Bravo Tesla

Bravo Tesla

That's an interesting way of putting it. I can visualise one hamster and at a stretch I could visualise twenty. I have no idea what fifty billion hamsters would look like.

It'll be interesting to see what impact gigafactory one will have on battery technology. Hopefully it will spur the industry to accelerate their research. Would be nice to have batteries near the theoretical capacity limit.

>It'll be interesting to see what impact gigafactory one will have on battery technology
The price will skyrocket. There is only enough lithium for 10 years at the current pace, they will deplete the whole thing in a year or two.

How about they give me an actual scale and not hamsters because these hamsters could vary in sizes. are they small hamsters, medium hamsters, chubby hamsters, or fatass hamsters? fuckin at least give us a real measurement of an animal like "43,750,000,000 38 pound 6 ft tall sturgeon from the oceans of northwest america" get the fuck out with this vague hamster bullshit. y'know, i hope to see if they can get 50 billion hamsters, same diet and breed, and put them all in the gigafactory and see if it really can fit 50 billion hamsters no more no less because if it cant i will find Elon Musk's jackass right now and beat him up for giving me such an unrealistic number like a fucking FAGGOT. god damn like how hard is it to just say how many square feet it will be and how tall the structure will be elon musk you jerk.

it has the energy of 50 billion hamsters or the size of them?

They'll introduce zero point energy and magnets drives

And you will have to pay $1000 premium for a laptop, because the retarded Musk decided to power his shitty car with a rare earth metal.

That's a big factory.

for you

They have actual scales. OP just picked the memey part of the video.

The first few posts of this thread made it sound like the factory was using 50 billion hampaters to power the local city or something. I was imagining a giant hampster wheel/conveyor belt.

It's not a bad idea now I think about it, only costs would be food and I guess some form of contraception/population control.
>hampster population outgrows the facility and spreads into the local towns

doesn't the u.s. use environmentally not clean methods of producing most of it's electricity

Hadn't heard of this. Assumed it was going to a be a hamster driven powerplant. Am disappoint.

replace hamster with tiny little slanty eyed people.


nukes are clean.

Fuck man, how do you know this?! You better tell Musk! He needs to stop EVERYTHING right now!

With our current lithium reserves, we could produce 1 billion 40kWh Electric Cars. Lithium isn't the limiting factor for batteries. We could last till 2100 before we run out.

Do some fucking research

My phone draws a couple hamps.


Tfw you're not a gerbil in elons musky shitter

I've heard about anal gerbils, but how does that even feel? Wouldn't it make your asshole bleed with its' sharpened nails?


I don't know if gerbling was ever real . But look up Richard gere gerbling incident. His life was ruined because of a a rumor that he partook in gerbling

how much energy does 50 billion hamsters produce? Tesla doesn't seem like all that much

>hampaters eat other hampaters
>partially sustaining energy source

This is the most disturbing thing I've ever read.

it's a doggy dog world.

electricity in the US is produced mostly by coal and methane
Going nuclear is the solution, but there is
>losing too much jobs in the coal/oil/gas industry
>seldom accidents that pollutes cities or entire states

ESL, man

>tesla makes car
>runs on clean energy
>made by burning coal
>totaly good for the env
get hyped ameritards

Fuck man, can you imagine the energy of 50 billion hamsters?

Humans would be fucking done for if they could concentrate that much energy into one task.

50 billion hamsters on wheels connected to batteries, in a huge facility inhabited only by hamsters, while humans drop in some food pellets every so often. They get breaks only to sleep/breed, but the food source remains constant. Hamsters will fight to the death and eat each other, until only the strongest of the strong hamsters are left, maximizing energy input and improving the hamster genepool.

Huh, that's a funny typo
What the fuck man, the word is used in the OP picture. It's also useful several times in this thread. Hamster, there's no P in that word.

this is a hampater

A Tesla fuel by a coal burning power plant is as polluting as a tiny fuel efficient hatchback, while providing more performance, a roomier interior and greater carrying capacity. Hopefully the US will come around to using more green energy sometime soon.

That's also not talking about recycling lithium batteries. That would stretch the reserves even further.

The efficiency is far greater.
I hope for more sodium reactors.

>creating super powerful hamsters
Do you want hamsters to rule the world?

He who controls the hampaters controls the universe

thats' ok ,user


I've been searching online for hampaters but all I'm getting is hamsters. What's wrong with Google?


Tbh it would be more efficient to just burn the hamsters and their food.

