ITT: Dead Companies

I'll start.










AMD is not dead.


I'll just leave it here

fuck adobe




I had a dream last night that AMD released an RX480 revision that is far faster than the GTX1060.

I'm was so glad waking up this morning to reascertain that AMD is a hopeless brand.

Sadly, mankind will go extinct before Apple dies, like the cancer of the world they are

What was the problem? It's looks like a decent motherboard.



>I had a dream last night that AMD released an RX480 revision that is far faster than the GTX1060.
The big joke is that you'll never own either of them. Still plugging away with your trusty old Matrox.


it might sound silly but i wanted Sun and creative to merge it would of been great... oh well

chevy is the 32 car maker in the world.
how are they dead?


>60 million consoles sold
>all using AMD hardware
They may not be on the top of their game,but AMD is far from dead.

OP's mother's whorehouse.

companies that should be dead:

companies that are "dead"
>all these tiny niche UBER ripoff apps for hipsters

>32nd car maker in the world
>can't understand why someone would call them a dead company

How is HTC dead? They keep growing every year.


>AMD is far from dead

Losing billions of dollars over the last years
Will run out of money completely in 2.5 years

AMD is on a funeral march


Revive AMD. Don't let Intel and nVidia monopolize.



You do know that most of the films used on cinema are kodaks right? They aint dying anytime soon...



Who told you that? Samsung is bending them right the fuck over in the smartphone market.

They are making millions.

Yeah, I bet that being one of the biggest network solution suppliers after their fusion with alcatel-lucent is an indicator for being dead.

amd is also #2. they're dead

A lot of Japanese companies are zombies at this point, relying on government bailouts to function (Sharp being the latest example)

There are also many older companies that decided to sit on IP or other high yield assets and pump money into R&D as opposed to trying stay relevant in a saturated market (IBM, Panasonic,Fujitsu, AT&T).

Then there are companies that are stagnant like Nintendo or Sony, despite successes in certain fields.

Hey look another nvidiot not posting any source to their claims

denial is a terrible thing
