How much longer?

How much longer till ZeroNet becomes the new internet?

Protip : Soon

Protip: never, no matter how much you try to push it.
Zeronet is one gaping hole of a flaw followed by the largest security risk ever conceived after a privacy nightmare and it never ends. It's not just a bunch of issues that can be patched. Everything from the very core of zeronet makes it unsuitable for any use whatsoever.

Please provide more informations about those flaws.

Protip: you can't

What they said about Tor too....

I'm for a new decentralized internet, but I don't think zeronet is the answer. To me it just seems like eye candy filled with security flaws. I don't have the screenshot but there was user who listed a bunch of the flaws

Thanks for contributing.

fine, I dug around and found the post. I don't know how much of it is true, but the very fact that you have to sign in to post on 0chan is enough to turn me off of it

It's all true. It's trivial enough to check it for yourself, the required method is entirely described.

Is this actually zeronet doing this by default or just the sites doing it themselves? Either way it's pretty fucked.

It's shit, now stop shilling it.

Except Tor was never anywher near as shitty as this. See pic related. Also, there's noting keeping anyone from uploading malicious javascript or adding links to malicous websites in iframes and zeronet requires you to allow javascript and iframes for it to work. Also even if you do set up Zeronet to go through Tor, anyone can push a post that loads shit outside of the Zeronet program and therefore doesn't go through Tor or any VPN you're using. Zeronet has so many security issues that just happened to be overlooked that it has to be a honeypot.

Here it is.

Zeronet does it by default.

It's zeronet itself, by design (i.e. if you were the change zeronet so that shit's fixed, it would no longer be zeronet at all).

Yeah I agree, there's something fishy going on. It's constantly being shilled on Sup Forums for some reason despite these security holes being revealed.

Remember to sage when replying to shill threads.

There's no way it's intentional... right?

I don't believe so, I think the team behind zeronet is just thoroughly incompetent and unqualified.

I think it's worth bumping so the rest of the anons can see this this is the most likely answer. It's evident from how much attention was put into the UI, rather than the underlying system

you cant post without that account thing.

ITT: tech illiterate people.

ZeroNet is NOT designed to be anonymous. It's a decentralized network.

I agree it's stupid but you can always have one identity per website.

Then why do we want it to become the new internet? I'd rather use i2p or freenet before resorting to this


If the identity issues were the only problem, then zeronet could have an inkling of a future. Unfortunately, the fact that once you post something you can change the content arbitrarily and bypass any sanitation, including but not limited to forcing clients to communicate on arbitrary networks and contact arbitrary clearnet servers, injecting javascript bitcoin miners and drive-by downloaders, tracking, other malware, etc. is just one of the idea-ending issues zeronet has.

Reminder that Zeronet is literally bad for you as a user and the people who are trying to recruit you are just doing so because they fucked up and downloaded it themselves.

It moves all of the risk onto the user instead of the host.

People already caught up in the meme are trying to recruit other people so that the law enforcement agencies don't bother prosecuting people, thus they rely on conning as many people onto it as soon as possible.

Using zeronet YOU are literally hosting the content. CP/SMUT/whatever has already been uploaded and whenever it is hosted by you then you have become a distributor (even just hosting it for 1 second is enough to count as hosting). People who have already downloaded this shit are in deep shit thus their only option is to recruit as many people as possible to not get prosecuted by the government themselves and they do this by tricking people into downloading it thinking it is a "good thing" for decentralizing hosts after the recent torrent takedowns.

Don't fall for the meme. They are trying to drag you down with them. Stay safe, don't download.


oh shit, illegal content. Better click out.
>with Zeronet:
oh shit, illegal content. Better click out. OOPS too late you already hosted the content to someone else making you a host.

Good luck surviving jail being known as that guy who got busted for distributing CP.

I found the list to the new internet and JavaScript isn't on that list

how about ipfs? or urbit?

All way to hard, the main reason why Tor is so popular is becuase you don't have to configure or use linux to use it basically.

The local site storage turned me off. Every time when you request a site, you get the info from peers and it stores the page in a file. It can constantly update the files in the background, too, when your are running Zeronet. You can become a "seeder" of sorts when files are sent to another user requesting the same page contents stored in your computer.

I rummaged through said files and I was spooked. Deleted the files and have not used Zeronet in a while - takes up too much space and obligatory record of shady activity.

They're not comparable because the point of zeronet is to support decentralized dynamic websites, which neither ipfs nor urbit can do.