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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes. 1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
If I mainly use my computer for vidya, can Linux suffice?
Kayden Morris
Joseph Campbell
>PC authority Man I don't know why but that sounds hilarious
Cameron Hernandez
depends on the vidya
Andrew Bailey
Justin Stewart
For indie vidya, you MAY be able to execute it, if they bothered to make a port.
For mayor productions, you probably won't.
If you are skilled enough, and have good computer, you can make virtualization/emulation magic (wine, Qemu) and get it running, in cost of performance.
Charles Green
Hey guys,
finally after a year of using arch linux on my laptop, the updating broke my install and I don't know how to fix it or where to look for more info.
I did the usual sudo -Syu, then I got a message about the xf86-video-intel driver not supporting something and falling back to d2d mode? or something like that, then suddenly my infinality bundle fonts broke in chromium.
I've tried downgrading the xf86 driver, but wouldn't let me because of some dependency. I've also tried deleting my fontconfigs(fonts.avail in etc) great mistake. Then I reinstalled infinality, which didn't help, then I uninstalled it with -Rdd, which was even worse and reinstalled the default fontset, cairo freetype2 etc. It still didn't work so I installed infinality once again.
pic related.
I have no idea what to search or what I should do, any pointers or info on what do to where to search would be appreciated.
Lincoln Roberts
Alright. Probably just going to go with Windows, because I play just about everything I can feasibly get my hands on.
Bentley Sanders
>I mainly use my computer for vidya lol
Asher Nelson
Compiling my kernel
I h-hope I didn't forget to enable something...
William Scott
what do i do anons? arch linux, laravel installed laravel: bash: laravel: command not found
Christopher Parker
sudo pacman -S laravel
Josiah Hernandez
You can't call laravel like that
Jose Sanchez
nigga pls
Adrian Carter
laravel new site
Blake Reed
I really don't want to do a reinstall, it takes ages to config everything.
Thomas Richardson
You may be SOL
Samuel Jackson
I need two browsers. I know how to switch profiles, but its too much of a pain to have to do that every time I start up. I also need to have both browsers open on occasion.
I already have firefox installed and set the way I like. Is chromium a good choice? I have heard chromium still phones home though - is there any way to stop that? Am on stock Ubuntu.
>how-to-waste-space.gif bspwm is cool, but it is likely that you will never use most of the features.
Dominic Carter
I don't understand. How is that wasting space?
Kevin Wright
huge ass gaps by default.
Michael Hall
>by default
This can easily be changed you nerd.
Ayden Gonzalez
I am on 64-bit ubuntu so obviously I grab the 64 bit one, but what are the .sig files?
Isaiah Wright
Any tips?
Chase Gomez
yeah, stop using a toy OS
Luke Russell
Just get the tar file Reinstall
Dominic Nguyen
Yes, stop installing everything you find in the AUR, thinking it's the bee's kness. Also stop using Infinality shit, use a normal fontconfig like everyone else. Enjoy not learning how to program with Python since you're using that awful "Learn X the hard way" book. HAve fun reinstalling.
Jacob Cruz
Just backup your /home, then reinstall and restore. Also consider getting rid of arch.
Lucas Ross
>Default i3, urxvt Shit bait, try again.
Nicholas Nguyen
Anyone here running KDE? If so, what is your distro?
Lincoln Gray
>not liking gaps this must be bait
Nathan Jackson
Alexander Cooper
>not wanting a nice looking desktop What is wrong with you?
Ian Hernandez
there is a difference between having a nice looking desktop and wasting half of your screen estate. the main benefit of dynamic/tiling WMs is that there is no space wasted, why destroy that?
Ayden Nelson
People who can't make their desktop pretty usually tell themselves that they don't need it anyway, spouting the "I like it functional" meme.
Aiden Ross
Because it hurts the eyes. You can focus/distinguish better and faster on windows with some gaps. If you ask me, it also looks also more organized.
Blake Sanchez
you can have borders without wasting space. everything above 5px is retarded.
Carter Gonzalez
small gaps + transparency master race
Charles Harris
The gaps are dynamic, you can shrink and enlarge them with a keystroke.
Dominic Allen
that is a massive waste of time.
Leo Sullivan
jfyi, educate yourself about the topic before you're posting nonsense.
Jace Sullivan
>implying configuring gaps/borders more than once is an effective use of time
Carter Thompson
Just trying out the liquorix kernel and it seems to make my laptop run hotter. Is that normal for this kernel?
