>tfw US Americans still measure the world in feet and armpits
Tfw US Americans still measure the world in feet and armpits
They even wipe their asses with thin paper and call it 'clean'
>I am six feet.
>It is hot. I feel like it is 100 armpit units out there!
We also perform neonatal genital cutting, and ignore blatant violations of the most base ethical principles in medicine.
We're a broken country all the way through, but I could get passed it and just say "par for the course", if it wasn't for that.
armpits can be pretty hot desu
Wasn't there a retort to this that made a jew nose out of the yards to mile?
Why are people measured in feet but horses are measured in hands?
Because only eurocucks would use the same units for humans and animals.
Humans are machines.
Animals are machines.
Plants are machines.
Earth is a machine.
Anything can be arbitrarily viewed as a machine, whether stable or not.
The difference between the human and animal machine is as significant as the difference between an osteoblast and an odontoblast.
Holy shit eurocucks are retarded. Humans and animals were created by God, they are not machines. And every proper human is Christian therefore not animal.
LMFAO what a bullshit
>he fell for the god is real meme
That one is pretty bad desu.
Le you're either Christian or the daemon meme.
>Imperial system is british, America's historical enemy
>Metric system is french, America's historical ally and inspiration for a modern republican system
The God is a machine created by aliens that were an experiment result of the ancient human intergalactic empire.
Share that 10 times or they will come for you.
Jews literally own america and control its army and assets
I read that Fahrenheit scale is useful in medicine or something. Still, stupid as fuck.
>Holy shit eurocucks are retarded.
>is a typical devout american christian