, debugger, etc are integrated. If I wanted to use a text editor with a shitload of plugins I'd use Sublime or literally anything else that's not a webbrowser running a js app locally.
Google "colinux"
This shit is old as fuck
>ever using visual studio
I don't know. I don't speak lawn mover
>Powershell feels like an absolute trainwreck; I'll go insane trying to learn it and since it only works on one OS, it's not worth the time.
Powershell works with VMware ESXi.
>Bash is easy and breathable and it's cross-platform.
There is a ton of stuff which is Powershell only, see viewing Windows Update log files for example, or pretty much any server management stuff. Go show me a way to setup a fail over cluster via bash.
>don't have to find and run the installer .exe everytime you want to install a package
Ya, now you just need to look up the package name and install command instead, so much simpler! /s
>the only reason to use loonix in first place is privacy concerns.
but the point you implied is you could not do all the things you wanted to do in vscode.
which i proved you wrong.
this has nothing to do what an ide is or not.
Yeah, and if I wanted to I could do all those things in notepad. Doesn't mean that it's a good alternative to a proper IDE.
This is not a good thing.
Things only being available on Powershell is just typical proprietary vendor lock-in.
On GNU/Linux everything is possible from the shell.
Windows Update and things like a file sharing fail over cluster are already proprietary you retard.
>you retard
But they don't want you to interact with it with bash. Not because bash has some imaginary limitation, but because they'd rather you adapt your workflow to their way of doing things so you get used to it and are less likely to change to something else if ever the opportunity arises.
I see this at work all the time.
>but bossman we can use open/free implementations of the same software that get updates in a timelier manner and don't buttfuck us constantly begging for more money
>no user all our things already work with the current software, it would be a pain to change everything over.
We were looking at going from ESXi/vCenter to oVirt and fuck VMware does NOT want to make it easy for you to change ANYTHING.
This is how the sub system works (design & implementation in details):
>copying a command line you dont understand
>the Big, Fat Mess that is Windows
>slap some linux mumbo-jumbo on top
Well played, sir. Well played.
>there are actually people that like bash
>they actually think that text parsing is better than using objects
>they actually think coreutils are more powerful than .NET framework
Why even port Linux to Windows if there's no Linux software that haven't been ported already to Windows. Like, I've been using hdparm just recently. Why not.
So is this available on Win10 LTSB N?
This is what I do. Only problem is, windows 10 restarts A LOT. Which means it takes the the linux virtual machine with it.
I think the better solution is to have two separate computers and control both with synergy.
>Being called Chris
Gender neutral names are degenerate
no because nobody uses windows 10
we use windows 7 for windows only crap, and linux for everything else
don't fall for MS's embrace extend extinguish bullshit
Why do they call it Bash on Ubuntu on Windows? What does Ubuntu have to do with any of this? How is this different than running a bash shell on Windows?
Nobody cares
No self respecting person wants to pretend frankenstein windows with a bash shell is cool
We get it 2016 and powershell sucks but no thanks.
MS is fucking Canonical in this somehow.
Nice one XD