Was this scene accurate

was this scene accurate

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Source: I'm a hacker.

Everything Elliot said is true in a general sense, sure. The code snippets are too small and irrelevant to say much about.

has this series got more hacky?
I stopped watching because I didn't like the psychological thriller direction it was going, became unbelievable.

The first episodes of season 2 are all psychological thriller with tech references.


why exactly would python not be ok here

It's Ruby idiot.

Well, if that's Python, there's a LOT of syntax bullshit.

There was nothing factually wrong, but it's ridiculous. No one could "hack the FBI" in a single day.

It makes sense except for the fact that it's totally absurd.

He doesn't even have a computer for the first several episodes.

The psychological stuff is stupid. Mental illness doesn't work like that.

I don't know where exactly in the show it's implied that the F.B.I. didn't start with preparations.

Why would schizophrenia be so unbelievable? It's a horrible illness, but it's most definitely real.

>became unbelievable.

and the hacky stuff is??? its a tv show breh

>He fell for ruby meme

That thing is going to spit syntax errors like there's no tomorrow.

Schizophrenia doesn't work like that. The split personality thing is a total myth.

I'm far more willing to forgive technical mistakes than psychological ones. This sort of story is about characters. If the people don't act like people, that's a serious flaw.

>During day im just a normal cyber security specialist, but at night im a vigilante hacker taking down nigger FBI and perfecting an OS to talk to God himself

This show truly is something

as someone who makes a living off that shit, the hacking scenes are pretty truthful but fairly contrived. It's like the script originally said ~ then some hacking happens ~ and they brought in consultants to fill the spaces.

on a technical level, much of what elliot does is possible and true to life. On an operational level, it's pretty odd or unlikely in many places. Like there's a bit in S2 where a virus spreads apparently to every single server in an entire multinational banking network, and encrypts all that shit without anyone noticing until the time is up and the ransom note appears -- and then the banks apparently can't do anything about it because for some reason they don't have cold storage

imagine a fictional bridge. this bridge is set between two clouds. the bridge itself is highly intricate and has clearly been designed by an expert. It's sturdy, and it's probably overkill too. Regardless of the fact the bridge is great, it's still floating on clouds. That's what watching mr robot is like to me

>and the hacky stuff is?
more believable than the psychological stuff that was going on tbqh.
I've never suffered from Schizophrenia so the concept of seeing invisible people and feeling imaginary forces hard to accept.

Care to provide some studies or evidence? Schizophrenia has always been deal with in the movies and I would like to learn more about it. It's presented as a multi personality disorder and you're saying that it's not possible. I would really like to know why and what people with schizophrenia really feel.

> Python
> end keyword
your and eediot

This is not about schizophrenia, but it is about the idea of multiple personalities.
tl;dr: Dissociative identity disorder (aka multiple personality disorder) is not schizophrenia. There is no clear evidence that it is possible to have multiple personalities. Exactly what DID is is uncertain.

its not python, rajesh.

>He looked
I had my hopes up he would finish the job, get his hack prepped on the FTP and be cool with Ray.

Absolutely nothing presented in mr robot works the way it's presented. mr robot is just another take on csi cyber.

Yes OP. Check it out

>There is no clear evidence that it is possible to have multiple personalities.
A friend was diagnosed with A personality disorder.
It was like a severe version of bi-polar disorder.
Her attitude would flip and she'd become obsessed with aspects of her life that really didn't warrant so much attention.
She was the same person, but with an entirely different outlook. She could drive, use an ATM or read a newspaper, but her motivations were, at best, weird. She'd talk about herself in the third person, for example. Once she stole a taxi.
Haven't seen her for ages.

nigga thats ruby

(You) realize Ruby is literally the only language that would ever use this, right?

That last part gave me chills.

Mostly skitzophrenia means you hear things that arent real, voices songs noises, and you might see things or have a sort of automatic visualuzation when youre trying to sleep. Night time can be very scary but with anti psycotics shit can be alittle better. Source: diagnosed 2 years ago skitzophrenic. I was 21 which is average age for mental illness