Sup Forums, what is your opinion on Waterfox?
Sup Forums, what is your opinion on Waterfox?
No such thing.
I have never used it, but if it's like Firefox then I don't like it
I tried it
Just like Firefox when you open a new tab and click on a bookmark tile you can't hit the back button and return to the new tab screen with all your favorite sites
The back button just turns off for no good reason whatsoever
Ny opinion of Waterfox is very low and I hate it
The logo is pleasent though
is it actually faster or is it placebo
Its shit
Waterfox is to Pale Moon as Pale Moon is to Firefox.
Can't be worse than firefox.
Is Pale Moon any good?
I wanted a secondary browser (no 1 being chrome). I use it regularly now and it's my favourite firefox fork.
I use Iridium
It once had a valid reason for existing and that was to be 64-bit Firefox. Since late last year, it has gone on with no purpose.
>install some time back
>start it up
>be greeted with australis UI
>install pale moon
>all is well
So switched one botnet for another?
just use vivaldi, stupid plebs
also anything mozilla is garbage.
Is botnet just meme-lingo for shit nowadays?
Makes me ... moist.
You need to understand, everything is a botnet. EVERYTHING
I use it, don't know if it's better than Firefox, but it works fine for me.
Vivaldi is like Opera but more shit, what's the point?
and despite all the "muh custom perssonel experience" it lags important options (e.g. remove top bar spacing between tab and edge of screen)
Some of the options it has straight up don't work ("close browser when last tab is closed" sometimes works and sometimes doesn't)
I like it, Seamonkeys good too