Xavier Moore
I don't even know what's supposed to be bait about that. Fuck it, I'm saving all my shit and reinstalling...
Gabriel Stewart
considered, actually fuck arch I don't know nough about linux to use it as a daily driver and deal with bul
Leo Allen
Wyatt Brown
XFCE with kwin
John Allen
Jack Campbell
Try them both, I prefer KDE
Chase Phillips
i hate you.
Isaiah Richardson
Try them both, I prefer Xfce
Brandon Lee
Daniel Johnson
I recently installed Arch and enabled the multilib repo, but I can't install Steam. It doesn't even show up as an option in pacman. Does anyone know how to get steam on arch?
Carter Nelson
Can someone explain to me the difference between stuff like ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, and ~/.bash_profile? Which one is stuff for PATH supposed to go in?
Owen Lopez
This is the problem with normies and linux.
They want to be force fed their only option, not given choices with conflicting opinions.
Angel Cox
>I recently installed Arch
James Richardson
Because I wanted a DYI distro and my linux-fu is too weak for gentoo
Adrian Miller
Jack Kelly
Reinstalling isn't the Arch way. You should be able to run the same install even for a decade through hardware changes and all. Not knowing what you're doing is kind of the problem when using a distro like Arch. You really should understand your system better if you're going to use it. I can't help because I've never used Arch seriously.
Xavier Lee
>Arch is DIY
When will this meme end?
Henry Davis
Seems like it's too weak for Arch as well if you can't find an answer to this problem.
Isaac Phillips
spring von der brücke tripschwuchtel
Ethan Long
Ubuntu looks like orange microshaft, what's a good linux distro for a newfag? I hear good things about Mint?
Tyler Jackson
Mint is worse than Ubuntu. >I hear good things about Mint? Where?
Parker Rodriguez
Ubuntu looks nothing like Windows, Unity is completely different.
Isaac Cox
Hey anons, why is firefox on arch so fucking slow? When i try to open new page in new tab, it loads like 5 seconds? wtf is this shit? >no problem with internet, chromium works normal
Camden Evans
If you choose your distro by default looks, you're doing it wrong. You can install any DE or WM on any distro and customize the shit out of them.
Thomas Hill
I haven't heard much about OpenSUSE Tumbleweed lately. How is it coming along?
That and Void Linux seem to be the best newer rolling release distributions.
Luis Brooks
cd ~ doesn't go to /home/username/ on xfce terminal and instead creates a folder named ~ or says directory not found what do?
Parker Rogers
Isn't KDE the shit we recommend to idiots because it's buggy and crashes often?
Evan Bell
if you just type cd it goes to your home directory
Aiden Bennett
yeah but i want to use it for other directories. for example, instead of typing ~/Documents/folder i have to type /home/ivankaramazov/Documents/folder everytime
Hudson Harris
Actually Ubunto is the lesser evil. The problem with Canonical is that they have shit politics and aren't very trustworthy, but the distro itself is well maintained. Just make sure to remove the amazon lense. Mint is easy too, but under the hood there are security flaws. There's even a blacklist of packages that may break the system.
My suggestion: Get Debian.
Jackson Allen
You do realize distros don't just slap a vsnilla install of a DE on top of the base system? Good luck making KDE as good as ir's on openSUSE
Nathaniel Reed
The keypoint of KDE is retard-friendly bloat, which is useful for newfriends.
Bentley Hall
Are you using bash or zsh because on bash the best you can do is define a variable for the directory you want linked Bash: ~=/home/username cd $~
ZSH: alias -g ~=/home/username cd ~
Jose Ward
It's the future. When did XFCE last update? A year ago?
Nicholas Stewart
as a noob, i have no idea what you mean. im on xubuntu. the first line of code you give says No such file or directory
Adrian Diaz
>implying there's only xfeces and kde >using a de at all
Liam Cooper
Install zsh and you'll be able to create aliases to directories. Bash the default shell on Ubuntu doesn't support directory aliases because they are non-standard.
Josiah Myers
What distro? If ~ doesn't expand to your home directory, you have some serious problems. It's standard.
What does echo $HOME return? Also try a different terminal like xterm. Also check your .bashrc for errors.
Parker Perry
>t. retard who can't read manpages also >guy has problem: ~ doesn't expand >solution: install a different shell what the fuck?
everything that is ubuntu and based on it like mint is trash tier Cinnamon is a great DE that can be installed on any distribution. If you still want to go to mint, just go for it.