
Will Sup Forums stop suggesting Unix based operating systems (except Mac OS X) for people?

I mean because of all the people switching from windows, we now have:
dbus activation (which can't be disabled cleanly)
lock in (gnome depends on systemd, systemd depends on glibc, and systemd depends on linux kernel)
gnome removing options to protect "brand identity"

Because of all these things I have to use Gentoo with modified ebuilds just to be able to use decent software. (Konsole, Kate, KSsyguard, etc)

Also, don't give the "if you don't like it, change it" argument. If I fork fork dbus, and remove activation, all my bug reports will be CLOSED WON'T FIX and I won't get any support in irc.

Other urls found in this thread:

misery loves company

This is hilarious

This level of boogeyman is unprecedented in our time

Install gentoo

>misery loves company

I already did.

Install it again

Get you and your fellow autists together and fork dbus. Then someone will reply to your bug reports

Install BSD.

Install Plan 9.

Instill menuetOS

>If I fork fork dbus, and remove activation, all my bug reports will be CLOSED WON'T FIX and I won't get any support in irc

Fix it yourself then. Isn't that one of the benefits of Linux :')

Install Funtoo.

One of the benefits of linux isn't having to deal with windows, and lennart are removing that benefit.

I'd say we're still pretty far off, douchenozzle.

Your attempt to fit in on Sup Forums has failed.

Hi lennart

Install TempleOS

>working on interoperability and shared technology for X Window System desktops.
That sounds brilliant, about bloody time. I hate how all you have to do is install one more programme on Linux and all of a sudden you gnome *and* KDE installed on your XFCE distro.

user, it's not "all of a sudden". KDE does not go gently and silently as some random package in your update, it pulls some 100 dependencies and has about 200 Mb in size. If you're gonna update / install shit blindly, do it on wangblows where it's at least expected from the userbase to hit 'next, bowse, next, next, finish'


Will Microsoft stop posting obvious FUD and lies on Sup Forums?

More importantly, will Sup Forums ever figure out that Sup Forums is getting spammed by paid fucking Microsoft trolls and do something about it for once?

>If you're gonna update / install shit blindly
Not even installing shit blindly because as far as I'm aware your options are either
>Put up with the insanely amount of bloat installing ONE application adds to your installation
>Do not use that application
Those are awesome choices.
>do it on wangblows where it's at least expected from the userbase to hit 'next, bowse, next, next, finish'
>Hurrdurr go back to Windows if you don't like how it's done
Ladies and gentleman, I give you the Linux community.

>the Qt/KDE libs are "bloat"
Okay, Microsoft. Please leave now, you're drunk.

I don't even use windows, I use Gentoo.

Nice fud, gnome akaa fischerprice Linux shill

Kde 5.7.3 is as light as xfce

Just fucking install KDE Neon

>Three separate desktop environments are not bloat
You can call me a winshill all you want but this is clearly fucking retarded and trying to clean it up is a good thing.