Did i make the right choice?

Did i make the right choice?

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you posted a Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums

Why would you buy a gaming video card? How are you supposed to run your neural net off a gaming video card?

Oh, I see, you're on the wrong forum

You are in the wrong website


>g1 gaming 1060

There's literally fuck all difference between a bottom end shit brand 1060 like a gainward single fan one compared to an expensive gigabyte one. You should have saved some money and bought a lesser known brand. You only need an expensive brand if you're buying a high end card where you'd be looking to push it as far as you can and would want high quality vrm's and all that.

Found the AMDrones :^(

Its a tech purchase thus g related

Yea i know i might have overpayed for it all those rgb lighting and shit is not needed but this was the only and cheapest 1060 available.

noun, a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

You can actually, you don't need a Tesla

>ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged
>ideas and views
>can be exchanged
>Sup Forums


S'alright I guess

You're a fb tier meme moron probs 16-19 years old

80% of Sup Forums are Sup Forums threads get over it faggot

>look at that fucking home
>those multiple screens
>comes with a bag, not with a package

user 's all good but question is, why didn't you "invest in the future" and buy the 1080

yes, im a eurofag

>No async
>No DX12
>No Vulkan
>nvidia gimpworks
sorry to tell you but-

>a Huang agent silently eliminated the dissent

You made a pretty good choice.

>DX12 in box
Nvidia and their lies, haven't they learned anything from their 3.5?

LMAO, people actually buy this meme card.

Last I checked it supports DX12, if not in the way you want it to support DX12.

Fact of the matter is that you can play games that require DX12 with it, and that is all that matters.

You did good.

>no async

1060 has async and does it great actually.

>no DX12

1060 does DX12 great and actually beats the 480 in DX12 benchmarks.

>no Vulkan

1060 has Vulkan and actually beats the 480 in Vulkan

Have you not been paying attention, the last 15 years?
It's the same story every fucking time.
ATI/AMD come up with cards that are support full feature set of new Directx.
Nvidia's half assed implementation blocks developper from using its features.
And somehow people forget.
But it's been going on since DirectX8

Depends how long you're keeping it for, Because Nvidia cards age terribly. If you're keeping it until the midrange card next year then you're fine, but if you're keeping it for two years then you're fucked. AMD has repeatedly shown that they eventually overtake Nvidia cards in the same price Bracket, and this is just in DX11. DX12 and Vulkan are here and are getting adopted at an astonishing rate. Needless to say, AMD gets more out of DX12/Vulkan than Nvidia does because their architecture is more or less designed for it.

I didn't even know this because I was a console babby, can you explain exactly how or link me to a place that does?

1060 beats the 480 in Vulkan

If you want a future proof card, you get a 1060

Nice meme

The Talos principle was the first vulkan game, because they just quickly ported it to vulkan. The other rendering pipelines are in place, they just plugged vulkan into it.

This one is better imho:


Well I can't really do that, as I'd have to go through all cards specifications since 2001.
DirectX9 era was the best exemple, I think.
Although this whole DirectX12 thing is starting to look like a serious competitor.

el peruANO

I wonder how much gimpvidia/Micro$oft paid them to half ass a vulkan piece of crap.

None, they put out the Vulkan support after two days of it being out. It is a quick and dirty port and they probably just did it to experiment with the new API

And Doom hasn't been properly done for Nvidia yet. What's your point?

>it's all just a big conspiracy

Sorry but the 1060 is better at Vulkan. It's way more future proof than the 480.

>nvidia sponsored dx12 title
>1060 better than 480 at vulkan

Nvidia doesn't have special features on Vulkan, everything they are capable of is on display in DOOM. However, I know you're not going to accept this, so i'm just going to let you be a retard after this.

And you base that on the only benchmark that perform worse on new APIs than openGL/Dx11.
The level of denial here is pretty much through the roof.

>denial through the roof

Funny coming feom a failmd 480 fanboy desu

Maybe if you saw my other comment
You'd know that I didn't think it was a conspiracy.

I honestly have a hard time telling if you Nvidia fanboys are actually delusional fanboys or just meming.

