So I just found out about vim plugins and want to try Linux again. Screwed around with them for awhile in college so I already have experience with them.
So what linux distros do you guys use and why? I heard Arch was the new hip thing so I might try it out.
What Linux Distro do you guys use and why?
Other urls found in this thread:
enjoy no games
I use Arch but that's cause I'm just an edgy retard. Jokes aside, it's a good distro and you can get a ton out of it, but I wouldn't recommend it to beginners or anyone who isn't pretty command-line proficient. Debian (I'd recommend Testing, not Stable) and Fedora are nice places to start if it's been a while, and one of the Ubuntu flavors (Xubuntu, Kubuntu, etc) if you remember literally nothing.
>Linux thread
>Winbaby feels the need to bring up "muh gaems"
learn to spell tyrone
>autist doesn't know a joke when he sees one
I use Gentoo, but that would require a working knowledge of Linux to be able to use properly (it's not as easy as copy and pasting commands from the handbook like everyone else would want you to think). Good beginner distros are generally an Ubuntu variant or Fedora. Not much else I can rec past that other than downloading some distros and trying them out in a VM or something.
Yeah installation is easy. Post installation set up is a nightmare
>damage control
Give it up tyrone
Pic related.
It can't better than this.
Just starting out with linux, using Xubuntu and switching between xfce and i3, seeing which I like better. Trying to get used to a tiling WM, but idk man, used windows/floating my whole life...
Don't use a distro right now, waiting for my HDD to die
But i plan on dualboot Zorin OS and Windows because why not?
>Winbabbies even dumber than niggers that use Linux
Can't make this shit up lmao
ease of use
I use fedora mostly out of habit on desktop, and centos or debian for servers. Fedora/DNF has some pretty nice features, like delta-rpms(you download only files that have changed since the last update on package), pretty solid support and healthy amount of packages in repos(when you count rpmfusion too). Only downside might be shortish release cycles(the latest two versions supported, two releases per year), but if you need long term stability that's what centos and debian are for in my opinion.
Debian sid:
I'm used to Debian and I like new packets.
Also, for something called 'unstable', it's plenty stable.
>source: my ass
I use mint for acutally no specific reason I just started to use it and then never changed
Considering IQ more accurately measures odds of high functioning autism rather than intelligence I'd say this is accurate.
t. high functioning autist with 146 IQ
It's weird that those places are so good because besides Germany you don't really think of them as having their shit together.
u wot m8
same. installed mint about 3 weeks ago and i just got rid of my windows 7 partition 3 days ago. not sure why i didn't do it sooner, i haven't played games in years
Arch linux on laptop, Tower and ubuntu server for my nas ,
As someone using Ratpoison which is a strict tiling wm, think how much you will dedicate to learn the hotkeys. If you do, nothing can beat it, you will go so fast you don't want to go back.
If you want something customizable AND know exactly what software to put in, go or Debian/Devuan or Manjaro.
No need to go through the hassle of Arch.
Here is how to have a base setup
apt-get install ufw sudo xorg icewm xterm cowsay gcp jargon purity screen tty-clock lynx dwb iceweasel mutt liferea hexchat notmuch mumble suckless-tools xsel xbindkeys xdotool xnest unrar-free icedtea-7-jre-jamvm wine qemu-kvm aqemu xarchiver spacefm transmission-gtk htop libasound2-plugin-equal aumix moc moc-ffmpeg-plugin alsa-utils alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui alsa-oss oss-compat easytag inkscape imagemagick rawtherapee sxiv lightspark mpv vlc libav-tools iproute2 xchm lyx zathura zathura-cb zathura-djvu zathura-ps calibre anki gjots2 pdfsam aspell gnumeric nano vim emacs klavaro abiword mat gnupg keepassx devhelp tig openssh-client minicom celestia-glut stellarium skycat savi bioperl freecad maxima maxima-emacs marble-qt graphmonkey clamav gdebi gparted inxi vrms lshw;
ufw enable
Forgot to that is for the netinstall, if you install a DE you won't even met the command line if you don't want.
May i ask why you chose unstable instead of testing? Just curious, i'm on stable right now and i don't know if i want to switch to testing.
I use kubuntu as I prefer kde over gnome and unity
My days of ricing and trying to install as few packages as possible are over, ubuntu with a fully featured desktop environment tends to just work and is still a thousand times better than windows
I use debian and mint on two different compooters
Manjaro because prefer Arch but it's community got taken over by desktop ricing anime autists. Will be installing Debian when I get a new laptop.
