I will soon be joining the pc master race from a life long console pleb. I know nothing about gaming computers and only have a 2000 budget not including getting someone to build it and punting windows 10 on it how did i do.
What would you rate this computer
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>and only have a 2000 budget
You can get a 1080p/60fps/ultra machine for muuuch much lower than that.
I don't know what resolution you plan playing at, but that gtx 1080 is clearly overkill for 1080p.
Get an other case, you don't need such a huge monstrosity.
The rest in okay.
an you link me to a ultra machine you are talking about?. Yes i wll be playing in 1080p i want every thing on ultra and 60fps or above can i do this?.
That build is okay. I don't see why it has a penny pinching Seasonic G series power supply though. With colossal budgets like that, you might as well get a Seasonic Platinum or PRIME.
People keep telling me to get the big cases because of airflow and being upgrade when you want too.
Is it safe for the computer because it's so cheep?.
It's not "cheap", it's just cheap for the kind of budget that computer has. The G series is a very high quality power supply. 99% of people have worse. It's just not top of the line.
we like i said i only have 2000 budget and i'm having someone buld it for me and put windows 10 on it.
Why would you trust someone else to do it for you?
Why does he wear the mask?
someone once a not to post this on Sup Forums
Are you real? It's beyond shit, like a complete waste in every regard
Because i am not good at doing things and am so ocd i would mess it up.
A 1070 will do that
8gb of ram will do that
A smaller ssd and a games HDD will do that
To hide his pc noob ness :^)
that case is way overpriced
i'd get a better cpu cooler, the noctua d15s is great
also faster ram, 3200 should do
you could also get a smaller ssd and save some money to invest in external hard drives
with that setup you can easily get ~90fps at 1440p in the latest games, it's WAY overkill for 1080p
can you recommend some thing on a 2000 strict budget.
What the fuck
Here, way better for the money
also includes a 1440p 144hz IPS display, the 480 will be fine for 1440p gaming overall, and eventually high end GPUs will drop enough in price to saturate the display
You just need an after market 480 of some kind
Other option is a 27" 4k display, which you can run lighter games at 4k, but you have some scaling issues potentially with 4k at 27" it would be really nice looking though I guess
PCPartPicker part list: pcpartpicker.com
Price breakdown by merchant: pcpartpicker.com
CPU: Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($298.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: MSI B150M Pro-VD Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($63.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($66.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Mushkin ECO3 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($64.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($47.49 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Gigabyte Radeon RX 480 8GB Video Card ($239.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Cooler Master N200 MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($42.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: EVGA 650W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($78.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Monitor: Acer XF270HU 27.0" 144Hz Monitor ($526.07 @ Amazon)
Total: $1430.48
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-08-05 13:20 EDT-0400
1440p monitor
I5 6600k
Cyrorig H7 cooler
8 Gb ram
250 Gb ssd
1tb HDD
650 W psu in case of sli
Sli support motherboard
Whatever peripherals you want
That's the whole setup for under 2k
I'm to lazy to do ppp for you
I agree that build is dumb, but on a 2k budget for a whole setup 480 underpowered, especially for 1440p where the card will require dropping settings or resolutions within 2 months.
It'll be fine, there's still room for an upgrade to something else, but there's also taxes/shipping to consider
and I don't know if he needs everything else like audio solutions, mouse/keyboards ect
sounds like he wouldn't have any of that, or even a proper desk or chair
it's why I left a ton of room
but I'd mostly focus on the display more than the GPU
>480 fine for 1440p
Okay champ lol.
The 480 doesn't even out perform the GTX 980 and that can't handle 1440p worth shit.
Does 1440p 60fps with no real issues on high settings
even does DOOM at Ultra at 73fps with vulkan
In the esports games where 144hz is useful, those games will easily run at high frame rates without issue
my mind is so full of fuck.
I just dont know what to pick:(
Sub 60 on all games other than doom
The 480 is a great card at 1080p but at 1440+ it is barely good enough now and definitely won't be in the future
>frame rate dips way below 60
>in some games averages below 60
>no real issues
What the fuck even is a real issue if bad frame rate isn't one of them?
I'm going to have to save for a 1080p monitor and mouse. i think my old keyboard will have to do for now. i will get a 4k monitor when they get cheaper.
Most of the games are tested on ultra, I said high settings, also the panel is free-sync down to 30hz if I remember right, so that will smooth things out as well
Aside from that, the only thing that can properly saturate a 1440p 144hz display or a 4k display is a Titan X
or are you going to say a 1070 can do it if you lower settings?
