What Sup Forums-x and/or OneeChan/StyleChan setups is Sup Forums using?

What Sup Forums-x and/or OneeChan/StyleChan setups is Sup Forums using?

the native extension you absolute madman

no cute anime girls? wtf i hate Sup Forums now

Just a style overhaul

Are there any scripts to remove images, center posts, and move the reply and report post buttons to the footer of the post?

I want to use Sup Forums like a traditonal forum.


Sup Forums X + OneeChan with Linux Libertine.

my own

something like this

Your setup looks comfy


That's a lot of empty space, senpai.
Do you create the layouts of Youtube as your day job?

Please bring back desktop threads. I'd rather deal with anime and desktops than with shiloads of useless frog, speccy and gpu threads.

How do I get the Quick Reply out of the sidebar?

Do you use a theme?


>no update in over 5 fucking months
Dead software is dead.



>tfw no qt swole oni gf


What was the setting called?

Firefox css pls senpai

I use Appchan but
>update never


Filtering 70% of posts is not okay

What's the point of an image board without images?

How do I use oneechan? Can't see it working.

What steps did you follow?

I don't use any extensions.

Yes you do that's an edited version of Sup Forums~

I just don't use Sup Forums-x or onee-chan, it's plebeian generic stylish add-on.

looks pretty basic i guess

I'm using Scope10's because it's functional, minimalistic and I'm too much of a lazy cunt to set one up myself.