Tinfoil hats on suicide watch

"HTTPS Everywhere" declared harmful


Wtf I hate https everywhere now

My wife's son said it was safe

Haha, memes.

I read it twice and still can't follow his complaint.

Yes, in an ideal world everything would use TLS, and adding an 's' to URIs wouldn't be needed.

>mfw people will most likely not read the whole thing and only the title
>mfw TBL makes good points as usual
>mfw we are still using URIs and not hashes to identify the content we want.

so does this mean i need to uninstall https everywhere now??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? please respong

No, the point, as far as I can tell, is the author feels that using https breaks the backward compatibility of the web.

You have to reinstall your OS now.

I consider this mistaken.

HTTPS Everywhere is a user side action. It doesn't "break the web" any more than an adblocker choosing what your browser will request.

HTTPS Everywhere is just an automated choice; if the site has https I will use it, if it doesn't then I won't use the site.

This is a clickbait thread without anime tiddies.

What the fuck? I feel cheated desu.

Kill you'reself

wtf i hate clickbait now

I don't get it. They don't like https because existing http links wont automatically lead to https?

tl dr: "muh backwards compatibility, or muh ancient as fuck abandonsites"

Even still I don't think httpseverywhere breaks the web. On your first contact with the website, you're automatically upgraded to https so there is no breakage in terms of normal cookies v secure cookies etc...


>A bunch of academic complaints with a stupid headline


Bruh, a 301 redirect. They use the old URI, I forward that shit transparently on my server, like BAM. Here's your secure page without you having to type an S and destroy the interweb link-o-sphere with a letter.

wtf i hate memes now

I'm your wife's son's dad and I say it isn't.

wtf i hate tinfoil now

Doesn't google hate 300/301 redirects?

yeah cloudflare started thinking I'm a VPN around last week

Only a problem for normies.

>his browser needs an add-on to enforce HTTPS

>pajeet is mad his "backwards compatibility" is broken
>pajeet can't affor 2$ ssl certificate
>too dumb to install a lets encrypt cert

Don't worry

The one who you call "pajeet" is simply one of the most important men in the world, cocksucker. Without him, there's no Internet.

In an ideal world, TLS would be banned given that it's already completely deprecated and unsafe.

t. pajeet son of rajesh

Fuck all this web shit desu senpai. Just use SSH port forwarding and Gopher.

>3 column layout for the content

We won't need HTTPS everywhere in 2017 when every site is using HTTPS and not HTTP anymore.

>Date: 2015-02-15, last change: $Date: 2015/03/27 21:20:42 $

>This is not a formal W3C director view, nor view of the TAG or the Consortium as a whole.