Are you the OP with the 2k budget? There's literally no reason to do that
Yes i'm OP to do what?
Nobody except you is talking about 144Hz, this thing can't even do 60. If you already have to lower graphics to even get 60 FPS, it's not a suitable card for that resolution.
Unless you're the ultimate poorfag and simply have no other choice.
You have the budget for a solid gaming PC, and a monitor upgrade, and still have left over for peripherals
Just upgrade the motherboard to an H170 something with a 750W PSU if you want to try for 480 crossfire down the line to properly saturate the 1440p 144hz display
8 GB RAM on a new machine?
LOL that's Xbox tier
God forbid you play games on high setttings instead of Ultra when there's no meaningful quality difference
>micro ATX
top retard
Why the fuck would you want to play games at high settings when you can play them at ultra settings you fucking muppet? I don't know if you're blind or something, but I can tell the difference between quality levels.
I get it if you can't afford to buy the latest and greatest graphics card, but that's literally the only excuse and you shouldn't try to justify it as if it's somehow a better choice. No, it's not a better choice. It's a compromise you were forced to settle for.
make sure the color scheme of all the internal parts match, don't get a red trim mobo and a blue trim cpu cooler!
Buy prebuilt. I'm not joking.
That i7 is the best value skylake chip, it turbos to 4ghz and with a budget board costs the same as a 6600K with $30 hyper 212 and Z170 board
At most you'd OC an i5 to 4.5ghz, and even then obviously it's going to lose out to 8 threads at 4ghz in multi-threaded applications
what's wrong with 1440p 144hz?
And what's wrong with micro ATX? The board has solid power delivery and USB 3.1
and there's nothing wrong with a 480 since the driver fix for power delivery, it's the better choice for the long run for Vulkan/DX12 support
Stop yer shitposting
Not all of the budget has to go to the GPU, the display is just as important if not more important, and there's also other things to consider, like a nicer keyboard and mouse, which OP doesn't have, in addition to headphones + speakers
I have a Fury X and I can confirm while there is a difference going from 1080p medium on a 7850 to 4k VSR on medium-high or 1080p Ultra, it's not a big deal at all
In addition he could easily up the 480 to a Fury or Fury X, they're on sale for $350/400 most of the time now
As long as it runs everything on ultra and a really high fps i dont care about color.
This has to be because people tell me never to buy pre built.
Are you the same OP who's a console pleb? You have no frame of reference for what graphical setting differences are, why would you say you want Ultra and really high fps when you've no idea what that means or entails.
Not to mention you said that without any regard to what resolution or refresh rate monitor you want to run games on
If you're going to stick to that 1080p display you have no reason to buy a GPU above the 480 or god forbid the 1060
>I have a Fury X and I can confirm while there is a difference going from 1080p medium on a 7850 to 4k VSR on medium-high or 1080p Ultra, it's not a big deal at all
Your subjective opinion on what is a big deal and what is not is not worth anything. Just turning off hairworks makes The Witcher 3 look like shit, yet there are plenty of people going around saying "it's not a big deal at all".
That reminds me i hi wonder if my turtle beach xbox 1 head set will work with it?. untell i can get a mid level head set. But if i have a head set why wold i need speakers?. if the music and sounds will be comeing trough the headset?.
yes i don't know man this shit is so mind breaking like i said i don't know shit about gaming computers .
Hairworks is just so great and important to gaming, that only one game uses it
Not to mention that it's part of an action game where you're never really going to focus on details like hair physics
Only place TressFX or Hairworks makes sense is in a sex simulator
Probably just spend some money on a decent pair of headphones like the super lux 668Bs $40 sounds great
Speakers depend more on how often you think you'll use them
Turtle Beach is pretty much complete shite, but aren't they made to work on PCs and Consoles?
If you'll also need a microphone get a Samson GO mic, cheap, small, and it works great
Stop projecting your own mindset on everyone else you fucking retard. Not everyone is literally you. It was just an example anyway. I don't care if it's hairworks or TressFX or HBAO+, higher graphics settings look better.
Buying prebuilt saves you the shit you will go through just setting it up as you need the internet for drivers if you skimp out on getting a disk drive and you can't use the internet if you don't have the drivers for it.
Buy prebuilt. You don't need state of the art shit. Learn from there.
>higher graphics settings look better.
