/rqt/ - Retarded Questions Thread

Stupid, dumb, autistic, retarded fucking questions thread for fucking cunts that fear Google search. Spam your stupid meme questions here. Please direct all garbage to this thread, so we might maintain some level of dignity across this board.

>Thank You

Hello, I'm mentally deficient

You're in the right place then :^)

FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: um:invalid_pointer_read_c0000005_hoi4.exe!unknown

what the fuck does that mean? c0000005 means memory error but I know the memory is working fine because every other game works.
some guy said yesterday it might be an registry error but I'm not sure how to fix that

it's not the game itself either because comments on torrentsite shows it works just fine

The title of this thread is offensve. Please either edit the title or delete it.

Stop getting triggered

Your aversion to offensive things is offending me. kys.

Fucking kill yourself your dumb retard, post your question or fuck off


When did your life go so wrong that you need to be intentionally offensive on a message board?

>Edit the title
Go back to R3ddit fuck stain

The board is intended to deter people from asking retarded questions on Sup Forums you're a fucking idiot

>Sup Forums is intended to deter people from asking retarded question on Sup Forums
I think this checks out

>reddit brony faggot as image
>retarded questions

I was fine with sqt. Guess I need to add a new filter.

Please stop making this thread and leave it to the Dwight dude.

>inb4 OP says something witty and unfunny
As I can guarantee he has that kind of mindset

looks fine to me pal, maybe you're using an offensive browser

>rage thread

Can someone recommend me a cheap bag/case for a 17.3" laptop (g75)?

If i were to pour liquid nitrogen in a toaster while it was toasting toast would it still toast the toast?

Does having high fps damage my gpu in any way? I remember something years ago before i built my pc that something about high fps in S.T.A.L.K.E.R damaged my gpu.


Integrated graphics is best isn't it? Someone's telling me to buy a new graphics card but are they worse?