Tfw I just fell for the 144hz meme

>tfw I just fell for the 144hz meme

I also have an nVidia card, so I guess that means I won't be able to use Freesync? I couldn't be bothered to pay extra for a monitor with G-sync because 1. I have never noticed screen tearing while gaming on at 60hz monitor and 2. Screen tearing is seemingly less noticable on a higher refresh rate.

I just got that monitor and its fucking shit
doesnt even reproduce colors correctly, how can a $100 IPS monitor be better than a $500 one at that?

144hz is so nice, not even close to being a meme
Screen tearing is a joke and it rarely happens.

If you buy a good monitor its an investment, since you'll be good for at least 10 years or get bored of it, or baited by some fancy new tech. I find it strange when people get $700 GPUs and then hook up $200 displays.

idk what monitor you bought but I got my 144hz for around 240 usd

i find it strange for people to spend $700 on a display to solve placebo.

>muh screen tearing
son on a 144hz display you must be extremely anal by such things because its far less noticeable.

maybe get your eyes checked.

>>tfw I just fell for the 144hz meme

fucking faggot kys dumb chink

IPS panels tend to represent colors better than a TN panel. I will miss the vibrant colors on my IPS display.

This is the G-sync monitor I considered buying: Acer XB240HA. It did cost more, though, and I can't stand the glossy plastic look. Saw some videos on how to make glossy plastic look like brushed aluminium, but fuck doing that around the bezels. Other than that the specs seemed to be around the same.

I don't know if it's good or not yet user, but I'm really excited to try it out. I tried it on a friend's computer and it was smooth as fuck.

I got the ASUS MG248Q. Forgot to mention that, sorry.

the human eye cant see more than 60hz

>I will miss the vibrant colors on my IPS display.
yea when i switched to the asus 278q the color difference was immediately noticeable compared to my 1080p ips monitor. You get used to it though.

>the human eye cant see more than 60hz
keep repeating shit you've seen posted on Sup Forums m8

my ass can see past 60 hz

>There will never be a good 1440p ips 144hz monitor with extremely thin bezels and low response times

I'm glad I fell for the 4k meme instead
IPS with great colors and amazing ppi

Three things: I have a $1,300 display, I'm a graphic designer, and I have tested 100% perfect color vision. The display is only 60hz. Not everyone here plays games son.

I got an IPS freesync (mg279q) and the piece of shit cant even pick up whites and blacks correctly, shit makes my eyes bleed whenever a pic is really bright and it cant pick up subtle variations.

meanwhile my regular ips monitor is right next to it and does fine.

Some user told me the "ips" ones arent even true ips, dont know if its true


When this graphics designer says "the human eye can't see more than 60hz", my interpretation is that he refers to a refresh rate which is unreal

In other words, more frames increase surrealism within a confined perspective of a resolution versus the expanded worldsphere which contains increased lower surrealism.

Higher resolutions draw closer to fidelity, the resolution of reality, which contain virtualities.

Glad I fell for the 4k since I can watch movies with chicks who want to see my 4k in higher resolution

whatever floats your boat, this whole my 60hz is better than yours is just projection

>Spend $450 on Freesync monitor and $300 on AMD card
>Get to fuck around in DOOM and DS3 and say "whoa how smooth!"
>Realize I dont actually play modern games that often
>Cant watch movies, draw, or browse Sup Forums because colors look like shit no matter how much i fiddle with calibration settings

worst meme Ive fallen for
someone end me

What brand user?

Asus mg279q

My mg279q is the same as my Dell u2515h, barely any difference. But remember to set it to racing mode because the default scenery mode is shit and too sharp. Check out the ICC profile at tftcentral and remember to set the brightness and colors to the same settings.

>Some user told me the "ips" ones arent even true ips, dont know if its true

You fell for a meme like rotational velocidensity in mp3s.

mg279q here too

Racing Mode
Brightness 70
Contrast 60
Colortemp Normal
TraceFree 40
VividPixel 25

is the most accurate you can get with this monitor, for me atleast

>fell for the 144Hz meme
>everything is smooth as fuck

i like smooth

slow is smooth and smooth is fast

>fell for the 144Hz meme
>everything is smooth as fuck
>move my mouse more to increase the smoothness
>ah fuck this is well spent
>poorfags be jelly of my smooth jerky jitteriness