Sure, but it's really nothing major, graphics have never really mattered, what matters is consistent frame rate, and being able to tell what's going on
It's not a major factor to the enjoyment of gaming, only reason I have a Fury X is to saturate my 1080p 144hz display
My final suggestion anyways, don't spend a lot of money, and just get something like this, which is a pretty basic standard 1080p gaming rig
The 380X has the benefit of actually being in stock
Then once you learn more and experience shit, then do more research into what your next upgrades should be, but probably a major monitor upgrade should be the first thing, overall don't blow all your load at once when you don't know what stuff means
Or just buy a small monitor upgrade now, like this 1080p 144hz TN free-sync display, it looks pretty good for a TN panel actually
$209 on amazon, $230 with shipping
PCPartPicker part list: pcpartpicker.com
Price breakdown by merchant: pcpartpicker.com
CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($198.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: MSI B150M Pro-VD Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($63.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Crucial 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($59.99 @ Adorama)
Storage: Mushkin ECO3 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($64.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($47.49 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: PowerColor Radeon R9 380X 4GB PCS+ Myst. Edition Video Card ($169.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Cooler Master N200 MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($42.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: EVGA 650W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($78.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $727.41
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-08-05 14:22 EDT-0400
yes my turtle beaches have a microphone and i will save to get a good pear like the same way. i have gotten used to playing with headphones that speaker are a meh but i will consider it thanks.
>Buy prebuilt.
Stop that you bastard, no one should buy a pre-built, except maybe if you live in canada because the price difference isn't horrible there
Learning how to set up an OS and build a PC is fairly important to being a PC gamer overall, especially when something goes wrong
And guess what, it's easier to get higher and more constant frame rates with a better card.
i7 is useless for gayming, and buying a shit tier mobo just to plug in a locked i7 is retarded.
microATX is literally meme tier and is horrible to build if you don't have manlet faggot tier hands not to mention that the airflow will be absolute shit and even worse with the space heater amd meme card
1TB HD is retarded as fuck except if you are on ultimate poorfag build
but i'm not surprised at all, your build is typical of the kind of shit millenial faggots post in /bst/ threads
Sure, but even a 380X can do 1080p gaming really well, and if he no frame of reference to what higher details/frame rate means, all of this is meaningless
You're just an idiot, please stop
The only major advantage to a higher end chipset motherboard is PCI-e connectivity
do not listen to all these i7,i5 fags they apple tier. Get a xeon
does this mean that this pcpartpicker.com
does not have a disk drive?. I would like to have one so i can get fiscal copy's of games.
Xeon 1231v3 was killed by the i7 6700
That build is shit
and no one uses optical media anymore, again you lack any frame of reference and should not spend a lot money on this PC set up
>Learning how to set up an OS and build a PC is fairly important to being a PC gamer overall, especially when something goes wrong
See there's your problem.
This is why PC will never be a competitor towards a console. Because:
1. Troubleshooting is a requirement
2. Too many options and developers follow a standard.
3. Exclusives
If you said game enthusiast, then it's understandable. But for gaming alone.....hell no. PC is a tool first and foremost, that can be converted into an entertainment center.
t. Console pleb
some people still do it's just something to have a copy around. I know about steam but it just rubs me the wrong way only have a digital copy did me this way on the xbox.
Op buy a prebuilt that has specs that can play most.
>i would mess it up (building a pc)
Are you fucked? Building a normie pc is simple. You literally cant fuck it up. Parts go into specific spots, unless you jam things together.
Watch a youtube video on it, save yourself some money. You could have $1000 budget and still have a quality build. Fuck, I've seen gaming builds for less.
Don't buy anything pre-built, like Alienware or some meme shit.
>Are you fucked
yes i am fucked. No i will buy the parts and and a pc place to build it.
That thumbnail is literally you, isn't it.
You might as well be even more of a fuck-stain and buy a Mac.
Building your own pc is the finest thing you can do, because you know what you put into it. Getting some autistic cuck at Best Buy to do it is insulting, really.
No i'm not that bad but i have trouble. At lest i am honest about it and not trying to act like i am not. Also i will buy the part the local computer place not best buy will build it Or my bros friend will.
>I will soon be joining the pc master race
Immediately stopped reading. Consider .
can't this topic is not allowed to be posted there they said it's the wrong board.
Why don't you go to a more useful forum like Tek Syndicates or Linus's forums
never knew about those this just seemed like just a good of a board as any.
why the fuck aren't you using a lemote?
whats that
>I will soon be joining the pc master race from a life long console pleb
jesus christ, fucking die
sir how does this help the conversation :^) can't we talk like gentelmen:^).
RAM is cheap, there's no reason not to go with 16 GB.