India is 97% Android

>India is 97% Android

Why do Pajeets hate Apple?

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Why are you obsessed with brown people?

fuck off singh go shit in the ocean

They are the scourge of the planet.

For the same reason most of g hated it:
Expensive and can't afford.

Never has there been a better example of the "I'm not poor ;^)" meme.

They're all disgustingly poor in case you missed my point you fucking street shitting pajeet currynigger fuck.

Android phones are on average cheaper and have better specs,so I guess pajeets just use common sense.

Probably because your average subhuman Pajeet buys a $20 rebranded plastic phone made by some Indian factory that stole some Western design. They cannot afford Apple same way their shills can't afford Nvidia in here.

you first

I know a bucket of American and British INDIANS and they all have iPhone s

only less than 3% Applefags exist in India

>Ctrl-F "Java"
>phrase not found

No not really but I like to meme (^:

>a sub $1000 is expensive
Having a mcjob must truly suck

Sub $1000 device*

Because they don't own Apple?

how many of them will buy a $850 Note?

none, they all have quad sim $5 joke phones with government subsidized EDGE




android confirmed PajeetOS

Why aren't you suing a whiter person OS like iOS yet, Sup Forums?


>that denial

hello pajeet

Java development is cheap and easy. That's why.
I created a motion control camera app and received positive feedback and tons of downloads. I believe I has like two other competitors in the field and I my app specialized in utilizing newer cameras while saving battery life and also recording was better by accident.

Within the month I see mock ups and copies of my code by oversea developers and funky email addresses. Luckily I had copyrighted my shit beforehand for like 50 bucks. I sent the complaint to Google and they took them down. Every now and then some pop up and I have the complaint form in a clipboard.
When I say my code, i really mean the development team I was in.






think different

Pajeets are training into tech literacy at a young age. Bet they are PC gaymers too

I dont know what Pajeets love more, Windows or Android.

in india you are poor, smart, or both. but never rich and dumb.

Android is targeting poor people and mid tier people, but flagship phones are for upper class

IOS is targeting white girls, homosexuals and people who still think apple is good. Steve Jobs is dead. Apple is no longer innovative, remember retarded apple pencil? Remember apple mouse? remember no 3.5mm? these failures and back steps are all because he's ded

They have enough problems with shit as it is without having to contend with Apple

Android = Pajeet confirmed

Android: Pajeet
iOS: Pajeet
MS: Pajeet


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Android, is in fact, Adware/Android, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Android plus Adware. Android is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning adware system made useful by the Android corelibs and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by Google.

Many computer users run a modified version of the Adware system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Adware which is widely used today is often called Android, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the adware system, developed by Google.

There really is a Android, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the adware they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other ads that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically adware with Linux added, or Adware/Android plus Linux. All the so called Android systems are really just Adware/Android.

>poorfags buy iPhone with their one month salaries think they're upper class
If you're so rich why don't you just buy a vertus?
hello ifag, root users have adaway, which removes ads from apps and websites, but I didn't excepted you to know

You can buy an android phone for less than a tenth what an iphone costs while still having equivalent features

Cuz its made with java

>even people literally smeared in shit won't buy Apple

Pajeets love Apple, they're just too poor.

>le pajeet meme
literally every tech company has been accused of being spearheaded by pajeets here. this is the reality: all tech companies take advantage of the cheap software production possible in india.

there isn't anything wrong with that either, other than this retarded mindset of "a nonwhite touched it/contributed to it, therefore it must be shit". these days nearly everything in the usa besides arms are assembled in china and a significant portion of software is produced in india. instead of meming and pretending the company you're shilling doesn't outsource to india, demand that they give jobs to Americans instead and make it into a proper movement if you're so irritated by the fact.

You didn't understand why people make fun of you, Pajeet.

>"we have ethics"
>refuse to let serial killer's info while jumping to reveal KAT owner's info

they have $4 smartphones in india. fuck, i want one just to smash it in from of people to look hard as fuck

Because they're smart enough to recognize shitty products that are marketed as "magical" and "revolutionary" when they see them

actually because pretty much everyone has android the higher end android devices are seen as more luxurious than an iphone even, so rich indian kids will buy it.

because they want apple to make their products in india so they can take jobs away from foxconn.

I've owned several Apple products over the years from iPhones to iPads to iPods and more recently including a fully loaded early 2015 rMBP and guess what? ..........they're shit. Luckily I was able to wake up and sell my Apple shit for almost as much as I spent in the first place and now I use superior Microsoft and Android/Linux stuff now and I'm happy because I'm no longer a massive pretentious cock sucking Macfag jerking off to whatever gay grandpa aka Tim Cuck is selling

>needing an ad blocker because your OS is adware


1. Minimum wage in India goes between $80 and $200. You really have to learn how to use your money when that's all that you earn.
2. A lot of people, even in first world countries, think that spending that much on a phone is a stupid idea, when that money could be used for something else. You won't really need a faster phone when you just use it around 12 hours a week or less, for things that can be easily done with a cheap phone without any issues (phone calls, video calls and killing time with angry birds or whatever the most popular game is)

The ACTUAL reason so few of them buy apple is because apple doesn't have stores in India. To open a store they either have to be on some exemption list for companies making "cutting edge" technology, or they have to have a certain percentage of the things they sell be made in India. They tried to get on the exemption list, but they were denied because their technology wasn't "cutting edge".

>microsoft and google CEOs are both pajeet
Truly make u ponder

>what is a retailer
Are you retarded, user? They don't need their own stores.

this may be news to you but pajeets are poor

also 70% of google employees are pajeets kidnapped at birth and raised in labs where they only get fed after they dosh out their daily amount of mediocre java code