>You have more processing power in your pocket right now than the entire world had when we sent the first man to the moon.
What are you doing with it?
>You have more processing power in your pocket right now than the entire world had when we sent the first man to the moon.
What are you doing with it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Doing activities that require immensely more portraying power, thus negating that advantage.
Occasionally I'll emulate a fuck ton of C64's on my phone because I can.
Contributing to the Botnet.
Wasting billions of processor cycles per second compiling JIT bytecode for a javascript interpreter.
Modern interpreted languages are so fucking wasteful, they should be a crime.
Your desktop application should not require an entire fucking chromium instance underneath to function.
Jacking off, mostly.
shitpost on Sup Forums
Texting asian qts on tinder ;)
Watching people play video games for large sums of money and building virtual cities in OpenTTD.
Processing power well spent.
I'm not wearing pants, so no pockets here.
>mfw even with all this power i still experience 400ms lag betwwen pressing a button and hearing touch tone
>mfw even fucking text input lags as fuck
Who's the semen demon? Looks like Iwata Karen with no makeup.
Being a faggot
banging op's boipussy
I shitpost here with it. Sometimes I mosey on down to /gif/ and watch traps get fucked.
Buying chinkshit and shitposting about it on /csg/
I'm using it to download porn webms off /gif/ at 10kbps!
for arg in "$@"; do
mkdir ./$arg
cd ./$arg
wget -r -np -nd --span-hosts --convert-links -c --timeout=30 \
--tries=10 -erobots=off --accept=.webm \
--domains=i.4cdn.org boards.Sup Forums.org/gif/thread/$arg
cd ..
i only have a computer and landline phone
I'm also concocting a fake landing on a nearby orbiting planet.
t. stanley kubrick
Did the computer they used on the shuttle also run windows 10 Redstone with a flight tracker full of memory leaks?
did the moon lander run on Python and was it made by Packard Bell?
did Razer make the space suit peripherals?
Your mouse/keyboard/water cooling setup probably cost more than stuff NASA uses too. What are YOU doing with it?
Directly or indirectly telling people that live probably live ~12 hours away by plane to kill themselves.
This is a very stupid and irrelevant point to make. Only tech illiterates would try to make it to prove something.
Cybersex with furrys
looking at dank memes
papa Stallman is proud of you
monitoring rose threads.
Nice digits comrade.
Touch my nosey and say "Doink!"
congrats from [s4s]!
These digits can only mean one thing.
I chase virtual reality creatures that spawn in the real world and trap them inside my cellphone with the augmented reality features of the software.
Go tell someone from the 60s that this is how we live in 2016 and it would literally blown their fucking heads.
Not much since its still not able to calculate wavefunktions of molecular orbitals. Not every field has the same computing needs.
fucking cunt
Enjoying VR porn.
Waifu apps
i have sand under my eyelids and travel awaits a traveler
rose is new queen of Sup Forums
shitpost and browse memes
Like many others, downloading porn with it.
shes the og queen dummy
Mostly porn.
>putting epi in epic
Oh lordy lord.
Thanks for the laugh.
Because of his undying devotion to Rose
Post more, it brings him more power.
>tfw you awake ancient mecha lord epi
Actually that was Mandy, but I'm guessing you're too newfag to remember her (shame she ended up being a nigger lover and also showing tits/ass eventually)
Shitposting on a didgeridoo enthusiast forum
Waiting 5 minutes for chrome to load a simple static website.
Shitposting on Sup Forums
If that's the case, then why aren't we visiting the moon regularly? It's not like we don't have the computing power.
We lack the kaboom power, we use all of it to blow up brown people.
I don't use a smartphone, faggot
Googling chubby matures on tumblr.
Yeah that is about the only thing I use this thing for.
They also also had billions of dollars to spend
configuring it to generate a loud noise at a specific time for the purpose of waking me up
wow that fucking dude is a who
playing pokemon go
see >
Shitposting on 4chin
You are fucking cancer
Her github:
>using it as a back up wake up alarm for that thing most of you guys don't do, work.
>use it as a timer for cooking, and laundry.
>calling once in every while.
>streaming videos to cast on my t.v.
>a little bit of web browsing.
>shit posting.
That's about it.
funnily enough, all of those were doable on early-mid-2000's feature phones
well fuck brown people anyway
makes you think huh ?
looking at dank memes and arguing with anonymous strangers on a Taiwanese pottery forum
worst get in human history
Posting on a korean drywashing forum
Trying to send all muslims on Mars to populate it, since they are basically roaches that spread like rats.
Downloading porn, hoarding porn, viewing porn and shitposting.
>when we sent the first man to the moon.
good joke
rose is love
i don't have hundreds of people at my disposal to code shit for me though