My PC tower went for a bungee jump

I'm a little scared right now...

I was playing a game when my tower literally rotated to the right and fell off my desk 1 meter to the carpeted floor. Some cables stayed in, the HDMI from my graphics card was unplugged but the HDMI in my Mboard stayed. FPS was a little lower notacably after I opened browser to type this, but otherwise it SEEMS fine...

I was playing CS:GO , I typically get 80 FPS or so and I was getting maybe close to 45 after it happened...

Is there any hidden damage I could have?
How would I check for any hidden damage?

Little nervous at the moment. Thanks

Other urls found in this thread:

>I was playing a game when my tower literally rotated to the right and fell off my desk
You phrased it like the tower did it of its own volition

I have no idea how it happened, if I did, I would tell you and own up to it. The back-left support/stand rubber pad is no longer there.

I would take everything apart and rebuild it . The things most likely to be damaged in a drop are mechanical hard drives, large cpu heatsinks , and the pcie slot your gpu is inserted in .

I didn't put it together to begin with, I ordered it and had a company do it.

I'll open it up and look around, post pics later. Appreciate the help



Kill you self me lad.

Go back to

This piece of shit from the case broke off. Is what did it

So you hit your desktop over a video game, cool beans.

Most likely, check that your cpu fan is correctly in place/check your cpu and gpu temperature.

If your cpu fan moved, even slightly, your cpu will throttled it's speed down so it does not melt away which will cause a significant fps drop.

Very helpful and informative, thanks

Please return to the asshole of the internet from whence you came.

It did it to protect OP from their own stupidity


>I didn't put it together to begin with, I ordered it and had a company do it.
Fuck off manchild

80 fps in csgo wtf

You're a fucking faggot, eat shit.

Debuild and rebuild the PC completely, check for any damage while doing it. If problem persists you broke your pc and you deserve it.

You mean ? What a fantastic idea

No one help this faggot. Look at that radiator

That's a rubber foot, if it wasn't on right that could have caused it to be able to move easier

This is nit your personal texh support board you fucking braindead mongoloid. You would know if you read the rules of this board you fucking mongrel born through ass

What vendor did you buy your PC from?

>plays shitty vidya games
>paid money for somebody to plug in a few cables
>put PC on desk instead of floor
>probably knocked it off with his stupid flailing
>too stupid to google

>still expects help from Sup Forums
can't tell if masterful troll or legitimately retarded

either way, this is off-topic on Sup Forums, read the sticky and then go back to

Check your gpu and cpu temperature. If they are through the roof (like 100C or more(yeah, fuck farenheit)) make sure your heatsink are still in place.

I didn't. I understand that's what it sounds like, but I didn't. Shear force from a light push apparently broke one of the legs of the case, and it's plastic.

Thanks. Most recent pic is of CPU sink.

>wifi card on a desktop, not even a good one at that
>optical drive in 2016

>mfw in shitty room and can't use Ethernet
>mfw shit Wi-Fi card because shit internet connection to begin with
>mfw full towers cool easier and I don't care

>aio watercooled cpu heatsink
>but a thermalbrand psu and a 960
>tiny ass motherboard in a big tower

OP, if thats the case I think it is the feet on them are notorious for being absolute shit. They have 4 weak plastic prongs that hardly hold them in their holes and break easily during shipping/"light" pushes.

Its a Zalman right?

What I'm getting at is you bought a shit pc. How much did you buy it for? I hope not over $600 based on those internals.

The top right mount for your water block looks fractured as fuck.

When will the fucking brain dead mods delete these colon cancer threads?