>using a buggy Vulkan implementation

that's some backed up argument right there


Do you even know how to speak or read Japanese? If not, fuck off. If so, still fuck off for being retarded.

>not in the way you want it to support DX12

Me and all the game developers around the world.


>Biggest expected gains are with AMD cards – not only due to Vulkan, but also due to AMD specific GPU low level optimization. This was achieved via extensions that AMD made specifically available for Vulkan, in particular AMD Intrinsics. Other thing is that Async Compute is immediately available for AMD cards

The only benchmark?

There are literally only two Vulkan games benchmarked and the 1060 beats the 480 in them overall by 27.13%

Face it, the 1060 is way better in Vulkan.

Well you're a retard.

Yup. Doom Vulkan is specifically optimized for AMD, which is why it runs so well.

Just like Hitman runs well on AMD because it's literally sponsored.

When you take a neutral Vulkan game like Talos Principle, you see that Nvidia is actually way faster at Vulkan.

correct, nvidia has their own intrinsics but only AMD are enabled for now

>on AMD cards, select anti-aliasing modes TSAA or NO AA to make sure Asyncronous Complute is enabled
What the fuck?

forum lmfao what a clown, even if it is a noun don't use it here faggo this is a BOARD and thats it nig


If you dont care about the high dpc latency, sure

Dude, a rx480 absolutely rapes a 1060 in Doom Vulkan. What the fuck are you talking about?

>not knowing how statistics work this hard.

Being "better" at Vulkan isn't measured in what card performs better overall, it's which card gains more performance from it.

That being said, AMD still wins overall in DOOM

>Talos Principle is a good benchmark

When you combine the numbers of the two Vulkan games available, the 1060 comes out on top at 27.1% faster than the 480.

Objectively the 1060 is faster than the 480 at Vulkan.

AMD only gains more because they are shit in OpenGL. Look at how pathetic they are in OpenGL vs the 1060, thats roughly GTX 960 performance

I give up man. You win.
Let's have this talk again in 1 year.


The circlejerk in this place looks pretty healthy. Also, I wonder how many of these (You)s are the same person.

Refer to

You're not refuting my point? Did you give up on the original point and now have to argue semantics? I'm honestly shocked an Nvidia fanboy would stoop this "low"

Enjoy your shit tier build quality and wind tunnel grade acoustics.

You can't deny that AMD is shit in DX11 and OpenGL. The hardware is there, actually looking much more capable in paper vs nvidia counterparts but falls short in actual performance. They had to call their ACE (which can only be enabled in DX12)which is sitting idle there for so long to NORMALIZE their performance and be actually competitive.

nvidia on the other hand, can do this "async" even in DX11 so nvidia has been doing it longer than amd does

>expected gains

Oh amd, you silly

Yup. When you put the numbers together, it looks really bad for AMD in OpenGL and DX11.

1060 is 15.25% faster than 480 in DX11
1060 is 14.56% faster than the 480 in OpenGL

It's also a pricier card.
You'd expect it to perform better.

It's only $10 more

>waaah, why isn't my argument that performance should be measured by a single, developer-admitted AMD-only optimized game working? IT MUST BE EVERYBODY ELSE WHO'S WRONG!

Not a bad choice
Nvidia has NO Hardware Async and its disabled by default by nvidia drivers.
But, their preemption algorithm got better so Vulkan and dx12 works better compared to the 900 series

I'm a 1080 owner btw

>nvidia on the other hand, can do this "async" even in DX11 so nvidia has been doing it longer than amd does
Christ, could you possibly be more tech-illiterate? There's literally no such thing as asynchronous compute in DX11. It's not possible due to the limitations of the API. Nvidia's performance lead there has fuck all to do with asynchronous compute. Stop spouting terms you have no understanding of.

As for the idea that Nvidia are in any way ahead of the curve hardware-wise, their last-gen cards can't even do asynchronous compute in DX12 ffs.

>The reason Maxwell doesn't take a hit is because NVIDIA has explictly disabled async compute in Maxwell drivers. So no matter how much we pile things to the queues, they cannot be set to run asynchronously because the driver says "no, I can't do that". Basically NV driver tells Time Spy to go "async off" for the run on that card. NV driver runs asynchronous tasks in one queue on Maxwell, similar to if they were submitted in one queue ("async off" in Time Spy). If NVIDIA enables Async Compute in the drivers on Maxwell, Time Spy will start using it. Performance gain or loss depends on the hardware & drivers.

