
>Normies go crazy

Fuck Intel. They are such jews. $300 has always been baseline price for the high end processors since the Core 2 Quad days. Every year the next generation comes out and that would be $300 and the last generation would decrease in price.

Now I'm seeing my 4770k still sell for over $280, while the 6700k, which is a year old, is $350 or more.

I want to upgrade to dual m.2 drives but Jewtel gimped the Z87 and Z97 chipsets and only allowed one m.2 and one USB 3.0 connector while the next generation offers more. They purposely did this

Notice the release of the GTX 1070, and RX 480 cards and how they destroy and devalue the last generation of graphics cards? That's called healthy competition. Processor competition is dead thanks to jewtel and their monopolistic practices and AMD being such cucks for muh cores.

>tfw sandy bridge
ur a faget

>The i7-6700k is $500 Aud

>sandy bridge
ur a faget

I am an american on boost mobile. I pay 20 shekels a month on a family plan. I am looking to upgrade from a moto e. Right now I can get the zte warp sync for 49 shekels. Which is a 720p, 2gb ram phone. Is this a good deal?

>i7 ever
top cuck

Wrong fucking thread

apparently a single chip costs about 15$ to produce (with full electricity material and all) lmao

metropcs has faster 4g speeds and better phones. $30 gets you unlimited internet text and calling and... really $50 for a 720p phone? hahahah

Blame AMD for being fake competition. Their high end shit is on par with Intel stuff from 6 years ago. AMD needs to either release a good product or go bankrupt already so the US actives its antitrust laws and breaks Intel up. Every day that AMD stagnates is another day that the industry as a whole stagnates.

don't care still have i5 2500k and it is working fine in 99% of games (only exception are shitty optimized JC3 and enb series skyrim modding with DoF which hits fps hard 80fps > 40fps)

Yes and it cost millions to design not including the investment needed for the process node.

>$300 in 2006 is worth $358 today
>Wow it's fucking nothing

>Build FX 8350 pc with 32 gigs of ram that rips through video encodes
>tfw $700 pc

q6600 used to cost around 600 dollars when it first came out. now it's worth 10 dollars....

really makes u think

Good lord, does she do butterflies with 100 kilo dumbbells?

First "lady"

Oh shit, I look more feminine than her.

'mirin those traps

>People buy 6700k over 4790k
>No 6790k.
>Microsoft will only allow Windows 10 or newer to run on upcoming and newer existing Intel CPUs

end it all

Exactly why AMD needs to stay alive in GPU department

If you care about GPU's, buy AMD. Not this generation, since the 480 is worse than the 1060 and more expensive, but next generation (or previous)

Are those traps shopped?

shut the fuck op and go to bed and enjoy the fact you don't get gang raped on pc components just because you live down under


Nuh-uh, all natty

You're not addressing the elephant in the room which is embedded Intel ME on all israeli designed lake chips.

There is no way for the x86 firmware or operating system to disable ME permanently. Intel keeps most details about ME absolutely secret. There is absolutely no way for the main CPU to tell if the ME on a system has been compromised, and no way to "heal" a compromised ME. There is also no way to know if malicious entities have been able to compromise ME and infect systems.

$299?? DAYUM

Obama looks like black Rowan Atkinson in that picture.

Don't buy it then faget

>4790k masterrace
Dunno if I'm getting a new cpu for a while m8's dont want to have to get new mobo and meme speed RAM $$$

>michelle obama will never protect you from mean thugs with her natty gains
>she will never make you service her 18 inch cock after
Why live?

Nothing about that "thing" is natty

>my 4770k still sell for over $280

I bought my 5820k new from a retail store for $300 like 10 months ago.

You'd have to be retarded to pay that for a 4770k

>paid low 200's for 4790k over a year ago at microcenter


Microcenter had 5820k down at $290 once.

Bought a Dell 7000 Inspiron with i7 6700hq with 960m for about 600usd with rebates

AMD has the same tech.

Go to microcenter and get it for $309.99

You over paid

What are different state sales tax rates?

Maybe is 'straya stopped wasting tax money on free birth-control for sluts and other such left-wing bullshit programs they'd have a more competitive economy.

Correct, you win 400 points. Now geography for 600, what state is intel's HQ


Though they have Fabs in several states across the country.

>>Normies go crazy

Back to your single mom's basement with you.

6700k vs 4790k

What do I get?


>high end

>baseline price for high end

pick one

Enjoy 15+ less fps in future video games, i5 cuck.

The salaries actually stayed the same or even got lower.

It is something.

It actually doesn't. It's rumored that Zen will have it, but we won't know until it comes out.

i7 920 cost less than half of that. The best price/performance/value chip ever, even moreso than the 2500k.

AMD APUs already use a dedicated ARM chip for trusted execution. And they have other products with the same ARM chip embedded but they don't publicly mention it in the product info.

And as you mentioned ZEN is getting an AMD custom design on-die trusted execution environment.

>My friend wants to buy a RX 480
What can I do to make him stop this?

Not much, there isn't anything else worthwhile at that price.

So unless you can convince him to spend more money for marginal performance gains of the GTX 1060 then his only choice is the RX-480

Let him buy it

>oh no! a private company is doing with their product what they want!!!
you're such a little commie shit. You should be killed on sight.

here they cost the same as GTX 1060 not even lying, depends on what 3rd party brand though

>you're such a little commie shit. You should be killed on sight.
good goy.

