/ptg/ - Private Tracker General


Old thread: →

>New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question check Google and if you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>don't respond to anime posters, they are known to ruin threads and shitpost, report and ignore.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd
>Easy way to elite on What.cd = whatbetter+search 2016 flac albums on better.php

Other urls found in this thread:


actual old thread




duly noted fuck face.
i let my mam acct go and only have my bib. just wondered why people said it was good to have both (besides retards not being able to maintain ration at bib)

is there an easy way to score an upload on ptp? like with better.php on wcd or ab?

i don't want to go through the whole process of buying a dvd, ripping it etc. if possible

50% of torrents are dead on PTP, so you just can find the source of a dead torrents on another tracker and then just reuplod it to PTP

this is how i got over 100 uploads

so someone mentioned in the previous thread that if
there was no invite forum on the tracker im currently on
im fucked ... can you elaborate?

ScienceHD please.
That or BTN, only ones I don't have.
I'll send another email.

Are there any trackers with VHS rips that include infrared and ultraviolet spectra?

My eyes are very sensitive and I'd like to experience video as intensely as 24/96 vinyl rips.

fuck off

sorry, i meant kike

what tracker are you on?

>into all the good trackers, ratios all above 3
>still have shit ratio on what

Rip CDs and upload them

just use ratiomaster, a lot of people use it, including myself, read some tutorials to configure it right and you're set, perfect 1:1 ratio without getting busted and no damage to the community is done since there are a lot of seedboxes on What

>a 1:1 ratio is perfect
this is what cheaters actually believe

You just get a movie from another place, and then upload it to PTP.

It's that fucking simple. I've never bought or ripped a dvd in my fucking life and I made PU on PTP easily.

Is there a way to send the same chunk of a torrent to everyone at the same time, like sequentially?

how to: get new ip address and restart ptg frsh and /pure/? it hurts cause my accts are several years old, but its time to restart and speed run this again

Any decent torrent client will allow you to download a torrent sequentially, although for most purposes that's retarded because each non-seed is supposed to request pieces randomly to facilitate faster download speeds for everyone.

If you're trying to stream a file look into rabb.it


do i literally just need an ip change then im alll good? what info do trackers store to id users?


They store more than just your IP.

Why do you need to change shit?

they know what all the info you give them, and more. they know more about you than your mom and your wife, if you had one. anything, even the most trivial matter can raise suspicion and spark an incredibly serious and thorough investigation. anything from what browser and client you use to the geolocation and usual access time will be cross referenced. you can run but you can't hide, motherfucker. I'll find you.


How quick is the ahd recruiter on wcd?

So I fucked up thinking that 0day was somehow the same as freeleech and am now pretty far in the red on a dead torrent on TorrentLeech. It's my first time being in a private tracker so I'll admit it was my own stupidity that caused it. But if I do get banned will it put me in the bad books for other sites? I'd be pretty annoyed if it did over something so dumb

Read the goddamn wiki.

I've read it, but I don't know what trackers are in cahoots with who yet

Okay you seem like a nice guy, so i'm going to tell it like it is. Leave TorrentLeech, there are better general trackers that are also much easier to seed. IPTorrents is widely known for having a moneygrabber as owner and generally shitty/dumb staff, but it's the best general tracker there is right now. Don't waste money to buy an account unless you really cannot find an invite in the wild, they are sure plentiful out there. While IPT is the "best" general tracker out there in terms of content, you might wanna still consider entering much better and more specialized trackers. Read the PTG wiki and start the rpg to climb the /pyramid/, preferably from What CD or AnimeBytes cause it's the easiest way.

You can't be serious

Okay, thank you for the advice! I've already got a steadily rising ratio on the other trackers I'm in, so I didn't want to ruin it so early just because of stupidity.

Who would DDoS TPS

Is it okay to seed at two different locations?

does tps have useful info?

Are you talking about torrents with mo seeds? Wouldn't that just be cross seeding since the uploaded torrent was already uploaded? Wouldn't you just be seeding?

Torrents that are "dead" on PTP are trumpable, even if it's with the same file.

Is your mom a virgin? Same obvious answer

yeah but you must be one incompetent fuck to actually trump them. you're supposed to re-seed them, they'll be bumped on the front page and you will actually do site members a favor.

