Ylyl Sup Forumsents edition

ylyl Sup Forumsents edition



bad meme

that's a pretty shitty motherboard

OP kys.

Fuck you.

Jokes on you, it is called hovedkort in Norwegian.

Which directly translates to mainboard.

Which directly translates to morrabrett

I want to get rid of this fucking laptop without feeling guilty. Motherboard shitting itself would be great.
I'm not going to reply, pray for me anons

>letting your motherboard sleep

You just did though.


dumb frogposter.

my computer newer sleeps tho.

>not SWYM
jeez user what are you doing

dude no

>tfw your motherboard wakes up dead

I have the GA-X58A-UD7 rev 1.
Works since >10 years, overclocked, water cooled.
Solid work.

Mine died like 5 days ago.

which directly translates into mother russia

S+ meme right there


This is an american website.

Not today