Goy? What the fuck are you talking about, you little spoiled brat?
It's a private company and they can sell all their products for $6666. You're too poor to own one? Your problem. You can always kill yourself instead.

How can I get for that price?

Intel retail edge

If you or a friend/ family member work at a computer retail store look into it

They won't reward you for your total submission, you can stop sucking jewtel cock.

Got my 4790k for 300 euroshekels in September last year,was pretty suprised since hardware prices in my country are rarely the same or lower than in the rest of Europe so I guess im pretty happy.Still pissed about gpu prices being on average $100 higher than in the US for no fucking reason whatsoever.

Don't forget that burgers generally don't display the price with taxes, it may not be that overpriced

What niggers find attractive in niggress?

Some burgers don't have sales tax. Especially true when ordering online, unless they have a store or warehouse in your state you don't pay tax. Newegg for me is tax free because they don't operate any physical locations in my state though my state sales tax is 6% ordering online from newegg has no tax.

Reading this saddening me, it's amazing how us filthy europoor are being treated by multi billions companies.

US only has state taxes. If you buy it from another state ie online, you only have to pay the listed price. You don't even have to pay shipping a lot of the time if you're willing to wait a week.

Other countries just don't want you to buy imported things, which sucks for you since no one makes relevant electronics outside of the US.

The metro pcs unlimited 4g plan is $60 a month

Stop hurting me please.

the prices are fair when taking inflation into account, and if it was so easy to push the technology further, then why isn't AMD outpacing intel then? quit bitching, cunt

>buhuuu I'm a poor refugee subhuman and I demand my social welfare!
Go and explode somewhere else, ahmed

480 could still be better buy depending on the games you play. Personally I'd be willing to pay up to $20 more for rx 480 because I want to play Vulcan/dx12 titles.

>Their high end shit is on par with Intel stuff from 6 years ago
Yeah, because the architecture on their "high end shit" is from 6 years ago

I'd go for the ZTE Zmax 2 personally. It's a 5.5" phone with quick charge 16GB eMMC internal w/ micro SD. Supports band 12 and can be unlocked to any GSM service. It runs for about 50-60 bucks at Best Buy. Device can be temp rooted only at the moment but it's enough to uninstall bloat and get what you need customized.

Do the conversion, American prices don't include taxes.

480 and 470 cards are the best performance per dollar cards on the market right now. Nvidia doesn't have anything that comes close. The other consideration is that AMD cards keep their value better and actually improve over time due to GCN.

Intel wise people seem to forget that Intel wasn't that great until relatively recently. Let's say since Core2Duo and onward Intel saw a resurgence. Make no mistake though Intel colludes with governments foreign and domestic to suppress competition among other things. This was even proven in the courts. Intel was so large they were able to stomach the huge losses and failures involved with Itanium and Pentium 4. There are other projects they had fail that would wipe out a smaller company like Via or AMD. Frankly it's fucking amazing what AMD has accomplished despite all the bullshit involved. We've gotten x64 and on die memory controllers among other things.

All of my gaming rigs at home are Intel powered but I still have a couple brain cells left to see reality.

>480 and 470 cards are the best performance per dollar cards on the market right now.

Who the fuck cares? People who are ready to blow $300+ on a graphics want state of the art performance for the money.

Since 1060 cost exactly the same in 95% of the world, while offering higher performance they win the poorfags.
The rest buy real cards - 1070, 1080 and titans.

So AMD is targeting AMD fanboys and miners only.
Good luck with that.

That's the point. People who are spending $150-300 are going to buy the 470 or 480. If you plan on playing a game that eats more vram or dip into 1440 then the 480 otherwise the 470.

>People who are spending $150-300 are going to buy the 470 or 480

People who are spending $150-300 are going to buy a used nvidia or R9 390 or a Fury, since they are floating around $200-300 now, while offering more performance.

There is no market for Rx card. Zero.

Where are Fury's floating around for 300 or less? 290/390's sure I've seen some great deals on new and used even in the last twelve months.

>$300 has always been the baseline for the high end processor since the Core 2 Quad days
Have you ever heard of things called "inflation" and "rising business costs?" I'm not saying it's fully justified (they almost certainly raise the prices more than they need to), but if you're complaining about a 20% price increase over 10 years for a product you should buy every other year at most, you should probably get a better job.

Oh, because R&D is free, right? Anyway, even if a chip costs only $15 to produce, that doesn't mean every chip will be high end. That's why binning is a thing (high end processors are rarer)

>Blame AMD for being fake competition. Their high end shit is on par with Intel stuff from 6 years ago.
That's at least partially Intel's fault for all their anti-competitive practices.
>and Sup Forums will still say capitalism just werks

Newegg had the Fury Nitro for $329 +rebate for a month now.

390 is $279 +$20 rebate + a free game.
Makes much more sense to buy that.

>and Sup Forums will still say capitalism just werks

That was 3 years ago. Now Sup Forums says fascism works and they are right.

na intel is god tier still have my Q6600 Quad core 2.66 still works very well over a decade later its worth the extra money

if you don't play any games it's alright

>not Q9400
Pick one