Pc build

how does my build look? I don't game, i just need a moderately powered machine for programming. Also where can i find a cheap monitor, i don't care about resolution?

who is this pecker prodigy

It looks boring.

>girls like this exist
>you'll never fuck them
>you'll never even see them naked
Brb killing myself.

This. qt3.14 always make me feel depressed.

It's alright, I guess.

Just don't be another
>>fell for the 16GiB ram meme

Also, install gentoo

I'll tell you if your build is good if you tell me who she is.


She was on twitter as something like @Rotten_Linguini or something but she ended up tweeting about ESPN having esports and calling games for kids and the backlash was so fucking crazy she closed her twitter and instagram and every social media account she had as far as I know.

She's not fucking wrong, though.

I'm not white-knighting or anything, but the fact that there was a huge backlash (like you said) shows those people's immaturity.

fucking gamers ruin everything

Don't poke the hornets nest if you can't handle it, really.

Tell me about it, I had known her Twitter and Instagram for a couple months prior to her deleting them, had I expected it to happen I would have ripped all the images first.


>all these high tier components
>16gb of ram

Op cmon now
Get a shitty 40$ mATX board, a pentium G, 8gb of ddr3 and put it in the cheapest case you can find

You don't need any of that shit for programming
You can turn a 500$ build into a 200$ build easy peasy

she's literally right tho


just pay for them if you have the cash dude
been at it since I was 19, escorts are the shit, I don't even look at regular women anymore

you can pick whatever you fucking want to fuck, a milf, a latina, a blackie, girl from OP's, they're always super hot, talkative, and you don't have to seduce them

I often bring one to parties, we have fun, friends think I'm a god for landing women like these (I obviously don't tell them they're escorts), and then we fuck like there's no tomorrow. it's like a movie and you're the main character. If you have money, just forget about love and stupid girls, go for escorts.

I'm not gonna lie, I would have sex with her

asian girls are adorable

10st reply best reply

The question is, would she have sex with you?

>Kingston SSD

> Meme
If you're running multiple vms it comes in handy
> gentoo
I'd rather not spend thousands of hours fiddling with compiler tags for a slight increase in performance

No sauce but I'll dump some petite qts