Slackware as a portable usb system. Basic maintenance and simple.
debian and a few packages of xfce
Wanna try debian but don't want old packages and don't want anything breaking what do you recommend? Stretch Sid , idk new to debian
I don't need games, I'm an adult.
downloading mint right now because internet people told me it is easy to use and popular.
Debian Sid,
been using Debian (or derivations) forever, Sid because somewhat uptodate packages and rolling release.
>"What Linux Distro"
u wot m8
KDE Neon
Stable base + bleeding-edge-as-far-as-the-DE-goes = best experience I've had so far with Linux
what are the benefits of this over kubuntu? more bleeding edge updates to kde?
currently using slackware and debian sid,
want to get openbsd too but doesnt work right for my pc, only shows blackscreen after install
Personally, I'm a fan of arch.
Originally, I installed it through Antergos, so basically, pre-packaged/ auto installed. I like it as a system, I like the package management, etc. etc. Recently I made a new install, this time regular arch from scratch. Still entirely satisfied. Installing it, even by scratch, is surprisingly easy. It bothers me slightly that so many people think it's a meme distro, or fag distro, but it's definitely not a bad distro.
I'd say, give it a go.
Anyone who decides to run Linux is aware that it doesn't have major video game support.
More like "enjoy an operating system that doesn't control you or spy on you"
I'm given to understand Kubuntu doesn't come with the latest KDE stuff by default.
I chose it because Kubuntu kept fucking up on me in various ways, none of which have happened in Neon. That, and it looks like Neon cuts a bit of redundant stuff out, leading to a slightly leaner system. (Read: slightly).
all the kool kids use arch
>No Qt GF
Why live? :(
My Kubuntu 14.04 tower with over a thousand hours on Steam would like a word.
>i have no idea what stable means
stable means no api/abi changes
Linux Mint KDE.
Mint has better desktops than Ubuntu, but is fully compatible with the huge Canonical repository.
KDE is a heavyweight, feature-rich, highly-configurable desktop that requires a lot of RAM.
Mint has been #1 on DistroWatch for about the past 2 years I think.
I would use Fedora if it wasn't named Fedora.
Yeah? So why not be a man and go get one?
Doesn't change the fact that Linux doesn't have major video game support. I play endless hours of Minecraft on Linux, but I still can't play a majority of games, and I know that Linux is mostly an afterthought for developers.
Put yourself in the developer's shoes. If you're gonna focus on one platform, it's going to be the one with the bigger audience, so that your game has more potential to reach people and make as much money as possible.
I use Antergos because I'm a lazy fuck who likes arch but doesn't give enough of a fuck to set it up at this point.
Debian Stable on my laptop because it's old and I don't use it much.
Same here. Have Antergos on my desktop (cinnamon) and laptop (openbox). Completely comfy.
idk man
If you didnt use Mint it could probably be better
I decided to use Arch because I wanted to learn how Linux works under the hood
Is she your gf. Dude I wish mine looked half decent on cameras
Now you've got me interested. Would you be bothered by the idea of sharing a couple?
casualfuck here
installed Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 ( latest version doesnt like AMD)
Steam runs fine, found out i had 64 games in my library that could run on linux.
>blocking out user/host.
For why, user?
>For why
You mean por que?
Because im famous
Arch takes no ability to use whatsoever. I have seen people asking in the archlinux irc how to add users who had been meming about how they couldn't wait for Linux 4.7.0 because I gotta be bleeding edge five minutes before.
There's a disconnect there. Those two things have nothing relating them. If you want to know anything about Linux under the hood, grab Slackware.
Suck on this.
Hey, I know you! You're that guy that keeps bitching about the same incident over and over again.
Not directly, I suppose. :^)
Nice but looks impractical as fuck, i want something similar to foobar2000 that i use on windows.
>Impractical as fuck
Actually, it's extremely practical. I assume you're referring to my music player? It's very easy, very fast, very clean, very functional, very everything good I tell you!
The fuck is wrong with her feet?
>I assume you're referring to my music player?
Are you literally retarded?
Right. Well, as I said above. It's extremely functional. I have zero history or experience using foobar, so could you perhaps tell me what it you're looking for, specifically? Perhaps I could answer any questions or references about and relating to my player, or make alternative suggestions.
A player that can build a library by sorting out music genre\album\artist etc mainly, has to be up to standard with playback.
