Which is the greatest smartphone that has ever existed and why is it the Nexus 5
Which is the greatest smartphone that has ever existed and why is it the Nexus 5
Moto G gen 1
Literally who?
Nexus 5 is the greatest smartphone that has ever existed and it is Nexus 5 because Nexus 5 is the greatest smartphone that has ever existed.
Those 7-dubs are ironic, considering the Nexus5 won't get Android 7.
Well, not officially.
Posting to be safe
Them 4 dubs
Also, the G2 is total GOAT.
Nexus 5 would've been good except the battery life.
Nexus 5x is better in basically every way.
>they will never make a phone as good as the nexus 5 again
Why even live?
Well yeah it is a direct upgrade. Nexus 5 reporting in and can confirm battery life of Nigger.
> no amoled
> no removable battery
>no physical buttons
>no sd slot
Even the galaxy s3 can beat this piece of shit
I don't even know what phone you can get if you have had the Nexus 5 and not feel like you've actually downgraded. Google has spoiled me. Let's see what they bring in this year.
Samsung Galaxy S2
>Honourable mentions
iPhone 4s, Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy Note 2
>current (just about still qualifies as current) goat
Samsung Galaxy Note 4
fight me shitlords
what do you mean "even the"?
s3 was the first smartphone i ever bought (back when it was new), 4 years later, it's still working but the microphone is fucked , power button broke, and i cracked my screen so i just bought a new s3.
running cyanogenmod 13 (android 6.0.1).
what more can you want from a phone?
Not actually, though.
2hrs of battery life, ebin
5 hrs screen time u dirty nigger
shill, liar
Greenify, elementalx (underclocked to 1.5ghz, there's practically no difference from 2.23ghz as I don't play demanding games) and stock rom nigger
>it can last forever if you desolder the screen xDDD!!!! I SWEAR ITS GOOD BUY IT :33
I had one and it was a total piece of shit
My 5x would be perfect if it had an SD card slot.
no, it's not a lie you mong, i get the same or more sot, using cm13-caf
HTC HD 2 master race
Oneplus One
>Honourable mentions
iPhone 4s, Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Samsung Galaxy S2
>current goat
Oneplus 3
LG G2>Nexus 5
(LG G2)-(Nexus 5)=0.01
I use my g2 without gapps and i get like week of battery per charge (2-3h SOT)
When i under volt/clock my awsome cpu&ram by 7-10% i get like 9days of battery while light usage (i charge my phone 5-6 times per month(because g2 is aweso.e with 3K mAh bat))
htc 10
Nexus 4. Because I never used a Nexus 5.
>Immunities and immunity-immunities are negated
>Using the old version
>glued on nexus logo on the back fell off
>volume button rattles
other than that bretty gud m8 lel
That title belongs to either HTC HD2 or Nokia N950.
Sure the s3 is awesome, but lets be honest it lags with cm13. I tried the official nightly 2 weeks ago and it was slow as fuck. With cm11 it's very good, and i'm going to upgrade to the oneplus 3 because it's basically an s3 with a snapdragon, which is the definition of the perfect phone
Replying to opo from my opo feels right
it's not the greatest
it just came out at roughly the time when the smartshit market stagnated
Ily mommy
>postulating an initial open ended question then changing the question to one that seeks validation for your own opinionated answer to the initial question disregarding that the initial question is open ended and has no definitive correct answer
>Samsung Galaxy S2
Replying for safety
If it had android, it would be GOAT
I bought Nexus 4 on the release date and still use it.
>greatest shitlord of them all
but still made me kek t.b.h.
>any smartphone that was good.
I haven't seen one yet.
I hope they will make one within the next decade.
The nexus 6p is an upgrade from the nexus 5 in every aspect
not even the best aesthetic wise lumia
fuck fuck fuck
fug off
Better safe than sorry
this tbqh
it was the first smartphone to really give you the best bang for the buck on the cheap market
rom support was top tier too
>no nougat
Are you fucking kidding
iPhone 4s without any doubt
On the topic of the Nexus, I read that the new Nexus will have a smaller screen than the six, any alternatives to this? I'm looking for a big screen with 2 speakers on the front. Anything to look forward to?
>how do i flash
>this is tooo haaaaaard!
>using unofficial ROMs
enjoy your broken features
fuck off, its stil getting offical cm13 m8
I realize I'm on Sup Forums, but are you kidding? There isn't any smartphone community so filled with NEETs making somewhat decent stuff than the Nexus community.
>Nexus 5
>Is somehow "greatest" anything with it's genuinely lousy screen-on time
Oh and don't even try with the "But install Cynanogenmod" line because I shouldn't have to install another ROM just to get anywhere near halfway decent battery life.
Not an argument
One plus one fag here.
Phone is alright. I'm a fucking idiot and I can still customize it.
Battery a shit though
None of those phones are the Lumia 950.
heyyy quick q about this phone. how do i replace the screen? shattered it.
>no micro sd card expansion
>no removable battery despite having a plastic build
>embarrassingly shit camera
>no battery life
nah senpai
I DONT BELIEVE THIS SHIT - but here you have my reply.
Why do I still believe in my ape brain that this shit is for real?
Faggots with a meme phone
Double faggot
how long will the OPO be supported? i just got a new update today
this, also power button rattle (though not as bad) and a frame that cracks easily, mine is cracked in five different places
other than that a good phone
opo best phone
that phone was okay
will die in his sleep tonight unless he responds to this post
N5 reporting, daily shitpost machine, 4 hrs SOC, good enough for me broski
gotta bend it a bit to get the screen out
Nexus 5X?
just sold mine , bought new on release day
power button was dying and looping all the time , that and battery life of a nigger.
still the best phone i ever had.