Should I read this book? is it shit or not?

Should I read this book? is it shit or not?
Sorry for shit camera quality, my other phone is broken so I'm using my shitty phone.

Tacos, boludo.

wtf is this spic shit, get it in engles pablo

fuck off

you are going to pay for the wall

Pedro please

Sure read it. No one else can with your taco language

>spanish = mexico
American education, everyone.

Just fucking read the thing. It's not that long, you lazy fuck. Why do you need our permission to read a book? Do it.

>No one else can with your taco language
Yeah, nobody else speaks spanish.

>what is colombia
>what is spain
>what is argentina
>what is peru
>what is venezuela
>what is chile
>what is ecuador
>what is guatemala
>what is cuba
>what is bolivia
>what is dominican republic
>what is honduras
>what is paraguay
>what is el salvador
>what is nicaragua
>what is costa rica
>what is puerto rico
>what is panama
>what is uruguay

pedro get back to rolling tacos, my tummy is growling

Just wanted to know if the book was worth reading, didnt want to waste my time

Burn it, UNIX is shit and long dead.

>lists a bunch of 3rd world shitholes

Read this one instead Manolo. UNIX is deprecated.

>none of those countries are first world
lmao sucks to be you

>united states
>first world
jajajajaja, estoy usando el internet

>what is spain

The unemployment capital of the world?

The "that matter" was implied.

> can't handle the banter

It's probably old as shit, so no.

Looks like a bunch of african shithole countries with aids and snakes.

You're not qualified for computer science. Go mow a white guys lawn, Pedro.

>tfw NEC will never be what it was in the 80s/90s

>not knowing that book
neo-Sup Forums

Thats a legendary book op, read it.


too bad only the 2nd country isn't a shithole

captcha: propreta courtenay

>winbabies think they belong on Sup Forums

>first world
is this b8?

>B-but those aren't first world countries!!

Yeah, not everybody fucking lives in those, did you just realize that? Also, did you just imply that Mexico is first world?

Anyway, people in those countries probably have a better and happier life than you guys do.

Jesus, Trump has made you all retarded, so each time you see a person talking in spanish you almost immediately assume they're a god damn mexican. Have you guys not heard of the Spanish Empire, which was the FIRST global empire? Those countries (including mexico) are speaking spanish BECAUSE they were spanish colonies.

But sure, keep spouting your dumb "BUILD WALL" thing like a 12 year old.

poó ín loó

Not American here but even I know Spanish are 3rd worlders


Si, si, los libres del UNIX son muy bien.

gcc Trump.c -o Build -Wall

*son muy buenos

> wanting to be first world when it nowadays means being a cuck nation filled with rapefugees, niggers and LGBT/feminist bullshit

It's outdated nowadays. You probably won't learn much. But it's still fun to read.

This. "Third world" should be taken as a compliment rather than an insult.

>memeing on a Proto-Indo-European Sakskritaboo clay carving forum shows the level of one's education

You don't need UNIX to BUILD a WALL, paco

>El Salvador
>shitty "country"

that's about right, amigo.

People using bulls as dildo machines
Shitty Brazil knockoff
Shitty Brazil knockoff
A pepper
A ring around the middle of the Earth
A terrorist holding camp
Shitty Colombia knockoff
Shitty Cuba knockoff
Shitty Cuba knockoff
Shitty Venezuela knockoff
Shitty "country"
Shitty Honduras knockoff
Shitty Puerto Rico knockoff
Shitty Mexico knockoff
A place people go to get from one ocean to the other
Shitty Paraguay knockoff

I actually own that book. It's definitely worth giving a read for an introduction to UNIX or as a historic reference. It's very easy to read and goes over the environment from the ground up. I didn't read it as an introduction, but there was still quite a lot of things I picked up from. It is a little dated as it goes over things under the assumption that you're in a timesharing environment, but more than anything it sparked my interest to learn more about UNIX system internals.



I dont live in india you fucking faggot