How do i learn C?

How do i learn C?
>Inb4 you don't
>Pic unrelated

Google it

Read the c programming language book until it makes sense

read a fucking book

>David Bowie died more than half a year ago
Feels bad man

>go to _______ University website
>find their computer science class syllabuses
>find textbooks required
>get textbook

Or, if you aren't actually an autist, go to the classes. I live like a 2 minute walk from a community college and just walk into classes. I've only been kicked out once and that was in a small classroom where the professor actually called out names.

Also, if the textbooks are too expensive, remember to buy the international version if possible. It can be $20 instead of $70.

Or check libgen.

Or you could like, give that community college $1000, you learn the stuff, and then you get an associate's degree.

I'm reading "C Primer Plus" by Stephan Prata, 6th edition. It's looks good. I've read that his "C++ Primer Plus" is an outdated shit. But C did not change much so its good.

How do you find out class times & locations? I thought this was non-public info.

My local community college doesn't make it available

You don't need a computer science degree to get a job in the field. It's a bigger meme than liberal arts degrees.

I just signed up and I got an online account where I can enroll in classes after I passed the placement tests. It shows you the class times and rooms.

Oh shit thank (You) that's clever

>Read a book on C or look at some websites talking about how C works
>Write a little application with it. A little game or some easy software like a todo-list-manager or some shit like that.
>Continue to use C for bigger projects.

Congratz, you learned shit.

>awful taste in music
>wants to learn a dead language
>cant evem google

>use C for bigger projects
Don't actually do this, you will hate your life if you do.

learncthehardway.c om


nigger, grab a textbook

you can easily find 'the c programming language' for free, follow it, if you don't understand something, look it up on google

>learn programming through classes/courses
never gonna make it

David Bowie never died. Christians have eternal life.

What am I looking at?

k&r is ok, a bit dates but written well enough that any idiot could work their way through it.

>pic unrelated
David Bowie thread?