/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

forecast is gone again edition

Old thread: >New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question check Google and if you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>don't respond to anime posters, they are known to ruin threads and shitpost, report and ignore.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd
>Easy way to elite on What.cd = whatbetter+search 2016 flac albums on better.php

Other urls found in this thread:



First for Lasereyess still sells accounts.

What's the absolute best seedbox provider in 2016? Feral is out of the question unfortunately. Need an answer as soon as possible.

What's the verdict on alpha ratio?

Curry shit


Can someone on BTN or MTV please upload Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace on Mega? Pretty please?


energy whores


People here will only troll you.

I already tried that. It's not even available for sale anywhere.

get the fuck outta here with your shit taste

Im on what.cd, whats a good movie tracker i can get into easily?





>not running your own dedi server

who /marked/ here

i don't even know what marked means

what's the hot shit so i can get my ratio up? No one is downloading from me and my ratio is absolute dog shit.

use a public tracker like other sane people do

private trackers in a nutshell

The sad shit is I have a TON of movies and obscure TV shows that I could upload, but my site won't let me upload or create a torrent. This is pretty gay and I'm about done with it.

what private tracker are you using?


Do AHD have TV shows and how long to they take with proper encodes past the airing date?

get the fuck out of tl

found your problem

Why, what's so bad about it?


Like poo in the loo?

torrentleech is shit.
they dont even have any freeleech or bonus system.

I was trying to use it to get into a good pt, mostly for more obscure TV shit.

>I was trying to use it to get into a good pt
Im pretty sure it doesn't even have an invite forum.

torrentleech is a deadend.
take what.cd interview.


Is this on BIB?


It's probably not anywhere then, unfortunately

thanks for the malware

No problem, I have more than one flavor, would you like to try another?

Is.. Is GGN still processing applications fast?
I put mine in a few days ago, did I fuck up not writing a huge fucking essay?
It was like 4 lines each box.

nope they just have 'A Pillar of Iron'

is it officially available in ebook format anywhere? amazon, b&n, etc?

i'm sure i already know the answer to this, but is there any reason for AHD if you have HDB?

this guy found it Is this a new meme?

oh shit nice. wonder why its not on bib already then.
is .mobi

Superior encodes.

BTNv2 when?

Great speed, abhorrent security and support. I'd go with Feral.

>not on any TV trackers, only movie
>can't find twilightzone blueray

If it's the one I have, it's a weird upscale and one of the seasons looks like a soap opera. It cleans the print up nicely though, for an oldass show.

Just Cause 3 2016 RePack DLC MULTi2-SEYTER

Someone check their games tracker and see if anyone has this? Blackcats is slow as fuck.

It's on public but theres 1500 leechers and only 300 seeders. Might just have to wait.

holy shit, seedhost's support got buttblasted at my cancellation request and didn't even wait until the end of the billing period to cut me loose.

what a fucking joke of a company.

I was going to upload it all months ago but apparently it isn't allowed

AHD has superior encodes to HDB?

Honestly it's hit and miss, some movies HDB has a better encode and others AHD. At least recently.


Alright fags, here's the deal. I got a dell poweredge R410 with 4tb of disk space. My internet connection right now is 200/20. I the next month, I'll have worked out a deal with a tier 1 internet provider for a full unthrottled gigabit fiber-optic line run right into my house (Connections, don't ask me how I got it unless you're willing to negotiate). If someone lets me into a private tracker group, I'll dedicate this server to seeding 24/7 4tb of whatever the fuck you guys want. I've also got some hard to come by content on a backup disk somewhere (Cool game-dev shit, movies, un-released music etc.)

reply to me, we'll get in touch via email, and I'm willing to verify all this with time stamped pics, screen-caps etc.

>If someone lets me into a private tracker group

lol no

AlphaRatio has it and it has open signups atm.

>he wants an invite for sharing his shitty 4tb HDD

GGn also has it.

He wants an invite for sharing a server he literally took out of a datacenter he worked at (It was a proto server, we got a new contract from a different manufacturer, they were throwing them out, I snagged a few)

I'm seeding it.

the same as giving him an invite for an HDD, you're not getting root anyways and risk a ban

Appreciate the heads up, signed up. Currently have a 4.4 on BCG so it will be nice to be able to go somewhere else.


I started seeding the one on TPB with my seedbox. Should be really healthy now.

>reply to me, we'll get in touch via email, and I'm willing to verify all this with time stamped pics, screen-caps etc.
Ill bite. Time stamp some of your rare stuff.


> Feral

this garbage thread belongs on

>traffic limit
>costs more than feral

>cant find this movie anywhere in a non curry format
>5 months left to get into ptp
just kill me now senpai

>Excellent customer service
>Traffic limit in TBs
>Tons of features
>Already said Feral is out of the question

is feral actually best value for seedbox purposes?

Find a better value senpai.

here brosef
mega /#!1YRlnQQK!clDFGFcYuhSqcfjwGOptlmhPHj9Mc1wTJ0dWohGvn9M

>abhorrent security and support
more info please?

Damn, I wish I knew anyone with a membership to a private tracker. Too bad all of my friends are normies who still use windows.

5 months with them. 0 complains, great speeds, cheap.

if you want value get a dedi or a cheap vps.
for seedboxes I'd recommend seedhost. seeferal is terrible unless you get one of their ssd boxes, which are very expensive.

Elaborate. I haven't had any problems with feral.
I'm not trying to shill but I don't see why anyone would chose another service.

>he thinks he's getting 10Gb/s using a HDD

Try a recursive grep on your home folder for your password and look at the file permissions.

As for support here is an example:

shits itself during big events, terrible support, expensive.

Oh, look. Another post without actual content or citations. What a surprise.

During the sitewide wcd freeleech tons of people on what were complaining about feral being shit.

>I'm not trying to shill

TPS is still down ;-;

These have to be bait, right?
Even though you said not to ask... I really need to ask who'd you have to blow to get fresh fiber lines? Also where do you find these companies getting rid of their tech? Just call them and tell them if they're ever getting rid of anything you'd be willing to take some of them?

>finally getting fiber soon
>glorious 30Mbps upload from my current 0.6Mbps upload

Enjoy it while you can lads, I'm coming to fuck shit up soon enough!

Anyone want jpopsuki invite
I got 2 of them

>tfw you upload your first torrent ever

Post it, I'll snatch it.

The fuck?

I'll snatch it user share it

>Thanks familia. Look for Carly Rae on Pornbay.

haha get /marked/ kiddo, that's what happens when you ignore the op