How come you haven't bought it yet, /o/?

How come you haven't bought it yet, /o/?

Shit, my bad

cause i'd rather buy a decent pc :)

Cars are technology, user-kun


How does Sup Forums transport themselves by the way? I sure hope you're not chugging the petroleum Jew

honda civic, 03.

>molested S14
>no miles listed

Same, except '01

why is that car hiding in the trees?

its recon car. it must stay hidden.

>open unity pod
>contains a recon rover
awww yisss

Once tagged a bus, then I tagged some junction box on the other side of the bus stop here and then there was USB type C (C is nearly an O, I bet the jews did this), so I started hating taking the bus because it was five oh obv.
then I always rode the bike to the train station, but it was a shit bike so I got hammered once, took the train, the train went too far (into the place where they service the trains), so the woman driving the train had to take the whole fucking train back to the train station so that i can leave the fucking train, then I saw some bike that wasn't locked and so I stole it, but then I dumped it into a lake because it made me become super mario and creeped me the fuck out later on (it even made the fucking eurocup happen). now I just walk or look at the shitty bike again, which I will dump again soon because I once stole it on a military area of some city I once lived in and the hype is just too much for my taste nowadays, so I save up for a car.

no homo, no regrets and it's all true

buy GPUs

I hope one day you'll reflect back on this and feel ashamed of your actions

I already did that, broke my bones whilst doing so

so there's that.

the 480 has free drivers

No, it's too soon.

sadly the opposite, I'm no friend of so I had to speed things up manually

I hope my half ton f150 triggers you

Fuck yeah. I'm not the only one on Sup Forums who drives a vehicle which runs on liberal tears

>Buying from the HG guys
Oh boii those rice memesters probably fucked the shit out of that s14

Enjoy the following
>Bad thermostat
>Bad throwout bearing
>Not being able to go out of park when ANYTHING in your brake light system goes bad
>Engine fan bolted to the fan clutch with retarded design (too much to explain)
>Shitty engine platform in general
>Random brake lockup

I'm not about brandfagging, but FUCK that model of ford.

>has owned the truck for 3 years now
>none of that has happened.

'12 Mazda 3, Manual tranny

>Sup Forums obsessed with trannies
sounds about right

I actually prefer you guys, you're all impotent inside your steel cage yet you can't pass me on my bike, you dream of running me over but of course you never will, while compact cars just pass me by using the same lane and giving me enough space to ride safely.

Because miat is too doushio.

Same except '14. Amazing car. Coupe, user?

Oh hello fellow Chilefag. Why are you up so late?

whats stopping me from running you over if you dart in front of me when im doing highway speeds?

besides having to clean your body off my grille and get the blood and meat particles outa the radiator.

how about you take the underground faggots

It all happens at once user.

Trucks been in the family, bought new. Well maintained.

As an user that currently owns 3 bikes and a car, your mindset amuses me.

You should be equally scared of all vehicles on the road, least of all instigating masculinity issues from bigger cagers by projecting your own.

Massively hiked insurance due to your being at fault

I use public transportation because it honestly feels like I'm in an anime.

Because even being stuck in a traffic jam is better than being in a packed train.

>blast music and sing along
>comfy seats
>no people breathing in your neck
>no men touching your butt

>you dart out in front of me
>my fault

I'm not going to waste my big ass on nothing. I let men touch my ass but act like I'm disgusted.

You should not be scared of any vehicles on the road.
Bicycles are not meant to be ridden on highways, if you see one please run it over.

i bought mine off of some hamplanet that could barely breath, it didnt run well when i looked at it so i got it for a decent price, $2300, for a truck that had 174,000 KM's and in as good of shape its in, similar trucks with over 300,000 KM's were worth around that at the time of purchase, all that was wrong with it was a bad spark plug wire.

my dads truck, same model, but a 98 (mines a 97) is coming up on 400,000 KM's and the most major thing we had to fix on it was the coil packs.

I'm sorry about those cyclists.
every other day I see other bikers filtering through 50km/h traffic at 90km/h and expecting the drivers to notice some dickcheese weaving around lanes.
Yes, you can do it and yes you know what you're doing, but not every cager does. And like every motorcyclist, not ever cager gives a 3+ second warning of their intentions.

I've seen two mates die in front of me, one totally his fault (overcooked a launch and ended up in a truck) and the other being 100% 'Sorry mate, didn't see you'.

If you zip around thinking you're invisible and traffic just responds _after_ you pass them so it's not a concern, you gonna have a bad time.

But that's not the reality for anyone on two wheels.
Most car drivers just look out for other cars, trucks and busses. It simply doesn't cross their visual filter.

Bicyclists are IMO worse than motorbikes. Don't follow any fucking rules and expect to be given the same respect from 2 tonne chunks of smack-your-shit with 4 wheels.

>faggard garage

Jesus Christ of all the S14's you could have posted

You're just reacting to stereotypes. You're generalizing the worst of both worlds as if every individual behaved the same.

I also hope that my lights that I use so I can see retards like you who refuse to wear reflective vests triggers you as well.

If a bicycle follows the rules and takes up a whole lane as is their right, all the traffic gets pissy about it and forces the cyclist to the edge where the traffic proceeds to run them down.

No, I'm just saying it how it is.
Ridden on the road for 9 years are driven for 5. How do you tell which ones are the worst of both worlds before they pass/pull out/turn/brake?
You can't, so you treat them all the same. If you're on 2 wheels, these assumptions of everyone being the perfect driver will get you killed. Maybe it's different in your country.local area, but as above.

4 door

Get a skateboard

Correct, then we have the issue of;
Did he survive?
Were there any witnesses?
He ded, U in trouble.

But then, if a car can be fined for impeding the flow of traffic by going too slow, should a bicyclist then not be on the road? Who knows.
The reality is that people get impatient and make increasingly irrational decisions so really who is in the wrong?

>You can't, so you treat them all the same.
Exactly, like thinking individuals. I keep to my line, I filter whenever I can safely do so, I don't smash rear view mirrors. You're demonizing cagers, they may hate you with all their might but they won't run you over unless you're doing something stupid. I live in Santiago, Chile. Drivers are pretty ruthless around here, yet almost every driver/cyclist accident happens because of the cyclist. The other 1% is because of a drunken driver. Go look up some Santiago alleycats, traffic is dense and fast as shit yet unless you're standing in the middle of the road like a deer nobody's gonna run you over. Cagers wish they were killing machines, they just can't get away with it.

Sorry if it seemed like I was demonizing them, but that's just the way I think in the saddle.
Most people in NZ are pretty happy to hug the left hand of the lanes to let bikes past without one being there, but there's always the blind bugger with no peripheral. I think stats here are 50/50 for cyclist/driver at fault.
I have had a few cars try to run me down, though, so I imagine the same amount of ruthless homicidal cagers ride bikes which sounds about right.

Whatchu riding, anyhow?
TL1000s here.

Oh I only ride bicycles.

Never ridden any road bikes, but I've had a Specialized bighit fsr 3 awhile ago, bought a Norco park a-line last year.

> riced to hell
> all fucked up
> why not buy it

Well son, I wonder...

missmatched tires, no need for larger chain ring, stem and bars and seat post ugly, seat to far forward, no real need for rear brake, chain is tight thought. Would ride.