/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Meet the /fglt/ team:

IRC: irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/flt (6697 for SSL)
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use a web client:
WEB: fglt.nl/

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

- /t/'s GNU/Linux Games
- /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos


Other urls found in this thread:


stop spamming Sup Forums with /flgt/ threads

non-gnu fags need not apply

Is anyone aware of a program I can use to play flash games I have downloaded? Obviously you can do it in a browser that has flash player but how else can I go about it?

Try Gnash.

Do crocs respect my freedom?

I don't know how your day has been going but mine is now going a whole lot better thanks to you.

I hope good things come your way soon, user.

that's not friendly, my friend.

Is there any way to check if Arch will play nice with my wifi card before I nuke my hard drive for it? It's my only way to internet, so I don't want to be stuck without it after installation.

W10 user, i wanna try out some sort of Linux as a dualboot option, friendo recommended me Ubuntu Gnome, opinions?

Mainly just interested in trying it out, also want a sleek user friendly Distro that i could start with and possibly be comfortable with, main use would be browsing web, watching Twitch, playing games.

/flgt/ is why Sup Forums exists.
Sad it needs insulation from all the cancer.

I want to share that a simple config file in /etc/modprobe.d/alsabase.conf with the correct order of devices was all needed to make everything output to the correct device, you can purge pulseaudio from your machine now. Just make sure you erase asound.conf in etc and any .asounrc in your home if you want to go full ALSA.


Buntu gnome is an okay first distro. Check out (also on windows, not just here) using mpv with youtube-dl through a firefox plugin called "open with", you can tight click open your twitch thingy and have it on any workspace you want.

I posted this in the old one, sadly the solution to get metacity didnt quite helped.

I got ubuntu a few month ago and a buddy installed compiz or something and said its kinda cool. Nothing happend and I didnt bother deinstalling. Well yesterday I uninstalled it and now I have nothing. There is only my desktop background. I can get to the terminal but I am too ubuntu-illiterate to do shit.
I hope someone knows what problem i am facing. I cant even get chromium running.

Ive done similarly with vlc, thanks.

Why do I get worse signal quality for my WLAN device on a Linux distribution compared to Windows? Of course there could be a different signal reporting ratio between them, but some things like video-chatting work better on Windows from the same spot in the house.
I'm using Intel's hardware, so I suppose the driver support should be top-notch.

Anyone got the image name from linux void? For some reason my grub is now completly fucked and only starts in command line

Download Ubuntu and see if it works out of the box.
Look up your device's name and see if it's supported on Linux.

first for glances, runs a bit heavy on the CPU but its way less confusing/cluttered than top/(htop)

opinions ?

Video chatting with which program? If it's skype reconsider your choices.

Can I access the Wiki during installation

on the same machine

We don't know what you can do

If you're connected to the internet,
you can switch to another console
ctrl+alt+f2 and use a console browser
like elinks to access the wiki. If I recall
correctly, the arch installer has elinks by

Hey. I got Debian 8 installed and I like it a lot so far. This is already a lot nicer than Windows.

I've been running Xubuntu for a couple days now, liking it so far

I've been thinking of switched from Windows, is it worth it?

Can us Windows users finally join in? :3


the Arch installer is a command-line live disk
just follow the wiki it will probably work though
Any *buntu, Fedora, openSuSE, Mint, Debian testing
Besides the installation, Arch is very retard-friendly as well. A friend of mine installed it as his first distro and is very content.
Pulse isn't going anywhere, better get with the times bub. Even Slackware includes it now.
$ apt install ubuntu-desktop
(or xfce or whatever) then select it in your display manager ("login screen")
I usually get better wireless connections on Linux because the network manager connects with the best possible access point. You could install wicd, it has some nice configurability in that regard.
Not sure what you mean, friend. Grub Repair Disk might help you. Protip: Use Syslinux instead of Grub.
There's an /install.txt file included containing most useful information.

Does anyone have experience installing Linux on a Chromebook? I have one that I used for uni and I'm probably not going to sell it so I'd rather use it for something useful.

I think so. It's up to you, really. Depends on what you want.

b...but it's GNU + Linux :'(

Anything really, it's not program dependent. I'm getting annoying stuttering and drop-outs. Moving closer to my router fixes it. It works fine on Windows.

nvm just accidently installed grub wrong

>If it's skype reconsider your choices.

yeah brb telling all my friends and family to not use Skype.

Okay, I'm a dummy. How do I make myself root and how do I get wi-fi working? Any help is greatly appreciated.

su root

and check your wifi card and if its supported under linux, but almost all tplink cards and a big chunk of atheros (i think) cards are supported under linux

>su root
su and root's password
or in Ubuntu sudo su and your own password
what distro?

Ah, the Arch way: "We don't have to answer questions, we got the Wiki. And if you don't like reading through that for hours to find the answer to a quick question, you don't deserve Arch."

Great, I can access the Wiki that tells me how to set up wireless right after I set up wireless.
Brb, Architect. Ain't nobody got time for setting up wifi on the command line in 2016.

Debian 8
So would I type su and then whatever the password would be afterwards or su root and then the password?

Also not sure how to check what wi-fi card I have.

this is you: slash7.com/2006/12/22/vampires/

One picture = 1000 words.
Would you rather I copy pasted the entire beginner's guide?

