Post 'em. fam

Post 'em.

White (English/Irish)
Own a small town IT shop/Army Veteran
Depending on how good my year was between 45k and 60k a year self and 120k with the woman (Masters in conducting, teaches middle school music)

1500 Sq foot 3 bedroom 2 bath single story.

100/10 $99.95/month

Did I make it bruh?

Oh, forgot to add.

What town? I might know who you are. I know a couple like that in my town in England.

I live in This great freedom fighting democracy giving nation we like to call the great and fantastic USA USA USA USA

Don't own anything other than my car.
Educational grant gives me a profit of 372 $ a month
Masters in nothing, taking final semester this year and then heading for uni.
Still live with my parents.

I haven't made it yet.

Kepp your head up senpai



Studied at City University of London, Software Engineering
Currently work for IBM @ £15 an hour.
Getting married next year to my childhood friend.
Still live with my parents. Mortgage in london is more expensive than a villa in America.

Accidental dubs and support?

Life is good.

Fuck off with your data mining shit, NSA.

I lived with my father for a long time. It was just him and I. Was cool. I saved up a lot of money.

I never stopped me from living life.

I had just ETS'd out the Army, and had to get my shit together.

No worries senpai

On welfare, make about $500/mo on the side
Degree in IT and Film(yeah lol i know)
Live in share house with friends, pay $85/mo for 100/1, usually only get 10/0.2 as an average.

I also crashed my car last month, so now $5k in debt to family to get a new one since any kind of work here requires driving(public transport doesn't exist 10km outside the CBD).

Wrong, we're the DIA senpai.

great technology thread
enjoy you're ban

Went to university but dropped out due to depression which is due to my gf dying by a heart attack.
2 years lived with depression, unemployment, gained weight and lost the will to live.
Mum and dad supported me.
Overcame depression,
Got a job as a IT support which pays £9 an hour.
Still not ready to move on with a girl. Cant look at another girl because all I see is my angel.
I havent made it, but one day I will.

Turkish (Romanian Slav Turk mix)
NEET for now
Used to earn about 2000$/mo, now nothing cuz I'm masturbating to traps and eating all day

Is what is is bro.

Should I have made another

"Nvidia vs. AMD"


Damn senpai. That sucks.

Had depression when I was in high school after my father died, shit sucks, glad you're getting better though.

Mixed (Latino/Greek)
Own fuck all
Living in a failed socialist state, making about $60/month filling surveys
Still living with parents, graduating as a CE next year, saving money get out of this shithole

450 KB/s down, 60 KB/s up

In my opinion the most painful feelings in the world is losing someone whom you love more than yourself. I feel your pain bro. Carry on his legacy as I am carrying on hers.