Even Pascal is propped up by a software solution. Meanwhile AMD cards from 2011 can do it natively at a hardware level.

Well, where I live, it's actually start at +50€ vs a rx480.

>Nvidia has NO Hardware Async

Uhh yes it does.


1080 owner-
Pascal uses software Async(preemption)
That's why we see small 10℅ or less gains in Vulkan Dx 12ex.
It doesn't Matter though
The high end GPUs are retarded fast in dx11


"Don’t rely on the driver to parallelize any Direct3D12 works in driver threads

On DX11 the driver does farm off asynchronous tasks to driver worker threads where possible – this doesn’t happen anymore under DX12
While the total cost of work submission in DX12 has been reduced, the amount of work measured on the application’s thread may be larger due to the loss of driver threading. The more efficiently one can use parallel hardware cores of the CPU to submit work in parallel, the more benefit in terms of draw call submission performance can be expected."

>Posts review
>No proof.
Nvida uses preemption, NOT Hardware Async.
Its NOT capable of hardware level Async.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Read this: anandtech.com/show/10325/the-nvidia-geforce-gtx-1080-and-1070-founders-edition-review/9

No, you didn't wait for vega.

in burgerland perhaps, on other regions, a custom 1060 is cheaper than a reference 480

It's literally right there. The 10 series has full async support right in the hardware.

>Link offers no proof
Dude, just stop.

Pascal Preemption isn't Async.

Uhhh it's right there, their entire architecture is built for async.

repeat NOT on the hardware.level
Again, preemption is NOT Hardware Async

Di you even read AND analyze the article?
you are an idiot, thinking the term async is universal when multi engine is the correct term. Async was popualrized by AMD and nvidia had their own methods that achieve the same goal.

Preemption isn't asynchronous compute, you tech-illiterate retards.

Back to Sup Forums, kids.

Yes it does. Read the fucking article, 10 series has full hardware async support.

No, because pascal is just modified 900series.
It is physically incompatible with hardware Async.

Nvidia ditched the hardware scheduler with the 580 and beyond

No it's not. You really should read the article: anandtech.com/show/10325/the-nvidia-geforce-gtx-1080-and-1070-founders-edition-review/9

10 series has full hardware async support.

They also said the 980ti was dx12 compatible.
Oh ya, it wasn't.

A tech review isn't proof.

No Async
Only preemption

>nvidia had their own methods that achieve the same goal
Yeah, except it doesn't. The performance uplift from preemption performed in software is nowhere near that seen by a hardware solution.

No it fucking doesn't. The article literally explains to you how Nvidia are still handling scheduling in software, yet you're so tech-illiterate that you don't even understand the words that you're reading.

Imagine actually posting the proof that you have no idea what you're talking about so that other people can laugh at you.

Uhhh seriously you might want to do some research.

There are several reviews that show the 10 series has full hardware async support.

Here's another: pcper.com/reviews/Graphics-Cards/GeForce-GTX-1080-8GB-Founders-Edition-Review-GP104-Brings-Pascal-Gamers/Async

You really are not very smart are you. The fundamental hardware differences in the 10 series are designed for async. That's why it's so good at VR.

10 series has full hardware async support.

enjoy the better built and more efficient card user. and watch pajeets cry itt

>The performance uplift from preemption performed in software is nowhere near that seen by a hardware solution.
it may not be as fast BUT IT STILL ACHIEVE THE SAME FUCKING RESULT. Proof? look at all them pascal having performance gains in async.
>but muh time spy isn't true async
HAHAHAHAHAHA what an idiot

Funny. Talos is just a Vulkan wrapper for OpenGL. Even the devs admitted it is a pile of shit and they just did it to be first out the door saying they had Vulkan. Just tagging it over OpenGL does not an API make.

Nvidia posters are only here to do one thing and one thing only. Shill. Don't even try to reason with them it's a losing battle.

>the truth is shilling


>what is dx11_3