>if you don't like reading through that for hours to find the answer to a quick question
Arch is a DIY distro retard. For ootb experience install Antergos and stop whinging

in Debian: su , it asks you for a password, enter root's pw.
>Also not sure how to check what wi-fi card I have.
on Debian you'll probably have to enable non-free repos and install the right firmware
see also wiki.debian.org/WiFi

>use xfce because the one guy last thread said it looks amazing and is super fast
>icons are incredible blurry and it looks like some windows 98 iOs mix

I didn't make a password on install. When I try to type in a password nothing happens.

then sudo su, and enter your own password

wifi-menu. Also,
wifi isn't the only way to connect to the internet. Try installing ubuntu server, it's the same pain if your firmware is closed source.

What I do is, I tether my android phone.

What's the best audio player? I've got a decently sized FLAC collection.

bitstreaming support is a plus.

>Pulse isn't going anywhere, better get with the times bub. Even Slackware includes it now.
Breaking and complicating the sound setup isn't progress, bud.

Fuck pulseaudio and fuck Red Hat.

What's the alternative to pulseaudio server? I want to forward my sound to my desktop

Pure ALSA or Jack, or using the dmix for ALSA. Some argue even OSS was better and more portable.

ncmpcpp and MPDroid as clients

Good, switched mine ages ago.

Then why did major distros switched to pulse
if they absolutely have no reason to do so?

Thank you.
I'm still a little confused with the whole wifi thing. I did the ispci -nn thing, but I'm still not sure. I get a few results that say "PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation Device" followed by some other stuff.

I don't see any upside to a daemonized music player.

For GUI there is Clementine which supports a ton of features, Deadbeef for the looks, or Audacious with the Winamp skin for retros. For CLI you have moc, ncmpcpp or cmus.

Cmus, moc or mpd+ncmpcpcppc

Im making a GUI for my server and i would want to run the gui thing as fullscreen on one monitor and a fullscreen serverterminal on a second monitor. Would it be possible to run the program bareback on x11 without a DE? Is there any better solution?

You do know pulse was lobbied by Red Hat even when it was buggy, right?

Corporations have power even in the open source world, sad but true.


then I'd go for Audacious, assuming you have a big collection

You are right, but people know more the term CLI. But again, you are right, I might reference it as TUI from now on.

>without a DE
yes. without a WM? no
but there are WMs that do "one window, full screen"
What I'd do though is install OpenBox and configure it to open your window full screen.

I'm trying to get some bash stuff going here (newbie)

This is my script:
IP=$(wget ipinfo.io/ip -qO -)
if [ "$IP" = 77.38.* ];
echo "Inside if"
wget ipinfo.io/ip -qO - > ip.txt
(basically, if my my external IP starts with 77.38. it should log it to ip.txt)

But it seems that I have no idea how to do wildcards in bash

What do I need to change to get this running?


please stop.

Arch is "Arch is actually bloated as fuck but make everyone install our distro from the command just to feel 1337 and give them the illusion of choice and minimalism"

Sure showed me XD

learn proper shell scripting (mywiki.wooledge.org/Bashism)
to answer specifically:
ip=$(wget ipinfo.io/ip -qO -)
case $ip in
echo "inside if"
printf "%s" $ip > ip.txt

Lurking around I think I got notes to make applications run directly on the X11 server, was thinking about trying the method with Emacs.

>I'm too retarded to copy a few commands into a command prompt
Either this is b8 or you're retarded, just use an ootb distribution instead you mong

This is a friendly thread bud, don't let people take you there.

Thank you kind user
I should look in this more, since my code was cobble together from ~20 minutes of Google searching

I though bash was the de facto shell for scripts on Linux?

You are a complete retard. I hope you'll stop using linux and stay on windows 10 for the rest of your life.

Is Manjaro Linux better than Ubuntu? I think it looks better at least.

Which Linux distribution truly respects my freedom?

Bash is the de facto for script kiddies and hipsters.
There are a lot of shells and not every system has bash installed. Furthermore, bash is very old and large so it suffers from security issues (Shellshock for example).
You should learn portable shell-scripting (i.e. POSIX) even if it is annoying at times. For example, you're not allowed to use arrays. But the problem-solving in that is fun as well.

Tails OS


gNewSense. Trisquel or anything here:

Debian if you don't enable non-free repos.
any other distro as long as you don't install non-free software

So what's wrong with Bash again?


Memes. When shellshock is named you can be sure of that.

that's a funny way of spelling zsh

Hmm, thought so

Aren't you bored of infecting this thread with trolling and lies? This is a friendly thread, kindly fuck off.

it's all in that post you quoted.
bash is alright as an interactive shell, although is better

found the macfag hipster

The post you made had no correct claims

don't reply to me you fucking shell hipster.

no idiot, read that again.

that's a funny way of spelling fish

sorry I made you mad
fact is that not everyone uses bash, like BSD or distros like Alpine Linux. POSIX exists for a reason

And a flamewar begins.

I like bash myself and the only other alternative I would go is mksh, zsh is just fancy autocompletition but this is not good for everyone.

>fact is that not everyone uses bash, like 0.1% of edge cases

>The hipster garbage distro doesn't use it
>So not everyone uses Bash, it's too mainstream
Get out and lurk 3 years more before posting anything

Relevance for someone writing a script for personal use on a system with bash?

Which shell is the best shell?

zsh seems to be popular and I've also heard of fish.

I like fish thbqh

Works perfectly out of the box