This one is very well regarded in the community, and I've had flawless, exceptional experience with it.
It has many switchable panes, and a variety of functions. You can search for lyrics at the hit of a single button, you have a very powerful internal full fledged tag editor and search engine capable of locating and displaying every single thing you have based on specific tags, such as genre, artist, album, band, etc. There's a visualizer pane (What you see me using) with a handful of default modes, each looking particularly interesting.... There's a media library, etc. etc.
I mean, it's very powerful, as well as light weight and CLI based. It's definitely highly recommended.
Pic related.
Whats it called?
look for deadbeef
It's a combination of two utilities.
mpd (music player daemon) which you configure and run in the background.
ncmpcpp (the actual interactive player you're looking at) which you run in a terminal assuming the previous daemon is active. Setting it up is also fairly simple, if you need help, you can ask. Once it's set up, it's easy as fuck. If you set the daemon to auto launch on system start up, you can just fire up ncmpcpp whenever you feel like it and use it. I've bound keyboard media keys to play/pause, and seek songs left/ right.
There's a playlist viewing pain, a directory browsing pane (Like a file manager, but for yer songs locally, mostly what I use to locate my playlists, because I use a playlist file in each of them that I hit and it adds them to the temporary active playlist)
Making one of those playlist files usually goes like this: (in the proper folder)
find . *.ext > album.m3u
Try DeaDBeef. It is essentially a Linux native Foobar2000.
Another picture.
How the fuck do I get chromium to use the system theme (min/max/close) buttons and not the default ones? Its passing me off to no end
I use Manjaro because it's actually user friendly I just started using Linux this year.
dont try to impress kids on the internet and just use mint
Thanks, noted down what you wrote.
This looks sweet, thanks.
So I take it you're not as interested in mpd + ncmpcpp? Shame. Anyway, if you care, I felt I should explain my command line more for you.
find . *.ext > album.m3u
Here, "find" is a command that searches for files. The period, namely, ".", means current directory, the asterisk "*" implies a wildcard, in otherwords, anything that is followed by .ext, where .ext stands for your extension, which could be anything like .flac, .mp3, etc. And album.m3u implies name of the album, and the file extension type .m3u, which makes a playlist file with every song that got picked up in *.ext. The ">" basically means output X to Y, where X is the value of *.ext, and Y is the .m3u.
Honestly DeadDBeef seems more in line with what i want, but i think it would be interesting to get your player running aswell just to get more known with something different.
BSD because I can see through propaganda
Also yeah i understand in regards to the commandline
I assume you build every playlist by album then, you dont have a favorites list \ album taken from different folders, would be complex to do unless you simply copied every song you wanted as fav into one folder.
every day this same thread just post it on flgt or whatever
Use Testing because its packages typically aren't much older than Unstable (see more info here:
If you somehow find that you need a newer package for whatever reason, you can always upgrade from Testing to Sid.
Well, as long as you're happy I guess. Between these two, it's a matter of CLI vs. full GUI. That's your choice. You know which one I'd prefer and suggest, but it's ultimately up to you.
I'm glad you're using GNU/Linux. If you need any help with something, please first consult the man pages by man command or man program. If you still don't have your answer, search the web and then you can feel free to ask any of us.
I usually play my playlists as albums, and so I have a playlist file in those directories and just add that, then clear the playlist when I'm done (literally C for clear, and Y for yes). But like I showed you, you have a powerful tag editor and the ability to search by tag, then add anything you want manually. You can however make playlists from inside the player irrelevant to those files I told you I make. Again, with any song you want. You can manually add individual songs to the current playlist (The active playlist), and then save those into a bookmarked playlist, and run that whenever you want. I've done that in the past.
That's one ugly anime pic you got there, dude.
Was FreeBSD made completely independent of Linux? Or did it diverge?
Jealous, faggot?
>He's mad because the GPL enforces strict FOSS
Il try and fiddle around with it tomorrow, appreciate the input.
Kek. Sure thing laddie. If this thread is dead, make a new one asking about it if you need any help. I'll look around.
Of a jpg? Yeah you know it. All I have are pngs
convert image.png image.jpg && echo "I'm a glorious faggot"
Anime guy, are you still here?
How do you move/maximize/etc windows without a titlebar, and how do you set openbox to NOT use a titlebar?
None right not but what i like are"
antergos cinamon or gnome 3
antergos xfce4 or arch instead of antergos
debian xfce4 or openbox for pure stable