Can someone explain why movies on private trackers are 20 GB or more when the same movies with the same resolution are 2-3 GB on public trackers?
I get that it's higher quality or whatever but why does the size multiply by 10?

who recruit in the GGn pro/elite forums?

read the fucking rules

Because there's only two kinds of encodes: transparent ones and shitty ones. To achieve the sweet spot between transparency and bloated file size is what really defines a good encoder. Every source is different, sometimes it takes a lot of bitrate to get a satisfying result. Best encoders around are on HDB, no doubt. Most AHD ones are decent too but too often have bloated garbage while HD-T fell down and lost the quality encoders they used have. If you still don't understand why, stick to public trackers and YIFY or whatever other garbage they have there.

google 'video encoding'



No other tracker gives a shit about torrentleech.

So then when uploading what option would you select?

Nigger, rules don't specify this situation. It would be helpful to know before I buy a cùckbox.

fuck off

Kill yourself


>someone offered to invite me to some exclusive tracker
>wants a couple of ratio proofs over email

will i get /marked/? we won't be trading invites or anything. just to prove i seed.

Ok just joined a new tracker.

Seems everyone automatically snatches shit via filters and then uses seed boxes.

I'm just a normal dude who just wants to download what he likes and then i will seed that.

My account is already ration is at 0.

Will probably get a warning soon and then get v@.

Only way to rectify it is become elite seedbox auto snatcher haxor or become vip.

So to me this site is basically a money making scheme.

Oh well its a shitty back up of a back up.




>knowing that little about piracy terminology
Ffs people like you are the reason why we created this system of elitism and reclusion in the first place

go back to Sup Forums you fucking retard

Tell us which tracker you dumb nigger.

TPB or was it KAT

i can't remember

/*How to do /ptg/ the right way/*

1. Join AB and transcode FLAC to become PU
2. Request Invite to tehc (this will fulfill literally 80% of your movie needs, probably more desu)
3. Download MOTW on tehc to build buffer.
4. Request PTP invite from AB
5. Join WCD, become PU
6. Request invite to AHD
7. Your movie needs will be fulfilled
8. Maybe you get into PTP for epeen
9. Join a few general trackers off WCD
10. When MTV recruits again you can join, if you are a degenerate and like older TV just request on MTV

Why did you join SCC?

1. Set a day aside to take the WCD interview
2. Make it to PU, be able to request invites to almost anywhere
3. ???

Selling Oppaitime invites, PM me your offers.

Which tracker

Will send you nudes of spaghetti

You should make daily backups of them

For what do you need TehC?

For the one year time where you wait for your PTP recruiter to send an invite.

Lol, there is no PTP recruiter on TehC anymore :) They closed the recruitment like a month ago.

I was talking about PTP recruiters in general.

Ah, sorry about that!

Tape-Torrents might have what you seek, but i dont have the current URL, unfortunately

>tfw i guessed a username and password for AnimeBytes and it worked

kek fucking weabs

Reported your IP to blossom

How do you get into filelist.ro?

kek eat shit nigger

HDbits :^)

Going to college in a few weeks. Is a VPN or seedbox better for torrenting in college? I have a PIA VPN subscription right now that I'm using, but from my understanding I would have to be connected to it 24/7 while at college in order for my traffic to remain secure while seeding.

Seedbox is a better option unless you have a huge NAS.

Also PIA is shit. Switch to AirVPN for real privacy.

kek, seems like the SCC syteops has somehow lost it or went on a shitposting rampage last night..he bumped a ton of threads with the stupid clown smiley face..the fuck


let's say I get a seedbox. How do I link this with my private tracker accounts, so I don't get banned downloading torrents on an unknown ip?

You tell staff about your seedbox if they require you to tell them about it.

>Buying a seedbox

>don't buy a seedbox
>get a call from college IT department
>"user, we have detected you using the bittorrent protocol through our network. I'm sorry, but your internet access is hereby revoked until you take a mandatory 3 week reeducation course"
I'd rather pay 10 dollarinoos

>reeducation course
oh the shit you faggots make up :^)

no that's literally what happens to you if you torrent at my college

This faggot confirmed for basement virgin

>"user, we have detected you used the bittorrent protocol to attain a ratio of 4:1 on what.cd. your scheduled penis inspection has been canceled since you're obviously 30 inches"

>they really have to do such a thing
haha oh god..what shitcountries do you live in?

>non-college educated high school babby detected

The United States nigga. Colleges are mandated by the federal government to prevent piracy on their networks.

Ah, yes, the
>some system is retarded in an obviously american way
>haha the system's not actually retarded
>yes it is
>what 3rd world country do live in

An old classic

How do you commit piracy on a network?

Piracy is by definition violent robbery on the high seas. It requires ships and weapons.

I think you're confusing piracy with copyright infringement.

>copyright infringement
..Yarr? What ye be rabbling about?


>mad af
can't make this shit up :^)


do you guys actually create torrents or just leech/seed? i was thinking about creating some torrents but i don't want to go to jail.