What are the best looking up do date android phones I can buy right now?
My phones have to be fashionable as well.
Pic related my last phone
inb4 iPhone.
I need a phone now and I dont want to buy a 6s with the 7 coming a couple of weeks.
What are the best looking up do date android phones I can buy right now?
My phones have to be fashionable as well.
Pic related my last phone
inb4 iPhone.
I need a phone now and I dont want to buy a 6s with the 7 coming a couple of weeks.
HTC10 or Moto Z.
Though really just wait a few weeks for the 7.
HTC10 is ugly af desu
Looks better than the tryhard shit in the OP
Tryhard? lel
Not really. the back of the HTC10 is too rounded
>not tryhard
>looks like its military grade bullshit
Okay there kiddo
>that projection
What exactly is being projected here? That... I'm a kid?
Wait for the 7, or be forced to run a nice looking phone with shitty, shitty software.
see pic related
A Nexus 6 is always a good choice, you can find solid mint devices on swappa. Snagged mine for about $209 mint, ko regrets thus fat.
>no micro sd slot
Have you been checked for Autism?
Leagoo shark 1.
Personally loving the mix of red and black
I personally think the 1+3 looks great
>facts are now autism
>this guy isnt banned yet
hello neo-Sup Forums
Sorry, I would never show my face in public with a Chinese phone like this one.
Blackberry PRIV mayhaps
>Looks great
Yeah as long as they don't cancel your order without telling you and let you find out when it doesn't show up. And pray you never have to talk to their customer support. Get the new Moto X when it comes out or get the Pure on sale now.
>He thinks it's one guy triggering aplel users that have shitposted on Sup Forums for eons